Ok, I am on my 9th week of a cyp/deca cycle. I pyramided the cycle, but never went higher than 500cyp 400 deca. I plan to do 10 week of cyp/ deca, with an 11th week of just cyp to AVOID DECA DICK. The same day i stick myself, my urine smells like rotten meat, but still is lite in color. Goes away after couple of days. After I have sex, which is quite frequently, the next time I go piss is stings, but only after we have sex, later it goes away. This just started about 4 days ago. I take saw palmetto 400mg once or twice a week, and milk thistle 250mg same servings. Do I up something or what? I have also nitoced that EVERYONE around me is getting sick, but i have been fighting it off, until the same time I started having problems with my urine, I feel I might be getting sick,any connection?