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Thread: help in preventing post cycle crash

  1. #1

    help in preventing post cycle crash

    i accidentaly posted this on stromba's cycle advice thread. just wasn't thinking i guess. i'm still kind of new to posting so i apologize to TheStromba for that. i edited that post...hehe you probably thought i was crazy.

    ANYWAY...check out my post cycle plan...please give any feedback if anyone sees any flaws in this. i am going to do a cycle of:

    test 500mg week 1-10
    fina 75mg ed week 1-6
    dbol 40mg week 1-4

    here is what i'm going to try for four weeks post cycle...note that i will start anavar two weeks before my last shot of i will be running it for a total of six weeks. this way my liver will get a four week break from the other 17aa (dbol) and it will get thrown into the stack for a couple of weeks.

    anavar 30mg ed
    femara 1.25mg ed (could use arimidex at .25mg ed) for water
    injectable b-12 1000mcg three times a week (to help with energy and appetite)

    this should keep energy up and help shed most of that water. femara is supposed to awsome in these regards. Any thoughts or additions that would help make this a crash free (or at least less crashful cycle)
    Last edited by Dizzy; 04-02-2002 at 07:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    san antonio
    im interested in inj b12 i heard it also increases sex drive and so on but where the hell do you get inj b12?

  3. #3
    there are plenty of vet supply web sites that carry it. it is extremely cheap. also sythetek makes a time released b-12...but is expensive.

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