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Thread: how to do this cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    how to do this cycle

    i want to start a cycle of sus and eq with some d boll , the eq i have is 50 mgs per ml , and the sus are individual amps of 250 mgs per ml, d boll are 5 mgs each. can someone tell me how to run a cycle with these compounds for 12-16 weeks. how many mgs of each do i need per week and what days should i inject during the week? please note i have done past cycles of test and edca before. thanks for all help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by njk
    i want to start a cycle of sus and eq with some d boll , the eq i have is 50 mgs per ml , and the sus are individual amps of 250 mgs per ml, d boll are 5 mgs each. can someone tell me how to run a cycle with these compounds for 12-16 weeks. how many mgs of each do i need per week and what days should i inject during the week? please note i have done past cycles of test and edca before. thanks for all help.
    Well, at 50mg/ml, and the Sust, you will be shooting a lot!!! sust needs to be run at 500mg a week and split up EOD. The EQ needs to be run at 400mg and run no shorter than 12 weeks. DBOL should be run 30mg ED for the first 4 weeks. That should help you get started...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    well i like
    1-4 dbol 25-30mg ed
    1-12 sus 125 eod
    1-13 eq 200mg 2x a wk.
    just imo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by juiceinthehood
    well i like
    1-4 dbol 25-30mg ed
    1-12 sus 125 eod
    1-13 eq 200mg 2x a wk.
    just imo.
    I like that, but switch it up a bit

    wk 1-4 dbol 30mg ED
    wk 1-14 Sust 125mg EOD
    wk 1-14 EQ 100mg EOD

    PCT begins 3 weeks after last sust/EQ shot

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    I like that, but switch it up a bit

    wk 1-4 dbol 30mg ED
    wk 1-14 Sust 125mg EOD
    wk 1-14 EQ 100mg EOD

    PCT begins 3 weeks after last sust/EQ shot
    can i shoot the sus and eq together on the same day in same siringe, which will give me 3 cc's per shot is that ok? also waht do you guys think of this cycle?

  6. #6
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by njk
    can i shoot the sus and eq together on the same day in same siringe, which will give me 3 cc's per shot is that ok? also waht do you guys think of this cycle?
    actually i like consistencys cycle layout more than mine
    and yes same pin is ok.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    also guys if the sus is in individual amps of 250, you are saying to take half a cc eod of the sus ,along with 2 cc's of eq eod, and is it ok to perload the sus for the next shot once the amp is broken? thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    oh and i never go more than 2cc's in any muscle but the max would be 3cc's (imo)it also depends on the muscle the larger it is the more you can shoot in it.

  9. #9
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by njk
    also guys if the sus is in individual amps of 250, you are saying to take half a cc eod of the sus ,along with 2 cc's of eq eod, and is it ok to perload the sus for the next shot once the amp is broken? thanks
    is this the right way of thinking?

  10. #10
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by njk
    is this the right way of thinking?
    yes preloading would be the way to with ed or eod shots you can pre load all your shots for the week on sunday to same time
    and yes half an amp eod of sus
    good louck bro

  11. #11
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by juiceinthehood
    yes preloading would be the way to with ed or eod shots you can pre load all your shots for the week on sunday to same time
    and yes half an amp eod of sus
    good louck bro
    thanks for all your help, i just have one more question, do i need to refrigerate the preloaded amp or can i keep it at room temp? thanks again

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by njk
    thanks for all your help, i just have one more question, do i need to refrigerate the preloaded amp or can i keep it at room temp? thanks again
    cool dry dark place if its preloaded in the syringes then yes refrigerate them

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by juiceinthehood
    cool dry dark place if its preloaded in the syringes then yes refrigerate them
    so leaving the preloaded siringe in a drawer in my room would be ok?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    yes you can pre-load a syringe for a few weeks, the only real thing you have to worry about is the rubber inside the syringe deteriorating, but that takes awhile. You can shoot 3cc's in the quads and glut no problem

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    yes you can pre-load a syringe for a few weeks, the only real thing you have to worry about is the rubber inside the syringe deteriorating, but that takes awhile. You can shoot 3cc's in the quads and glut no problem
    does the preloaded syringe need to be kept in the refrigerator or can it be kept stored at room temp. ? thanks

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by njk
    does the preloaded syringe need to be kept in the refrigerator or can it be kept stored at room temp. ? thanks
    i would refridgerate it once its out of the vial if u cant then just load the pins when u shoot (preloading just saves time)

  17. #17
    if you do the math I am prtyy sure you can shoot 1/2 a cc of sust, and around 1 1/2 cc of eq every other day...

    thats really a nice respectable cycle I hope you get great results... I an getting ready to add tren EOD for 8 weeks to the last 8 weeks of my botched sust cycle... I am sure the tren will pick it right up and make it right again...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by juiceinthehood
    i would refridgerate it once its out of the vial if u cant then just load the pins when u shoot (preloading just saves time)
    so what your saying is , i will put half a shot of sus in one siringe and use it right away,and i can save the other half of the sus in the opened amp in a new preloaded siringe with pin at room temp , or should i put the new preloaded siringe with pin in the refrigerator?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by njk
    so what your saying is , i will put half a shot of sus in one siringe and use it right away,and i can save the other half of the sus in the opened amp in a new preloaded siringe with pin at room temp , or should i put the new preloaded siringe with pin in the refrigerator?
    no dude okay if u shoot ed then you would take 7 pins and load them for the week and keep those pins in the fridge or a cool dark place and use one pin ed and repeat the process for the next week throughout cycle to save yourself time.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by juiceinthehood
    no dude okay if u shoot ed then you would take 7 pins and load them for the week and keep those pins in the fridge or a cool dark place and use one pin ed and repeat the process for the next week throughout cycle to save yourself time.
    i am going to shoot eod, 125 mgs of sus and 100 mgs of eq= 500 mgs of sus and 400 mgs of eq per week, every time i open a new amp of sus i will use 125 mgs(half an amp) right away for the shot i am going to use at that time and put the remaining 125 mgs of sus in a new siringe for the next shot which will be 2 days later , so just to make sure i do this right the saved sus in the siringe does not have to be refrigerated, just kept out of a warm environment? just want to keep it in a draw in my room is that ok?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    draw out the full 1ml (250mg of sust) in one syringe... shoot half of it. Then store it in a drawer (no need to refridgerate). 2 days later get the leftover over 1/2 mL and draw out your 2ml of EQ, switch to a new needle and shoot it.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    draw out the full 1ml (250mg of sust) in one syringe... shoot half of it. Then store it in a drawer (no need to refridgerate). 2 days later get the leftover over 1/2 mL and draw out your 2ml of EQ, switch to a new needle and shoot it.
    thanks, so no need to refrigerate, just got worried did not want to shoot any bacteria into meto cause an infection.

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