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  1. #1
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
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    • McGwire and the parents of the dead kid, thoughts anyone?

    • McGwire refuses to say if he took steroids ...

    good, nothing like a little more shutting the **** up and a little less writing stupid ****ing books....

    McGwire is ok in my book, he never advocated steroids for kids, and even tried to pretend he was taking Pro hormones....

    between the book writing moron and the parents of the dead kid... im ****ing disgusted...

    "thats right, your honor... it appears that the winstrol jumped out of the bottle and wrapped a leather belt around our boy's neck... while simutaniously anadrol , pulled the chair out from under him." wipes tears... sob... " And thats how steroids killed our boy! "

    go leave a message for the bereaved parents if you want too... I am sure blaming anything besides themselves is the only thing that helps with the guilt...

    they heard a loud noise upstairs when he commited the act, they said they assumed he had dropped something and didnt bother checking.... good job attentive parents!

    I am on steroids and full of energy, I would have checked on him just to burn a little extra fat... oh yeah and beacause it was my son... your son is dead because he had behavioral issues, that you should have figgured out when you found out he was stealing lap top computers while on the family vacation. And because you were to apathetic or lazy to go check on an obviously disturbed young man...

    he needed your help, you are murderers in my eyes, and your anti steroid crusade is the most wretched peice of necrophelia i have ever witnessed.

    well, thats my 2cc's worth... discuss

  2. #2
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
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    I see that some of you have visited the guest book... very good points have been made over there... I hope the parents appreciate a dose of reality...

  3. #3
    scotttiger54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k
    • McGwire refuses to say if he took steroids ...

    good, nothing like a little more shutting the **** up and a little less writing stupid ****ing books....

    McGwire is ok in my book, he never advocated steroids for kids, and even tried to pretend he was taking Pro hormones....

    between the book writing moron and the parents of the dead kid... im ****ing disgusted...

    "thats right, your honor... it appears that the winstrol jumped out of the bottle and wrapped a leather belt around our boy's neck... while simutaniously anadrol , pulled the chair out from under him." wipes tears... sob... " And thats how steroids killed our boy! "

    go leave a message for the bereaved parents if you want too... I am sure blaming anything besides themselves is the only thing that helps with the guilt...

    they heard a loud noise upstairs when he commited the act, they said they assumed he had dropped something and didnt bother checking.... good job attentive parents!

    I am on steroids and full of energy, I would have checked on him just to burn a little extra fat... oh yeah and beacause it was my son... your son is dead because he had behavioral issues, that you should have figgured out when you found out he was stealing lap top computers while on the family vacation. And because you were to apathetic or lazy to go check on an obviously disturbed young man...

    he needed your help, you are murderers in my eyes, and your anti steroid crusade is the most wretched peice of necrophelia i have ever witnessed.

    well, thats my 2cc's worth... discuss
    i can't say i agree about the supertest 250 ( just my opinion) but i sure as hell agree about this. its clear that this child had behavioral and emotional issues befrore using the sauce.

  4. #4
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
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    his family just wants to jump on the bandwagon, they don't want to admit how screwed up the home life is, and blaming roids is the easy way out.

  5. #5
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
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    Someone left this well written letter over there... whoever it was should be commended for a stroke of pure genius, and great insight...

    the letter reads as follows:
    Because of someone's uneducated experiences, a person who was clearly mentally unstable and parents who were totally uninvolved with their TEENAGE son's affairs, you think this is a worthy reason to attack the substance itself? You know, I had a friend who recently died of an overdose. Not steroids , not protein powders, not creatine. You know what it was? Alcohol and some painkillers. But none of you people are setting up web pages to him, saying that we NEED to get alcohol and tylenol off the market. There are no foundations to show the horrors of booze and aspirin. You people make me sick. You don't want to teach about steroids, you want to demonize them because of one irresponsible kid and his equally irresponsible family. You want to rob responsible adults the right to choose what they do to their own bodies? Do you know how many suicides occur in teenagers IN GENERAL per year? Around 4,000 as of 2002. It is the THIRD leading cause of death amongst young people. Out of those, how many do you think involved steroids? Maybe five? Twenty? Even a hundred and that would still be a mere 2.5% of the total. What are you saying then? That the remaining 97.5% are doing it for other reasons, but that last 2.5% were otherwise happy, stable individuals driven to suicide by steroids? Unlikely. The leading three preventable causes of death in the good ol' US of A are obesity, tobacco, and alcohol. 400,000 people die a year from tobacco, alcohol accounts (combining poisoning, auto accidents and other drunken mishaps) for a similar number. 48,000 people die a year in car crashed in general. Where is your treatise to ban smoking? To get rid of alcohol? To stop letting people eat at McDonald's? No. You'd rather sit and further propogate the horridly ignorant stereotype that steroids kill people, despite the fact that your examples are ALL of people who are already irresponsible and unbalanced. So what you're saying is that irresponsible people who abuse a substance will hurt themselves with it? Or that a responsible adult will just drop dead after using a given substance in moderation and with intelligence? I hope you all have children that grow up avoiding steroids like the plague and drink themselves to death at a frat party in college. Then we'll see how well your Taylor Hooton Foundation stands up.
    Signed by B on March 17, 2005

    what I wrote is nothing compared to this guy!

  6. #6
    scotttiger54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MILPOLDAN1
    his family just wants to jump on the bandwagon, they don't want to admit how screwed up the home life is, and blaming roids is the easy way out.
    amen. they are obviously looking for a reason (along with some consolation) over the death of their son. i feel terribel over their loss, but refuse to let innocent users receive the ass end of their accusations

  7. #7
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
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    its easier to point the finger at roids, instead of themselves, it seems like everyone has blinders on.

  8. #8
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
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    I think they should be charged with child endangerment, neglect or something... I honestly do...

  9. #9
    scotttiger54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k
    Someone left this well written letter over there... whoever it was should be commended for a stroke of pure genius, and great insight...

    the letter reads as follows:
    Because of someone's uneducated experiences, a person who was clearly mentally unstable and parents who were totally uninvolved with their TEENAGE son's affairs, you think this is a worthy reason to attack the substance itself? You know, I had a friend who recently died of an overdose. Not steroids , not protein powders, not creatine. You know what it was? Alcohol and some painkillers. But none of you people are setting up web pages to him, saying that we NEED to get alcohol and tylenol off the market. There are no foundations to show the horrors of booze and aspirin. You people make me sick. You don't want to teach about steroids, you want to demonize them because of one irresponsible kid and his equally irresponsible family. You want to rob responsible adults the right to choose what they do to their own bodies? Do you know how many suicides occur in teenagers IN GENERAL per year? Around 4,000 as of 2002. It is the THIRD leading cause of death amongst young people. Out of those, how many do you think involved steroids? Maybe five? Twenty? Even a hundred and that would still be a mere 2.5% of the total. What are you saying then? That the remaining 97.5% are doing it for other reasons, but that last 2.5% were otherwise happy, stable individuals driven to suicide by steroids? Unlikely. The leading three preventable causes of death in the good ol' US of A are obesity, tobacco, and alcohol. 400,000 people die a year from tobacco, alcohol accounts (combining poisoning, auto accidents and other drunken mishaps) for a similar number. 48,000 people die a year in car crashed in general. Where is your treatise to ban smoking? To get rid of alcohol? To stop letting people eat at McDonald's? No. You'd rather sit and further propogate the horridly ignorant stereotype that steroids kill people, despite the fact that your examples are ALL of people who are already irresponsible and unbalanced. So what you're saying is that irresponsible people who abuse a substance will hurt themselves with it? Or that a responsible adult will just drop dead after using a given substance in moderation and with intelligence? I hope you all have children that grow up avoiding steroids like the plague and drink themselves to death at a frat party in college. Then we'll see how well your Taylor Hooton Foundation stands up.
    Signed by B on March 17, 2005

    what I wrote is nothing compared to this guy!
    haha someone def spoke their mind with this one. i wouldn't have wished another untimely death upon another one of their children but they spoke with factual statistics and with an air of intelligence which is exactly what needs to be done imo

  10. #10
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
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    i agree with you, it was clearly there fault, this whole situation makes fu**ing sick, its sad that things like tobacco, and alcohol that clearly have killed millions is never an issue. I spit on all of them.

  11. #11
    FuTuReOFtheSPORT is offline New Member
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    They see steroids as something to blame in the death of their son so they don't have to point the finger at themselves. Their son needed help and they didn't see it. Theres such a misconception about steroids that is held by the general public that people are willing to go after something that they really know nothing about just to think that they're doing something right. I def agree, no one is going after alcohol or tobacco and if you look at steroids, alcohol, and tobacco which 2 are generally the most abused not only by young people but by the general public.....

  12. #12
    Hed is offline Senior Member
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    I signed it, just a quick overview of how i thought.

    I signed it as Ian, right above the really good entry.

  13. #13
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
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    i should go to congress about tobacco and make a huge argument, because i have lost three people in my family in the last three years to tobacco related cancer, but i bet i would get thrown out on my a$$ and laughed at.

  14. #14
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    I'm just glad to see the amount of letters that are being writen that are actuallt educated. Hopefully people will read these and learn to quit misplacing the blame on everything and everybody but themselves.

  15. #15
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    I dont really think that its our place to speculate on their abilities as parents. The kid could have appeared completely normal and had several underlying issues. To blame the parents for their child commiting suicide is absurd. I am also glad to see the letters defending steroid use , but I think some of them should be a little more objective and give the parents a little slack on the website, as they're only trying to justify his death.

  16. #16
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
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    yeah, but justifying the wrong way, if you don't know just admit it, don't blame it on the roids, unless you know it for a fact, but i understand they are upset.

  17. #17
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
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    "I dont really think that its our place to speculate on their abilities as parents. The kid could have appeared completely normal and had several underlying issues. To blame the parents for their child commiting suicide is absurd."

    ok, during family vacation in london he stole 3 laptop computers and admitted to it, he was showing all kinds of signs that there was something clearly wrong with him.... I am not blaming the parents for the kids suicide ... but he wasnt just acting normal one day and dead the next... he needed help, and should have been under close watch until they got him help... he was commiting suicide upstairs and they heard a loud noise when he hung himself, but figgured it was just him dropping something and they didnt investigate...

    I could even almost overlook the carelessness on thier part, but blaming his death on steroids is about the most irresponsible thing they could have done... when they needed to be championing a cause like "communicate with your kids, or childrens mental healt awareness"...

    what they are doing is absolutley infuriating.

  18. #18
    DOUGTM1SS is offline Associate Member
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    THEY SOUND LIKE THE KID who tried and lost his case of killing his grandparents and blaming it on zoloft

  19. #19
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
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    I am sure he was on roids to, or at least i will blame it on them.

  20. #20
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k
    "I dont really think that its our place to speculate on their abilities as parents. The kid could have appeared completely normal and had several underlying issues. To blame the parents for their child commiting suicide is absurd."

    ok, during family vacation in london he stole 3 laptop computers and admitted to it, he was showing all kinds of signs that there was something clearly wrong with him.... I am not blaming the parents for the kids suicide ... but he wasnt just acting normal one day and dead the next... he needed help, and should have been under close watch until they got him help... he was commiting suicide upstairs and they heard a loud noise when he hung himself, but figgured it was just him dropping something and they didnt investigate...

    I could even almost overlook the carelessness on thier part, but blaming his death on steroids is about the most irresponsible thing they could have done... when they needed to be championing a cause like "communicate with your kids, or childrens mental healt awareness"...

    what they are doing is absolutley infuriating.
    Ok and the fact that they're using steroids as a scapegoat for their sons death pisses me off too. My point was no one has the right to judge their abilities as parents without knowing them. Kids commit worse crimes than stealing 3 lap tops on vacation. I dont think many parents would say thats a sign of suicide, maybe just a need for a good kick in the ass. I'm not agreeing with what they're doing, just stating that some of the posts towards them were a little bit harsh when it came to calling them bad parents.

  21. #21
    Scooby1 is offline Member
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    "My Condolenses
    Dear parents of the Taylor- First I wish to offer my heart felt sympathies for you and your family. I understand how and why you feel the way you do, but I do not agree with putting the blame soley on his use of anabolic agents. I did not know your son very well, that is to say that he never really came to me to talk about his problems, and that it seemed more to be a superfical friendship. I know for a fact that he was not happy with himself which caused him to turn to alternative methods. I was not aware that he was using anabolics till after his death, but I had somewhat sensed that he was deeply troubled with personal problems when I was grouped with him in school for a project. I don't believe that you should blame yourselves for his death, but I also feel that blaming steroids is not right either. Taylor seemed to me like he was fighting a loosing battle with his personal demons. I prayed, and still continue to pray for him to finally have peace with himself. Respectfully yours, Shaun "

    This one totally blew me away-

  22. #22
    RubaHed is offline New Member
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    I was watching CNN and I saw Hooten's father say in his pain and grief that the cause of his son's death was steroids . In addition he said that steroids played a "significant"
    part in his son's suicide. I learned a long time ago that just because 2 things happen together or in tandem that "association is not causation." His son was crying for help,
    and the reality is that it was something else that caused his suicide. In compassion I realize it's harder for a father to lose a son than a son to lose his dad. My father's father was warden of the House of D in New Orleans in 1928 and he killed himself when my father was only 21 years old. What I'm trying to say is that maybe it's something in our family or genetic makeup or just stuff that's going on that pushes one over the edge. Many things cause depression besides getting off juice.
    Maybe we do need parents to say I love you unconditionally whatever you do.
    My wife had to go and cut down a kid who hung himself a few years back. He killed himself over a girl that broke up with him. He was 16. The whole family needed help, but waited too long. I believe his sister is doing well in her life despite having to witness this traumatic event.
    Anyway, it's been a while since I posted here, so I hope the few mod's I know( you know who you are) will read this.
    In closing, I have a friend who is a therpist here and he's been in a wheelchair as a quadriplegic since he was 19, which was 25 years ago. He taught me a lot as a friend, but one thing he said stuck in my mind. He said, " Dying is easy, it's Living that's hard."

  23. #23
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  24. #24
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    In April of 2000 I weighed 163lbs was 5’7, yes two inches shorter, and surprises just kept on coming. Now, not only did I have no strength, couldn’t digest food, had pains all over my body, was consumed by depression, had constant thoughts of suicide, and continued to lose weight, but now my skin looked yellow, there were muscle twitches all over my body, and I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours a night! Oh yeah, my hormone levels were basically non-existent.
    the guy must have had a car dropped on his head to compress his spine by 2 inches.

  25. #25
    Juddman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BDTR
    Typical story...guy screwed up, blamed it on AAS.

  26. #26
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
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    "One early evening I took my first shot of Testosterone Suspension , at age 23 and 210lbs lean. The next morning I was about 213lbs, and a lot leaner!"

    oh no he just didnt...
    what an absolute ****ing retard... where did the weight come from? did he inhale 3 lbs of dust while he slept... that isnt even physically possible...

    I swear to god and baby jesus, If I ever meet on of these reformed steroid abusers, and they try to insult my intelligence with thier phoney baloney cult following horse ****... I cant even type I am so utterly flabbergasted...

    I would love nothing more than to kick this guy right in the throat with my steel toed boots.

    and the stories, oh the stories they tell... "I lost 50 pounds and was two inches shorter, and my teeth were falling out on the groud like chicklets, and my skin turned yellow ... my bones became so brittle that my legs broke in 300 places just getting out of bed, but I still couldnt stop going to the gym"....


  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k

    I swear to god and baby jesus, If I ever meet on of these reformed steroid abusers, and they try to insult my intelligence with thier phoney baloney cult following horse ****... I cant even type I am so utterly flabbergasted...

    I would love nothing more than to kick this guy right in the throat with my steel toed boots.

  28. #28
    mark956101957's Avatar
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    I think one point should be observed with the teenage suicide after getting off of gear. That is: there is a very real danger of depression after getting off of gear. Be aware of it and be ready to deal smartly with it if it happens to you!

  29. #29
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    This guy sounds like SVC all over again, with his 200lb neck raises...

  30. #30
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
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    you know i don't mean it in a way to hurt any one's feeling's, but screw them all. My grandmother killed herself about a year ago she took a whole bottle of oxi's, but you know what i think she did it because she was on roid's, and i am going to congress about it.

  31. #31
    IntensityX's Avatar
    IntensityX is offline BDTRs SHEMALE
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    Welcome to america where people no longer take responsibility for their own actions instead we blame steroids ,tv,comic books,video games,guns,etc etc we no longer except responsibility for our own actions because it is so easy to blame others or other things "oh you honor the gun killed my wife yes I was on drugs and have mental illness but it was the gun that killed my wife" f*ck you dip**** the gun didn't kill your wife YOU KILLED YOUR WIFE.Your honor it was the steroids that made me snap the guys neck in a fit of roid rage yes I understand your honor that I'm clinically depressed and I have mental issues but your honor it was the steroids that killed that guy f*ck you dip**** you killed the guy plain and simple.

    It's sad really,ephedra didn't kill that baseball player other factors did but the media and everyone else decided to blame ephedra and now ephedra is banned we live in a country where people just like to blame stuff instead of admitting to the world that they f*cked up welcome to america the land of the free and home of blamers

  32. #32
    vinny_vegas's Avatar
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    It's very typical that the media chooses to emphasize the most extreme cases of steroid related deaths. I suppose they are trying to impress on people the worst case scenario. What they rarely mention is accountability.
    People need to be accountable for their actions, whether it's drugs, alcohol whatever. It's easy to place the blame on steroids . The media is trying to paint them as intrinsically evil. Which to me is rediculous. Just like a person who abuses alcohol. Would it make sense to outlaw all alcohol because a select few decide to drink and drive. A wise man once said, all things in moderation...

  33. #33
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
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    ive yet to ever hear of a testosterone overdose, I have heard of cocaine overdose, heroin overdose, alcohol poisioning, GHB overdose, meth overdose... drugs that you do a little too much and your heart ****ing explodes and you die.

    If you ate 200 a-bombs at once... you would ****/piss them out and have cramps or a stomache ache... would not kill you...

    if a guy does some coke and blows his brains out, they call it suicide... if a kid does some hald assed 6 week cycle of winnie v tabs and no pct along with pot, drinking, meth and teenaged hormones ... and blows his brains out.... how come steroids always take the blame...

    god cant we go back to blaming ozzy osborne for kids commiting suicide, ol ozzy would take a hit for the home team if we called and asked him....


  34. #34
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MILPOLDAN1
    his family just wants to jump on the bandwagon, they don't want to admit how screwed up the home life is, and blaming roids is the easy way out.
    I was listening to 98 rock today in Tampa and the DJ who is always talking up marijuana and always making out like he is smoking a bong while doing his radio show, was spouting out about you know these baseball guys are cheats with shunken goods and roid rage , etc... it seems even the most unlikely people all over this country have huge misconception of steroids .

    To make matters worst. My wife watches the junk on TV and she believes every word of that stuff. Now she is cracking down on me searching the house swearing to smash up any steroids if she finds them, hehehe. I donno its one of those things you stick up for steriods publicly and you are worst then a crystal meth person. I think its best personally just to be stealthy and never mention the word steroids to anyone. Especially when you are getting bigger faster and people are already thinking steroids when they look at you.

  35. #35
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    nah, I come right out with it... since I dont really need friends anyway... before long they are begging me to help them figgure out how to do thier 1st cycle, and they have come to the dark side...

    PS. tell your wife to sit down and shut up!

  36. #36
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    I was listening to 98 rock today in Tampa and the DJ who is always talking up marijuana and always making out like he is smoking a bong while doing his radio show, was spouting out about you know these baseball guys are cheats with shunken goods and roid rage , etc... it seems even the most unlikely people all over this country have huge misconception of steroids .

    To make matters worst. My wife watches the junk on TV and she believes every word of that stuff. Now she is cracking down on me searching the house swearing to smash up any steroids if she finds them, hehehe. I donno its one of those things you stick up for steriods publicly and you are worst then a crystal meth person. I think its best personally just to be stealthy and never mention the word steroids to anyone. Especially when you are getting bigger faster and people are already thinking steroids when they look at you.
    my wife tried that sh*t at first, but we got that under control now, if she didn't look like she does she would have been kicked to the curb with all the roid naggin.

  37. #37
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MILPOLDAN1
    my wife tried that sh*t at first, but we got that under control now, if she didn't look like she does she would have been kicked to the curb with all the roid naggin.
    Well my first cycle more then a year and half ago, she condoned the cycle. But then she tells me, "but you said you were only going to do just one cycle". Its like come off it, the doctor said I should go on testosterone therapy , but now she thinks I purposefully picked the steroid happy script doctor.

    Even though she allowed the first cycle... she didnt like it... and not only that she KNOWS I am still doing it, growing like crazy, acne every so often, dawn dish soap in the shower. Dont get me wrong... she likes the results, all the time bragging to her girlfriends how I am looking so butch in the arms and neck. I am also a good hider, no way she'll find my hiding place so I aint worried. Mine also makes sure to give me a mind blowing blow job or other sex every day of the month, PMS or not! This sort of comes in handy when you are all loaded up on testosterone !!

  38. #38
    needle's Avatar
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    It goes to show you what happens to weak minded people when they come off AAS.

  39. #39
    RubaHed is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BDTR
    who is ridiculous? my post?,me, the kid who killed himself, the father? the whole story.
    I rarely posted in the past few years and I come across a mod like you who can't give me feedback on something that hits so close to home.
    Thanks my brother

    Big $ Mike

  40. #40
    scotttiger54's Avatar
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    that guys a ****in fool.

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