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Thread: whats the deal with the "first cycle"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    whats the deal with the "first cycle"

    hey guys, everyone always say no cycle is as good as the first cycle ans this has always made me curious. is it coz u get good results with low doses coz of the body not used to the juice?
    is there anyone who had better gains from their 2nd or maybe 3rd cycle?

    im only 4weeks through but i already wish i would have done test E instead of sustanon

  2. #2
    why do you wish you had done test e instead of sus wen you've never done any gear b4 whatsoever. You are right in a way that because your body has never had any juice in it, then it will probably respond better the first time, im sure different people have had different results at different stages etc, etc. what are you runnin anyway at the minute?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Britguy
    why do you wish you had done test e instead of sus wen you've never done any gear b4 whatsoever. You are right in a way that because your body has never had any juice in it, then it will probably respond better the first time, im sure different people have had different results at different stages etc, etc. what are you runnin anyway at the minute?
    nah just coz most ppl seem to like test, and from what ive read here its best for a first cycle (but then again, i coudlnt get my hands on test lol).

    right now im running 250mg susta/week for 12weeks, 200mg deca/week for 10weeks and 25mg/day dbols as kickstart the 4 first weeks. got everything for the pct, and running 20mg nolva ed and 200mg b6 ed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Doses are low!

    I'd double the sust and deca...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BlocRoc
    Doses are low!

    I'd double the sust and deca...

    yeah i was thinking of that before i started, but i found out that coz its my first cycle i wont need that much, 250mg susta was recommended etc

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quick question?

    How are you shooting 250 of sust EOD?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BlocRoc
    Quick question?

    How are you shooting 250 of sust EOD?

    aight, i shoot 0,5ml susta, 1ml deca on tuesdays and fridays
    Last edited by farrebarre; 03-12-2005 at 06:03 PM.

  8. #8
    first off mate, sustanon is TEST, just a blend of four different ones with a range of esters, some are short some are long hence sticking EoD

    secondly, see how you go with the low dosages, if you use the least amount possibly and can grow then why take more, its all in the diet, if thats spot on then the gear will do the rest,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Britguy
    first off mate, sustanon is TEST, just a blend of four different ones with a range of esters, some are short some are long hence sticking EoD
    yeah i know that, but i was thinking that, if i would run test only and got some sides i would know from what it was, but if i was to run the cycle that im running right now, i wouldnt know what my body reacted too and for the next cycle u dont know what to pick or what to leave out

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