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Thread: Urine smell/ little pain, help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Urine smell/ little pain, help

    Ok, I am on my 9th week of a cyp/deca cycle. I pyramided the cycle, but never went higher than 500cyp 400 deca. I plan to do 10 week of cyp/ deca, with an 11th week of just cyp to AVOID DECA DICK. The same day i stick myself, my urine smells like rotten meat, but still is lite in color. Goes away after couple of days. After I have sex, which is quite frequently, the next time I go piss is stings, but only after we have sex, later it goes away. This just started about 4 days ago. I take saw palmetto 400mg once or twice a week, and milk thistle 250mg same servings. Do I up something or what? I have also nitoced that EVERYONE around me is getting sick, but i have been fighting it off, until the same time I started having problems with my urine, I feel I might be getting sick,any connection?

  2. #2
    better see a doctor, seriously, if a rotten meat smell is coming from your bladder and you have burning when you pee... well it cood be a urinary tract infection, bladder infection, or any number of things... none of them need to be self diagnosed... go see a doc and I am sure he will have you cleared up in no time...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Not a big deal........when you have sex juices, particles, bacteria, all kinds of stuff is getting shoved down your urethra......also you ejaculate and stuff doesn't always make it all the way out. When you urinate more is going through than just urine after sex. You also have to understand the pressure on your peepee canal while boning....I assume you aren't Amish so you actually get with it in the sack and wreck some kidneys.....therefore, combined with a test quality boner your bone is under pressure......Like I said dont sweat it. If I was you I would go get checked for STD's just to make sure. Could be a urinary tract infection or a minor STD that can get cleared up real fast big deal like I said before...It stings after I bone/wank and urinate too so you aren't alone in that sense.....good luck with your penile sting bro...let us know if you get it pin pointed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    didnt see the rotten meat part......I agree with the doctor theory lol....sometimes multi vitamins etc. will make my pee smell rough and rugged.....but better go get checked sounds like a UTI to me....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    I think it is all in your head, is this your first cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I was just at the doctor and complained about it, went to a urologist, and he said it was the juice, and found nothing. It is weird, the smell only comes the day I stick myself. Should I up my water intake? could that help? The stinging is new, it makes no sense, it burns, but its not killing pain. Thanks for all the input!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    I think it is all in your head, is this your first cycle?
    yeah I am thinking it has nothing to do with the I said after I rock out with my **** out I get a lil burn too....but I just flex my butt cheeks really hard and take the pain baby.... Being honest here....not trying to flame you dude...I think a lot of people get a lil tingle after the love shuffle. Anyway your peepee will stink sometimes too..dont worry...same thing like sometimes your sh*t smells reallllllllllll bad and you can clear a Department store....sometimes its floral and pleasant....body just makes different products of different chemicals...its gonna be ok I think...but get a STD test just in case...they will check for UTI too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    def keep up the water intake

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by crazed98
    I was just at the doctor and complained about it, went to a urologist, and he said it was the juice, and found nothing. It is weird, the smell only comes the day I stick myself. Should I up my water intake? could that help? The stinging is new, it makes no sense, it burns, but its not killing pain. Thanks for all the input!

    Drinking more water might help...gotta figure it will just dilute everything passing through your body so not as concentrated...thus smell and such should be lessened. Good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    if your have pain while/after urinating, it may be an infection called NSU (non-specific urethritis)

    if there are signs of inflammation of the urethra or pain when urinating, you may have this infection, sometimes it is a sign of another sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia

    no need to worry though it is treatable with a short course of anti-boitics (4 tabs all at once)

    i hope this helps, good luck

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    drink water till your piss is clear, mine smells a bit, but if you just keep drinking it goes away. You can never drink enough water

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    have you been tested bro,because when one of my best friends contracted herpes he had the same problem.

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