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Thread: dbol question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    dbol question

    i know that dbol (5mg) gets active after about 3 hours or so, but wouldnt it be quite a waste if i take it during days when i dont workout ?..wont it be better just to use it days i workout, i take 25mg each day (4 weeks)

    1. 9am

    2. 12am

    3. 3pm

    4. 6pm

    5. 9pm

    wont it be better if i like take two about 11am, and go to the gym at about 3pm, i mean wont i then be using more of its "powers" lol..

  2. #2
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    No, the days you're not working out are the days your body is using the dbol to grow.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    No, the days you're not working out are the days your body is using the dbol to grow.
    aha , never though of that, aight then ill keep up the same "schedule"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Do you other bros also spread it out like this- one pill at a time?

    I take 10 mg with breakfast (8am), 10 at noon and 10 at dinner (6pm).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given



    Pharmaceutical Name: Methandrostenolone / methandienone
    Chemical structure: 17 beta-hydroxy-17alpha-methyl-1,4-androstadien-3-one
    Effective dose: 15-50 mg / day orally or 50-150 mg / week by injection
    Average Street-price: $0.35 - 1.00 per 5 mg tab
    Available Doses: 1,2, 5 and 10 mg tabs or 25 mg/ml in 50 ml vials

    Brands & Products:

    Ciba Dianabol (o.c.) (GB, G, US) 5 mg tabs
    L.P Standard Labs. Co. Anabol Tablets (Thailand) 5 mg tabs
    Leiras Anabolin (o.c.) (F) 5 mg tabs
    Pharmacia Co. Dupnitza Bionabol (BG) 2 or 5 mg tabs
    Polfa Metanabol (PL) 1 or 5 mg tabs
    Leciva Stenolon (CZ) 1 or 5 mg tabs
    Company Unknown Methandrostenolonum. (Russian D-bol) 5 mg tabs
    Takeshima-Kodama Andoredan (Japan) 5 mg tabs
    Major Dialone (o.c.) (US) 5 mg tabs
    Sato Encephan (Japan) 5 mg tabs
    Galenika / Gedeon Richter Nerobol (YU/HU) 5 mg tabs
    Gedeon Richter Nerobol (BG) 5 mg tabs
    P&B Labs. Private Ltd. Pronabol-5 (India) 5 mg tabs
    Meca Veterinary Anabolikum. 2.5% (G) 25 mg/ml in 2 ml
    Ttokkyo Labs Methandrostenolone 10 mg tabs
    Quimper metandiabol 25 mg/ml in 2 ml
    Company Unknown Trinergic (India) 5 mg caps
    Naposim (R) 5 mg tabs


    Dianabol was originally developed by John Ziegler and released by Ciba in 1956. It has had a long stint of popularity since then, especially in the US. Until the late 70's methandrostenolone was all the rave. Perhaps the most popular steroid ever. Known users include every Mr.Olympia from Scott to Zane. Of course the doses used have severely increased since then. Its popularity was also the cause of its demise. Almost a decade ago now the original D-bol was discontinued when the FDA drew the conclusion that its therapeutic uses were minimal compared to the amount of bodybuilders who were using it. But methandrostenolone has never been out of circulation really. Especially the Russians appeared quite fond of it and Russian D-bol is one of the best and most marketed forms of the substance methandrostenolone today.

    Methandrostenolone is without a doubt one of the best, if not the best product for people who compete in non-aerobic oriented sports. It promotes drastic protein synthesis, enhances glycogenolysis (repletion of glycogen after exercise) and stimulates strength in a very direct and fast-acting way. It may be less useful to those competing in aerobic events as it also diminishes cell respiration1. But methandrostenolone manifests itself in a distinct manner : rapid and fast-acting build-up of strength and mass is noticed. That's why its often used at the beginning of cycle consisting of mostly injectables like long-acting testosterone esters and nandrolone. Since the effects of such drugs don't fully come out for the first 10-15 days, methandrostenolone is dosed in to provide immediate and visible results. It has a rather weak androgenic component and an obviously quite strong and visible anabolic component. Its effects are largely non-AR mediated, which is documented by its rather low influence on the natural endocrine system2 and the fact that it decreases rather than increases red blood cell content in the blood. Which means that one worry users of Dianabol, especially short term, needn't fear is the dramatic shutdown of natural testosterone production as is often the case with very androgenic compounds. Of course this effect is dose-dependent. It still has a mild androgenic component, meaning in high doses (30+ mg daily) androgen-mediated side-effects can be noted (acne, male pattern hair loss).

    Because of its fast effects, immense popularity and the increasing "more-is-better" sentiment among bodybuilders, increasingly high doses are indeed being used and recommended. One has to wonder about the logic of such recommendations however, since high dose urine-analysis showed portions of unmetabolized compounds were being excreted3. In simpler terms that means that with higher doses, higher amounts of unchanged methandrostenolone were being excreted in the urine. This would indicate that the current stance needs to be reviewed and that smaller doses, taken multiple times per day would deliver better results and maximal use of the steroid. Dianabol simply is highly effective in low doses(25-40 mg ed). Som say Anadrol, a comparable steroid to methandrostenolone, is better, but its taken in doses of 50-150 mg. If one was to take methandrostenolone in those doses better gains could be expected. Methandrostenolone is also a lot safer in as opposed to the highly toxic and progestagenic anadrol. If one takes into account that the half-life of methandrostenolone in the body is only 3-6 hours, this theory makes even more sense. So taking your daily dose spread over 3 or 4 doses may elicit a better effect than only 1 or 2 doses. Methandrostenolone is quite effective in these lower doses by the way. Milligram for Milligram its more powerful than a testosterone ester, generally considered the best mass-builder.

    A few notes there need to be made however. Not everyone should try and spread their doses out over multiple servings. First of all there is a slightly lower efficacy to take into account here as well due to two characteristics. The first being that you feed the total amount to the liver in smaller portions, yet the liver still manages to metabolize the same amount. Percentage wise that means less methandienone would make it through totally. The second would be that the peak levels aren't quite as high since no large doses are taken all at once. These two facts make it hard to recommend that just anyone take multiple doses. People who take moderate to low doses of ONLY methandrostenolone should probably opt for a single morning dose. This delivers a higher peak level and more survival of your only steroid. It also, due to the short half-life, makes the drug clear the body before the body produces its largest dose of natural testosterone, the early hours of sleep. Combined with the already mild effect at the AR, you could keep a good amount of your gains when using clomid or Nolvadex post-cycle. For those using it in conjunction with other, mostly injectable steroids, two doses seems to be the better choice, if you are taking in excess of 40 mg a day perhaps even three doses.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    great post bro, but i didnt understand the part about several doses, i take 5mg every 3 hours (5 times a day), would that mean that i would be better off with 2 doses only, or does that depend on my livers ability to do its work?..

  7. #7
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by farrebarre
    i take 5mg every 3 hours (5 times a day)
    That's the correct way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    That's the correct way.
    aight then, just got a bit confused after booz's dbols post

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    30-35 mgs 3 times a day

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    5 times is a little excessive, 3 times would be fine but you'd want to bump it to 30mg. 10mg 3x a day.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    5 times is a little excessive, 3 times would be fine but you'd want to bump it to 30mg. 10mg 3x a day.
    lets say i would go with that, is it bad if i run out of dbols like lets say a couple of days up to 1 week ahead of schedule ?...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by farrebarre
    lets say i would go with that, is it bad if i run out of dbols like lets say a couple of days up to 1 week ahead of schedule ?...
    Run it for 4 weeks at least

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    5 times a day is correct, dbol has a 3 hour half life i believe. By taking them 5 times a day if keeps your blood levels as consistant as possible.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i take mine 3-4 times a day. Yes you should take it ED not just when you workout.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    5 times is a little excessive, 3 times would be fine but you'd want to bump it to 30mg. 10mg 3x a day.
    spot on bro

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    farrebarre, get the feeling that there really isn't one right answer? Some say five times is too much, others say that it is the only way.

    Logically if the half life is three hours, you are doing the right thing, I just can't remember to do anything six times a day.

    Three seems to work, but then I have never tried taking it five times a day.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    farrebarre, get the feeling that there really isn't one right answer? Some say five times is too much, others say that it is the only way.

    Logically if the half life is three hours, you are doing the right thing, I just can't remember to do anything six times a day.

    Three seems to work, but then I have never tried taking it five times a day.
    lol yeah ur right. its quite easy for me since i eat about 6 times / day and take the dbol when i eat.

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