Critique me please, be honestl. I wanna know what im lacking.
Critique me please, be honestl. I wanna know what im lacking.
traps and forarms stood out to me (need to be worked on)
and this shouldnt be posted here
Sorry about that, Natty except for 6 Weeks Var cycle, that i didnt see much from at all, 40mg ED
Thanks, yes i cant get the Traps to grow well at all, i dont really work my forearms by themselves, but i guess i will be now!
i would say work on the chest
why 2 threads? if you are patient you will get plenty of traffic to your thread. IMO you have build a good base. Forearms and traps lag. But you are a big man. Good work.
Calves need some work. Lat spread would be another. back looks good overall. quad sweep could be deeper. The posterior deltoid can also use some work.
Thanks guys this is good stuff... My bad on the 2 posts, im used to other forums where no rooms get traffic except the "steroid" room.
Hey chef is that you in that pic?
what do you do for your traps that they wont grow?\
ps... if you arent using wrist straps for your shrugs that is the reason they arent growing...
I use wrist wraps man. I usually either do shrugs with barbell which i use between 315 - 405lbs. OR a Shrug Machine that i stack over 500lbs worth of plates on. Then i do 3 or 4 sets of dumbell shrugs with 125lb dumbells.... No Growth...
you are doing too much weight.. chances are you arent getting a full range of motion... use 2 45's and a 25 on each side and stick your chest out while you do it (pinch your shoulder blades together)... one second up, hold at top for 3 seconds, and 1 second down... your traps dong look strong enough for 405 lbs, chances are you arent doing it correctly... use dumbells as well to the sides of your body... shrug that... but with traps ALWAYS STICK YOUR CHEST OUT when doing any type of shrug, dont shrug to your ears, but shrug to the back of your head...
Thanks for the advice, i dont wanna argue my strength, but im actually pretty strong, 400+lb BP and 1250lb leg press for reps. My traps arent that big, but it isnt difficult for me at all to get a full range of motion with 315lbs on the barbell. But I will definatlely try it that way for a while.
Yes it is. Traps for me grow eaisly. I go heavy for about three sets on the shrug machine but also pump out about 12reps to make sure they are growing the last few reps aren't perfect but at that oint it doesn't matter they are pretty fatigued.
just make sure you are sticking your chest out and pulling to your ears and holding it at the top for 2 or 3 seconds... again... pull to the back of your head, not your ears...
i'm not arguing your strength... just lower the weight and do it slowly and do the motion correctly...
most people who's traps "dont grow" dont do their shrugs right....
upright cable rows and lots of them.... and pull that cable all the way up to eye level or higher even. keep the chest out and pinch those trap back with every rep.... once you feel your traps really working, then you can move onto barbell upright rows... and if you still feel the traps are being targeted correctly then and only then move onto shrugs.. I suggest the shrug rack you step into... and my favorite it smith machine shrugs where you hold the bar behing your back....
work the delts and lats more ( or smarter ) to really emphasize that V shape... a tall guy needs as much shape as possible to not just look like a pole...
forearms need some work, reverse grip curls perhaps...
and calves need to be blasted into growth... itsvery dense fast twitch muscle fiber so consider working calves a few days a week until you spark some growth, then drop back to once or twice a week... I suggest seated calf raises with alot of weight...
Now final analysis... for natural you look fantastic... I suggest about 10 weeks of sust/tren EOD and a d-boll jump start... then really really really be super serious about PCT and then never touch anything besides clenbuteral again.... you look like you have pretty good genes and I think if you could keep 50% of the gains from one more cycle ( targeting your weak spots ) you will be in pretty good shape my man...
Good luck!
Thanks for the posts guys. I appreciate all the replys and I will take everything into consideration. I will definately be a little more deliberate about how I do my shrugs.
"I suggest about 10 weeks of sust/tren EOD and a d-boll jump start" - Dansbrook
Ill take this into consideration, but I know a couple of fellas that didnt like Tren to much, but doesnt mean I wouldnt.
I do know that my next cycle is gonna include Test, possibly Dbol/Anavar as well.
If anyone has anymore comments, feel free to post them!
By the way EATRight, i used that Concentration method for a while. Not really sure how long, i read an Article that the OAK wrote, on how to increase size in the traps area. So I have tried it, haha, but I shall give it another shot.
Originally Posted by TallB4Small
i've never read that, but would like to... post a link???
thanks man...
Its actually in a article he wrote in Muscle and Fitness... I can prolly find the issue if you would like.
Var. of shrugs w/ barbell behind back, upright rows(making sure to shrug shoulders at top). In order...forearms, traps, lengthen biceps, chest, lats
I think you just need to work on getting bigger overall.
He wasn't looking for anyone to bash his physique. He was simply asking what parts he needed to work on heavier.Originally Posted by redmeat
Im sure Red meat is just saying i need to work on making everything bigger.....
Thanks for lookin out Chef
Originally Posted by ChefJ
Wasn't bashing at all. I think everything on him is in proportion. Just needs more mass.
True, its just hard being so tall!Originally Posted by redmeat
True that Sparkle!
Its fun though...
also, try to do cable shrugs... use the cables coming from the ground, and put as much weight as youcan on each one and shrug... this pulls your traps out and up as you shrug... it will work on the outer shape of your traps... again... pinch the shoulders blades together and stick your chest out...
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