does anybody smoke or Drink while on gear?
does anybody smoke or Drink while on gear?
not a good idea
like anything--moderation,
Never drink, in my opinion.
why would u put more stress on ure organs ie liver n kidneys
I AM NOT PROUD OF IT BUT YES... I not only smoked 2 packs a day and drank 6-10 vodka and OJs a night, but I often juiced and rarley worked out... and diet... yeah right....
Now I use less juice than ever, but I dont smoke at all, drink a few every 3 or 4 months and on my worst diet day I at least take in 200 grams of protien just in shakes... and i dont eat any junk at all... still not a big eater however.
Lemme tell you now that I live healthy, even off the juice I can gain faster and more than a juicer that is drinking and abusing his body... I see it every day, they have a little size due to drol or ball, but its mainly bloat and they get winded after a few sets...
With my diet I can pass for natural and have all my hair and no zits or tits... ( I had puffy nips, bloat, and tons of zits when drinking and not eating right )...
I LEARNED THE HARD WAY, I am suprised I have any liver left at all, but I am in great shape and will never ever ever **** up my body and let my love for pussy get the best of me again.
I used to have no problem dating a girl who drank or smoked... now I wouldnt think about it... if she eats like **** I may date her but we just wont be eating together.
YOU DRINK AND YOU SMOKE !! your asking for trouble!!! dont ****en do it it will RUIN yes RUIN your ****en cycle my first cycle was miraculous and i had a good diet and no smoking and or drinking my second cyce was pathetic and i partied and did not sleep as much and drank and smoked and dipped tobacco YOU WILL PAY !! i sure as hell did !!
yeah, let me repeat what he said.. it will be worse than not using juice... you will get lazy, and bad side effects, and will loose all you thought you gained and possibly more...
Smoking, take it from a 20 year smoker, you can juice and smoke and gain even, but you are really just pissing away half of each cycle....
i drink in mod on weekends.. cycle or no cycle because IMO weekends dont count for anything you can eat drink and do what ever you want and it doesnt count!because its the weekend! now if its during the week.. all rules and laws are in effect
smoke what?
i probably been having about 4-5 fags a day and drink only at weekends. think ill pack it in tho
ROFLMAO OMG LAFFING SO HARDOriginally Posted by mark22
i drink maybe 4 times a year
i have not had a drink in over 9 month. i do have a smoke once in a while.
look at this guy he smokes and drinks on gear
look at this guy he smokes and drinks on gear
Please can we make this a stickyOriginally Posted by mark22
Smoking and drinking when your NOT on gear isnt good. Ya gotta love this, people asking if its OK to drink, and smoke cigarettes and weed, and whatever else while on gear, I think people are just asking permission to feel GOOD about thier BAD habbits. If its not healthy in the first place it sure as hell aint gonna be healthy when your juiced.
dude, you've gotta be like 12.Originally Posted by taiboxa
no just bored outta me mind ... sheash live a littleOriginally Posted by jordanfanatic23
Originally Posted by mark22
Dude give up the fags, they can't be good for ya!
In moderation.
I got hammered one night while on Fina and was ****ed up for a couple days.
nah i just like to bust ya' humpOriginally Posted by taiboxa
i never actually cycled before , but I heard when on cycle , your tolerance level for alcohol goes down.
Originally Posted by mark22
why would you spend all that money on gear and then blow it and not get optimal gains while on it???![]()
and put more stress on liver?
hump.. ha thats a funny wordOriginally Posted by jordanfanatic23
i defintly do not drink on a cycle smoking weed doesnt effect me but i still only do that in moderation. although i dont recomend it i used to do it ed its not worth it
I drink once a year, and it's on my B-day. To be honest I dont even know why I do it then because I dont enjoy it at all. It ruins with my eating, sleeping, gym strength, dehydration, mindset, and I feel like **** the next day. I don't condone smoking, and it can add to the sh*t you feel the next day even if you didnt drink. And when cycling they can both mess with gains and health more than normally because of those reasons.
again... smoking what?
Anything! Don't smoke cigarettes, crack, weed, meth or any other drugs! Its no good for you and will f**k your cycle.Originally Posted by EatRite
I used to drink and smoke. Getting on cycle helped me stop that junk and I'm still not drinking and smoking. Feel great about it and don't want to start that junk again.
Smoking weed helps you eat A LOT more, I dont care what anyone says, I like it =)
Originally Posted by djgoodspeed
i was asking him what he was smoking???
his thread was asking if smoking was alright while on geaer... well it depends on what he is smoking on the degree or severity of how bad it is for him... if he's smoking pot once a month it isnt that big of a deal... if he's smoking 12 packs a day then it's probably not that great... i wanted him to specify exactlyw hat and how much he was smoking... without that info its hard to give him any advice on whether it is good or not... i know that it isnt good to do any smoking of anything, but wlhat he's doing could change my advice...............
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