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Thread: Help With First Cycle in 14 Years

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Help With First Cycle in 14 Years

    Wow ! There are a ton of knowledgable bros on this board. See if ya cant help me out a bit...... I know it seems like a wimpy cycle

    WeeK 1-10 TEST CYP 300mg
    Week 1-10 DECA 200mg
    Week 6-11 Anavar 30mg ed

    Weeks 1-11 saw palmetto 320mg ed (Hey I'm old !)
    Weeks 1-11 ALA 600mg ed

    Lots of novaldex on hand.

    I know the doses seem low but keep in mind that 14 Years ago I got really good results in 8 weeks with 200mg\deca & 20mg ed of Anavar & I am a bit prone to sides from ANY type of meds

    Stats 38 years old 5'9" 180lbs. - body fat somewhere in the high teens.

    I have HCG and Clomid on hand and would like to use both. I thought I was certain when and how much to use, but after some recent posts I am MORE confused now. Please help with what to use when.

    It is ok to use Anavar at the end into week 11? or should I cut it off at week 10 with the other stuff ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Bump for the OLD GUY....I'm just kidding bro. This should do you well, let's just see what the other guys think. Why not add the Anavar in the begining to help out with increased strength?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    you wont need the hcg at all for this cycle. and the clomid should be started 3 1/2 weeks after the last injection of the cycle, 300mgs day 1, 100mgs per day for the next 10 days, 50mgs per day for the next 7-10 days.

    i would up the test to 400mgs per week and the deca to at least 300.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Well, I know that I didnt want to run it for all 10 weeks. I feel that running it at the end may help with a bit of the water retention from the test. If that is not true - set me straight

  5. #5
    well the hcg i have no clue on...i really don't see any point if you have clomid...unless your nuts disapear on you mid cycle.

    about the anavar...i like running it past my injectables. i crash hardcore when coming off test. anavar keeps my workout days productive. on your cycle i would run it week 8-13. then you can start clomid immediately after your last tab of anavar (damn i have typed that like eight times today)

    please note that this is just my opinion. there isn't much that is written in stone when it comes to the use of anabolic/androgenic steriods. so that being said...

    if you decide to do could run clomid the day after the last tab of anavar at 300mg the first day (spread it out throught the day...this is done to really make sure your not starting clomid too early...a loading phase...for lack of a better term), then 100mg for the next 10 days, and 50mg the next ten days.

    or if you decide to drop the anavar at week 10 then wait three weeks (to make sure the long half life of deca has wore off) and follow the same procedure as previously stated.

  6. #6
    get some arimidex or femara for water retention. anavar will not help with that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I phrased it wrong. I know anavar will not reduce water retention, but since it makes your muscles hard, I am hoping it will reduce some "puffiness"

    I like the idea of doing the anavar weeks 8-13 ! Helps avoid a strength crash and leads you right into clomid therapy !

  8. #8
    anavar should help lean you out.
    Last edited by Dizzy; 04-03-2002 at 04:05 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    bummpity, bump

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    bump again for a few more bros--

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