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Thread: Dc cycles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Dc cycles

    Well New to the board and was going to start my 2nd cycle and had a question.I have been doing DC training for a while and im going to do the first cycle while on DC.So basiclly what ive read he recomends for a beginer 500mg of test enanthate weekly with 50-75mg of EQ or fina EOD. And then you do 4 weeks on with two weeks off. During the 2 weeks of 50mg test propinate EOD with clomid and hcg and vovadex.
    1.Does this sound right or not?
    2.Should I run the nolva throughout the whole cycle?
    3.Should I split up the test on mon and thurs?
    4.Should I frontload on this cycle and if so how much?
    Im thinking about doing 3 1 month blasts with 2 week cruising. This will be my 2nd cycle fisrst was 400 test a week thats it. I got decent gains but didnt think that was enoguh for me. im 23 230 and have been training about 10 years(only the last year has been HIT training). Thanx guys and hope to learn alot here. Ive read steroid 101 and anabolics and a few other and been looking on the boards a while without posting.

  2. #2
    1. No...4 weeks on and 2 weeks off is a bad idea.
    2. Sure.
    3. Sure.
    4. If you want.

  3. #3
    Swellin Guest
    DC has gotten this to work for others. I have talked to DC trainees that like his cycles. I can't handle the hormonal roller coaster ride that goes along with the crazy dose variation (blast/cruise). I can't understand how lowering the dose of exo test and adding some AI's & SERMS will help keep your hpta are still adding exo test no matter what.

    Who am I to arguie with his results? I simply don't understand how the cycles would be beneficial.

    So...refer to Hooker's answers to the questions...I agree with him.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Swellin
    I can't understand how lowering the dose of exo test and adding some AI's & SERMS will help keep your hpta working....

    Because it won't....

    Who am I to arguie with his results? I simply don't understand how the cycles would be beneficial.

    His workout routines are very good (I used to subscribe to his newsletter a DECADE AGO!)...his cycles aren't. However, the main ingredient for both is intensity....which is where alot of his results come from, IMO...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    So for me being my first cycle what would you guys recomend while DC training? I still would like to do at least 6 weeks on 1 off or something to that effect

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bigcity
    So for me being my first cycle what would you guys recomend while DC training? I still would like to do at least 6 weeks on 1 off or something to that effect
    DC training = Very Good
    DC cycling = Very Bad

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I agree 100%.

    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    DC training = Very Good
    DC cycling = Very Bad

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    So would there be a specific type of gear use that would help me with this style of training? I know all the bascis and have read alot of gear but alot of iy seems to be geared towards volume training athletes. So what would be a good first cycle for me

  9. #9
    Swellin Guest
    The type of training will not dictate the type of gear you use. running a cycle while using the DC training methods might dictate the duration of the cycle, so you can match up the end of the cycle to coincide with the end of the last blast.

    Nothing like test e and dbol for a first cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    At what 500mg of test with 5mg of dbol EOD going up in dose? Also nolva throughout and finish with HCG and clomid?

  11. #11
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bigcity
    At what 500mg of test with 5mg of dbol EOD going up in dose? Also nolva throughout and finish with HCG and clomid?

    First, what are your stats? ht/wt/bf/years training
    Assuming that is in order....
    dbol is not run that way. Pick a dose....20-30mg for starters, and run that dose ED for 4-5 weeks. No need for hcg. Run nolva and clomid

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    6 foot 230 18% 10 which last two real serious

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