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Thread: **Sust 250 / Winni Cycle** Any Good?

  1. #1

    **Sust 250 / Winni Cycle** Any Good?

    My Sust/Winni Cycle

    week 1: 250mg sust
    week 2: 250mg sust
    week 3: 250mg sust
    week 4: 500mg sust
    week 5: 500mg sust
    week 6: 500mg sust
    week 7: 250mg sust / 200mg winni
    week 8: 250mg sust / 200mg winni
    week 9: 250mg sust / 200mg winni
    week 10: 200mg winni
    week 11: 200mg winni

    any good? leave me some messages

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    MuscleMass, before anyone can recommend a cycle you should post your stats, age, goals, and cycle experience.

  3. #3
    me: 2nd cycle, 5'9" 165lbs, 19 yrs old
    bench: 225lbs (2-5x's)
    squat: 275lbs (5-8x's)

    goals: 175lbs+
    bench: 275lbs+
    squat: 350lbs+

    you think this while help me reach my goals?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    OK, I would run the sust at 500 mgs/wk for 10 weeks. Take winny 50 mgs every other day for weeks 7-12. Then run your post cycle therapy starting at week 13.

    I think you're also probably not getting nearly enough protein and overall calories based on your stats. What's your daily diet like?

  5. #5
    my stats are lacking because i was in a car accident 4 months ago which left me in the hospital for a week and a half with a ruptured splean and two ****ed up knees, they took a lot of blood so i lost a lot of muscle...ive been power lifting for the past 2 months to try and get my gains back, i eat like a monster, my protein intake in on point and im also cycling no2, l-glutamine and creatine ethyl ester hcl. next step is this cycle which should take me above where PRs were...thanks for the cycle info man

  6. #6
    how much do you think 20 shots of each would run me??

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