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Thread: 17 year olds, lookin at steroids

  1. #1

    17 year olds, lookin at steroids

    hey, brand new to these forums so i don't know if this has been talked about before or not, so sorry if it has been.
    im 17 years old, a wrestler, and looking to put on serious mass and serious strength for next season. Some people have told me dbols would be a good steroid to use at my age instead of some of the stronger ones. Ive been working out for about 2 years, and im about 180 pounds (coming up again from cutting weight for the season). I'm pretty much just looking for advice from some people here who have been there and done that. And what kind of things would i have to look into before i juiced. thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Your 17? I have one piece of advice for you when using steroids, and that is dont use them, you will **** yourself up man, just eat eat eat, thats all you need

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    1) you need to be 18 to be on this board

    2) 17 siht you shoulden't even be thinking of using steriod's yet give it another 6 year first

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    You will be banned because of your age. But, your too young, wait until your atleast 18. And, dont listen to those people who are telling you Dbol, cuz they dont know what they are talking about. If you do choose to cycle run test only. If you are going to stack. Stack anything you use with test. IMO you are entirely too young. Good luck with your wrestling.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Do alot of research, you can do that in this site and forums, but you are 17... When is your birthday? See you then.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    yeah man, don't mess with your body right now or you'll for sure regret it come years down the road. your test levels are already extremely high right now so take advantage of that. Trust me i'm a serious ectomorph, i put on weight with extreme difficulty, i started working out at 18 and within one year, I put on some serious muscle weight. Just get your diet in check and hit the weights hard. if you choose to use AAS in the future, wait for your time. That time is not now though! good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i give him 10 more mins

  8. #8
    holy crap i got alot of replies wicked fast. well i have a couple friends who are 17 and 18 who have juiced and they say they ahven't noticed any side effects. my birthday is over the summer though so i figured id do a cycle in the fall if anything. thanks everyone for replying so fast.
    oh and BTW, is there a place on this page where people post their before and after cycle pictures? that would be interesting to see...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    the best steroid you can take at your age is food!! Food is the most anabolic thing you can put into your body. Listen to what the people on this board have to say, they know what they are talking about. Here's a good read on why you shouldnt be doing steroids at your age too

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout125
    holy crap i got alot of replies wicked fast. well i have a couple friends who are 17 and 18 who have juiced and they say they ahven't noticed any side effects. my birthday is over the summer though so i figured id do a cycle in the fall if anything. thanks everyone for replying so fast.
    oh and BTW, is there a place on this page where people post their before and after cycle pictures? that would be interesting to see...
    Side effect dont always show up right away, the worst side effects will bite you years down the road.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    at your age, you HTPA is fully developed, by inducing steroids into your body before it is fully develop, you run the risk of having low test levels for the rest of your life, impotence at a very young age, etc. Not worth it IMO

  12. #12
    side effects such as.....testicular shrinkage and stuff? O/T a little bit, buti used animal stak when i was 16 and that brought me up to like 185-190 pounds, and i dind't get any side effects from that like people say you do. isn't that very similar to steroids?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout125
    side effects such as.....testicular shrinkage and stuff? O/T a little bit, buti used animal stak when i was 16 and that brought me up to like 185-190 pounds, and i dind't get any side effects from that like people say you do. isn't that very similar to steroids?
    No they arent really the same, steroids are man made chemicals designed to alter your hormones to enhance muscle growth, taking them at such a young age can really hurt you natural hormone production.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    dude, thats not even close to steroids!!! You need to do a lot of research before you even think about putting something into your body. Any time you take a steroid, your natural testosterone production gets shut down, its the bodies way of remaining in balance. You should not be shutting down you natural test production at your age b/c it may never recover. Wouldnt suck to be impotent at 18? Are a few lbs of muscle worth that risk? This is some serious sh!t that people put into their bodies and without proper knowledge of how to use them correctly, how to take necessary measures to reduce the chances of sides effects, and how to recover from them, you run a very high risk of doing some serious damage to your body. These risks are even higher when teenagers start taking them. Steroids dont make you big, food, diet, and proper training make you big. Steroids should only be used once you reach your genetic potential and at 17 you are no where near it

  15. #15
    yeah, all i heard for a while was don't take animal stak. then people were like whatever. and nothing happened except me gaining muscle and my lifts going up alot. But back to the juicing. Dind't that artical up there that was posted say 18 is an ok to start thinking about it? im 18 in like 4 months. the really only side effect i am worried about is not being fertile when im older. i do't cre about the acne or anything else.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    dude, thats not even close to steroids!!! You need to do a lot of research before you even think about putting something into your body. Any time you take a steroid, your natural testosterone production gets shut down, its the bodies way of remaining in balance. You should not be shutting down you natural test production at your age b/c it may never recover. Wouldnt suck to be impotent at 18? Are a few lbs of muscle worth that risk? This is some serious sh!t that people put into their bodies and without proper knowledge of how to use them correctly, how to take necessary measures to reduce the chances of sides effects, and how to recover from them, you run a very high risk of doing some serious damage to your body. These risks are even higher when teenagers start taking them. Steroids dont make you big, food, diet, and proper training make you big. Steroids should only be used once you reach your genetic potential and at 17 you are no where near it
    Not to mention that this guy hasnt ever reached the point in his life where his natual testosterone production is at its highest. Useing steroids before this point in life is a sure way to get yourself into some trouble.

  17. #17
    longhorn. obviously im not posting now and gonna start a cycle on monday. thats why i joined here, to look into these kinds of things. figure out what needs to be researched, what would need ot be taken, and what would need to be taken afterwords to reduce side effects like you said.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    it doesn't seem like u're ready to listen. u're gonna do what u feel is right anyway, no matter what we say.

  19. #19
    i am ready to listen to you guys, but at the same time people say are those risks worth a couple pounds of muscle? and i see it as this: Are those risks worth a possible college scholarship, being one of the top senior wrestlers, winning easy, and being stronger then anyone who comes in your path? some of you guys might say to that, be a better wrestler, or something along those lines. but if youve ever seen the movie The Program, some people don't have the natural freakish talent, and you do what you got to do to win. im not really looking at it as a body building thing like most of you guys do i bet, i guess im lookin at it more like...the athletic advantages of it.

  20. #20
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout125
    i am ready to listen to you guys, but at the same time people say are those risks worth a couple pounds of muscle? and i see it as this: Are those risks worth a possible college scholarship, being one of the top senior wrestlers, winning easy, and being stronger then anyone who comes in your path? some of you guys might say to that, be a better wrestler, or something along those lines. but if youve ever seen the movie The Program, some people don't have the natural freakish talent, and you do what you got to do to win.
    Steroids WILL NOT make you the wrestling machine you want to be, hard work and dedication and focus will get you there, not juice. Think about it this way, the earlier you use steroids in you wrestling career the earlier your going to burn out, now do you wanna go on forever or only for a little while.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Ok here are the risks I would be concerned with @ your age: Stunted growth, and more importantly your natural test levels might be permanently supressed which will mess you up for the rest of your life. Sure acne is manageable, but those other two side effects @ your age SHOULD be enough to make you hold off until your mid-20's.

  22. #22
    although they woulnd't make me a wrestling machine, they would make me stronger then anyone else in the weightclass for the most part. and im just asking these questions for knowledge. and im listening to what you all are saying and i appreciate everyone replying to this post. thanks

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout125
    although they woulnd't make me a wrestling machine, they would make me stronger then anyone else in the weightclass for the most part. and im just asking these questions for knowledge. and im listening to what you all are saying and i appreciate everyone replying to this post. thanks
    Cool man. As hard as it is to hold off, you'll thank yourself later.

  24. #24

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout125
    although they woulnd't make me a wrestling machine, they would make me stronger then anyone else in the weightclass for the most part. and im just asking these questions for knowledge. and im listening to what you all are saying and i appreciate everyone replying to this post. thanks
    Absolutely nothing against you, were just trying to save you from having problems down the road. I actually have a few friends who are in thier early-mid 20s who cant even have sex without the help of viagra, because they have used too many steroids at too young of an age. I dont know about you but not being able to get it up when you in your twenties doesnt sound like fun to me .

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    running a few dbols arent going to make you as strong as you think. they're not going to make you superman. that is what you're planning on running right? just dbol? complete waste of a cycle imo.

  27. #27
    yeah that doens't sound like fun at all. but i don't see myself using a ton of roids, just a cycle(months worth) and thats it. put on the extra 15 pounds and the extra strength. and all those side effects don't happen to everyone i bet. although i know they still could happen to me.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by PrairieDawg
    running a few dbols arent going to make you as strong as you think. they're not going to make you superman. that is what you're planning on running right? just dbol? complete waste of a cycle imo.
    yeah well i don't know much about juicing, and i don't mean to offend you or anything dude but im around 180 right now and im 5'11, ive been lifting around 2 years or so, take out the 5 month wrestling seasons out of that. i looked at your profile to see if i could see ur avatar as a bigger picture and i saw ur 5'11 and 180 and workin out for 4 years...and u cycled over the summer with dbols. did you lose weight or something?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout125
    yeah that doens't sound like fun at all. but i don't see myself using a ton of roids, just a cycle(months worth) and thats it. put on the extra 15 pounds and the extra strength. and all those side effects don't happen to everyone i bet. although i know they still could happen to me.
    take it from me and probably every other guy on this board, once u give aas a try and u see the results, u won't stop. u'll want to get bigger, stronger and feel better. that's just the cold truth. it's pretty sad to hear u talk like this...saying that wrestling scholarship is worth it....because u'll find out sooner than later that it's not.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    hey bro i used to wrestle in HS. Its not a good idea from a wrestling stand point. U want to be the top weight in your class to have an advantage... so what happens if u go over? Now your going to have to be in a class u might not want to be in. A month of dbol will do nothing for u. U will lose anything u gain from that and might even be weaker in the end because its a waste of time and money to do a dbol only cycle (and for a month... even bigger waste if thats possable). Think it over... i waited till college and im glad i did.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout125
    yeah that doens't sound like fun at all. but i don't see myself using a ton of roids, just a cycle(months worth) and thats it. put on the extra 15 pounds and the extra strength. and all those side effects don't happen to everyone i bet. although i know they still could happen to me.
    Just so you know, you dont just gain strenth and size and keep it when you use steroids, they're kind of like a 2 steps forward one step backward kinda thing, coming off steroids can really f*ck with you. You begin to drop in weight slightly, your motivation slow down a bit, you feel tired, your joints ache from all the heavy lifting, you get slightly depressed and the list goes on, theyre just like any other drug, you feel great when your on them but when you come off, its a different story.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    hey bro i used to wrestle in HS. Its not a good idea from a wrestling stand point. U want to be the top weight in your class to have an advantage... so what happens if u go over? Now your going to have to be in a class u might not want to be in. A month of dbol will do nothing for u. U will lose anything u gain from that and might even be weaker in the end because its a waste of time and money to do a dbol only cycle (and for a month... even bigger waste if thats possable). Think it over... i waited till college and im glad i did.
    thanks for the advice dude. but from a going over weight point, thereno way id be overweight lol. id pass out before i don't make weight. and a cyle of dbol really won't do anything? i have a buddy who plays football who did deca i hink, and hes like 5'8 and 205 pounds, kids a monster.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout125
    yeah well i don't know much about juicing, and i don't mean to offend you or anything dude but im around 180 right now and im 5'11, ive been lifting around 2 years or so, take out the 5 month wrestling seasons out of that. i looked at your profile to see if i could see ur avatar as a bigger picture and i saw ur 5'11 and 180 and workin out for 4 years...and u cycled over the summer with dbols. did you lose weight or something?
    no offence taken. just trying to let you know its not worth your time. I'm 195 now acually. but yes I did a cycle over the summer with dbols, test and proper pct. but I still lost all the weight I gained. And by doing striaght dbol I can guarantee you will not keep more than 2 pounds even if you take the time to do pct. All you'll do is screw your body up in the long run. Think about this long and hard buddy. Its not worth it.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    the gym
    I know how it is with droping weight, but what would be the point if u had to try that hard and become so weak just to try and make weight? Yes i know for a fact that u will lose almost all gains from a dbol only cycle. Dbol is a great steroid and i use it to jump start my cycles, but alone its crap and a waste like i said.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout125
    thanks for the advice dude. but from a going over weight point, thereno way id be overweight lol. id pass out before i don't make weight. and a cyle of dbol really won't do anything? i have a buddy who plays football who did deca i hink, and hes like 5'8 and 205 pounds, kids a monster.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS
    steroids are not wonder pills or magic injectable potions and your body at your age produces so much testosterone it's scarry. don't shut that wonderfull pluthera of natural test that you possess down by using roids bro
    you can get to 200+ lbs easy with propper diet and exercise

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Thegr8One
    steroids are not wonder pills or magic injectable potions and your body at your age produces so much testosterone it's scarry. don't shut that wonderfull pluthera of natural test that you possess down by using roids bro
    you can get to 200+ lbs easy with propper diet and exercise
    180 to 200 from now until november? i duno dude

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS
    oh hell yeah bro just take in 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight
    most of this should be from real food sources instead of shakes and if you can lift the weights more than 8 times they are too light lift hard eat right and you'll have it done before then.

  38. #38
    yeah that was my goal, but i dindt think i could put 20lbs on from now until nov. the size inst really the reason i want to juice, its the strength....

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN . . . **** it. You are really going to **** yourself if you don't. These guys can't stress enough the importance of age and ability before you juice. You are way better off looking at the "Bulking" diet sticky for getting huge at your age. Besides, with the D-bol . . . you are going to put on a ton of water, and the keepable gains are minimal at best. Your strength will bottom out, and you will be lucky if you don't go into major depression when you come off. Your test will drop so low you won't want to do anything, let alone lift or wrestle. You should just bump your calories up to about 4000cals or so over the summer, you will put on mass like a madman . . . maybe look into the dogcrap lifting routine, too. Best of luck . . . please don't hurt yourself at such a young age bro'.

  40. #40
    ".....calories up to about 4000cals or so over the summer, you will put on mass like a madman . . . maybe look into the dogcrap lifting routine, too."

    what is the dogcrap lifting routine? and one mroe thing before im going to bed.....has anyone ever heard of a routine where you do no arm iscolation exercises, like upper body one day, then lower body. but say on upper body day, not doing bis or tris? my friend wants us to try a routine like that, and ive been doing it for about a week, but im kind of sketched out on the arms at all thing. how are they supposed to grow if you don't work them out? we do every other exericise...benching, rows, shrugs, etc. but no bi or tri exercises! and i figured id ask you guys on here because you all seem to know alot more about lifting then if i posted this question on a teen lifting forum. thanks

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