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Thread: Clen, with other supplements?

  1. #1

    Question Clen, with other supplements?

    Just wondering if anyone knows if Clen can be taken at the same time as other supps like Nitrix, L-Glutamine, Creatine?

    And which is better - Ketotifen or Benadryl?

    This might sound crazy, but I am thinking about doing a short cycle of Clen to see if it will help me lower my BF - currently 16,6%, 48 years old, 185 cm tall (6' 1"), 77 Kg (170 pounds), not taking other 'roids just yet. I, foolishly (newbie!!!), bought a whole heap of Dbol and Nolva, thinking a Dbol-only cycle was a good idea (see Mick Hart's e-books), but have been put off that idea by the more experienced here (thanks, guys!!!!). I also bought Clen, so thought I could put it to good use until I decide on a first 'roids cycle.

    Thanks, and also thanks for an excellent forum here - I really have learnt a lot already - although still a LONG way to go!!!

  2. #2
    You are 6'1 170 with 16%bf. This means you lack muscle mass. Change you weightlifting and adjust your diet and you will lean out and gain weight. No need for clen (which is not an anabolic by the way) or any other drugs. And in the future.....i would be very careful if i was you.........being that you are almost 50 years old there are risks you will be taking (blood pressure, prostate etc..)
    Last edited by colossus1; 03-14-2005 at 03:50 AM.

  3. #3
    I like Benadryl over Ketotifen for upgrading works at least as well, and is more readily available and cheaper.

    Ketotifen is better for PCT, though, as it has some properties Benadryl doesn't

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