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Thread: PCT almost done, taking lay-off

  1. #1

    Question PCT almost done, taking lay-off

    My 2nd cycle - Test E 500mg 1-10, Dbol 25mg 1-4, Winny 50mg ED 8-12
    Gained 26 Lbs off this.

    3 more days of clomid/nolva - only lost 6 lbs so far, minimal strength and size loss. I think I managed this by continuing to lift heavy and eating big.

    I am very pleased with the results, but now I am stuck in a dilemma: my annual leave is coming up in a week. I will be out in a rural area and will probably have no access to a gym for aboout 2 weeks. My body tells me that I am due for a lay-off anyway...

    Am I in the safe zone now that PCT is almost done? Or will I lose my gains by not training during those 2 weeks?

    Your opinions and suggestions will be greatly appreciated...thanks!

  2. #2
    you are ahead 20lbs?

    it would take an act of god to keep me out of the gym, if I were in your shoes... but I have alot of catching up to do...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    It's a good idea to ease back into natural training..if you take time off then come back in a while, you will prob feel real shtty about your lost strength and mass.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    But if you wont have access to a gym, then I guess you dont have that choice do you!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Juddman
    But if you wont have access to a gym, then I guess you dont have that choice do you!

    I might have access to a farm hoe or grandpa's old tractor.

    Hahaha, thanks Juddman

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k
    you are ahead 20lbs?

    it would take an act of god to keep me out of the gym, if I were in your shoes... but I have alot of catching up to do...
    DB - Yep, gained 20 NET and I'm waay leaner now at this point compared to my last cycle.

  7. #7
    Bump for more comments...

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    use you time away to take stock and focus, come back a better person, it won't be the end of the world if you take a wk or two off,

  9. #9
    juddman you might be wide (avatar) but you can't rid yourself of that sweaty ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Thanks for the comments Britguy.

    Anyone else???

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