After my first cyle i saw decent results gaining about 20lbs from 25mg/day of dbol for week 1 and 2 and 200mg/week of enathate and 200mg/weeks od deca for 10 weeks.
for my second cylce i have been thinking about this
25mg/day dbol for first two weeks
300mg/week deca 10 weeks
im not sure about what else i want to include and the amounts
would i be better of going with enanthate or cypionate or should i go for sustanon also with the enanthate or cypionate should i do about 200mg/week or increase that to 400mg/week. If the sustanon would be better 250mg/week or 500mg/week?
In addition to that the last cycle i did not use either clomid or hcg should i include that in this cycle and when/what amounts should i use? also on the last cycle i did not have.need nolvadex will it be necissary on this cycle?
The main goal that i want to achive is size, im still rather small even after my first cycle. Im currently at 5'10 160lbs and would like to see that go up considerably.