If you were gonna just do one substance to build muscle what would it be and for how long? Anything but fina or test.![]()
If you were gonna just do one substance to build muscle what would it be and for how long? Anything but fina or test.![]()
Oxandrolone for as long as possible.
Eq for years and years. I love the keepable slow but steady gains.
How about d-bombs? Anybody?
how about winny only since you gained 35 pds in 3 days of muscle and lost 50 pds of fat i vote winny only. say helloo to the roid monkey you aint gonna see roid monkey like me ever again. I dont have dick that works , i dont have no balls, i dont have no personality, im always pissed off, i have no girlfriend because i cant satisfy her, im always screwing chick every friday and pleasing her and giving her mulitple organisms while my tool is dead as president kennedy. But you know what it all worth it because i love juice and am a roid monkey in canada eh .
tren and lots of it
Originally Posted by saluu
Hail roidmonkey![]()
saluu the roid monkey never ceases to amaze me!Originally Posted by saluu
someone needs to make saluu a mod LOL
Thats funny commin from a guy that posted a thread that said, "Crack for Juice."Originally Posted by saluu
Saluu roid monkey traded his mommas food stamps for juice, saluu.
Originally Posted by Glock-19
i think saluu would trade his mom for juice!
id do large amounts of primo for a few years straight
Originally Posted by longhorn814
i wouldnt think about running anything without test... just my opinion...
but if the HPTA wasnt an issue....i would half to say EQ
Nothing oral. Well maybe Var. Probaly EQ.
K Ill cut the $hit. Today I started takin 50mgs of anadrol 1-4 weeks.
You are going to get jacked as hell bro!Originally Posted by Glock-19
Then it will all fade away in 2 or 3 weeks.![]()
Is jacked a good or bad thing? lol?Originally Posted by Lozgod
EQ is much less suppressive than test.
I'd probably run MENT. like test, it stimulates the libido.. think of it as more potent trenbolone that aromatizes and will never give you fina dick.
Originally Posted by XxElitexX
Last edited by Dude-Man; 03-18-2005 at 05:32 PM.
Jacked means you are going to get huge.Originally Posted by Glock-19
Cool, what is the best way to keep the gains?Originally Posted by Lozgod
Add 10-12 weeks of test then do PCT.Originally Posted by Glock-19
I was hopin your werent gonna say that. hehOriginally Posted by Lozgod
ahhh the truth hurts!!
Im gonna stop takin the drol and wait till I can get ahold of some test. Thanks for the info bro's.
I'd go with clostebol (any ester) - doesn't aromatise or convert to a DHT derivative - stimulates libido like test, so no shlong probs - nice slow keepable gains.
I wouldn't do primo - I like my hair too much
The only oral I'd do would be Tbol ( for the same reasons as clostebol ) possibly Var, but it can dent your libido a bit.
lol i bet he would being the roid monkey that he isOriginally Posted by longhorn814
what are the best type of roids to take to get big fast and keep it without injections.I dont want to take injections, only oral.
Then you aren't ready for steroids.Originally Posted by gymcandyman
injections arent that bad doing them ed can be a pain in the ass tho. like loz said u are not ready to take steroids weather its oral or injection
I would have to say TBOL all the way. I think its the 2nd best steroid next to test. Does not aromatize, bearly any sides, stronger and cheaper then var, and medium size gains over time.![]()
Why don't you want to inject??? Nothing to it, just all mental...
cant just go around doing oral............
why do people always hijack glocks threads????
How about TEST!
Creatine/Glutamine/and Whey Protein. Maybe some Multi-VitaminsOriginally Posted by gymcandyman
Originally Posted by gymcandyman
1. Start your own thread
2. dont get into gear you WILL regret it (plz belive me) you must reaserch more my friend
I agree. No injection No roids!! Plain and simpleOriginally Posted by LACBodybuilder
Originally Posted by longhorn814
Why??? because in this post Today at 07:24 PM he started taking anadrol for 4 weeks and at 7:41 after a few posts he stopped.![]()
He is just a menace on here and personally i find him annoying. For someone who knows so much and is so cocky he can be such a jackass.
Glock you are going to fukk yourself up... I don't even really care for you but seemingly you want to stay away from test so I will lay out two cylces for you one could get expensive but you have a-bombs(drol... anandrol... oxymetholone)
1-4 drol bump it to 100mg ed
1-10 primobolan depo 700mg week (split at least twice per week, you could just do 100mg every day)
5-10 winny injected 100mg ed (I know you cried about pain so mix with daily primo)
Pct would be rather light... Clomid - you should know the rest
1-4 drol 100mg ed
1-10 deca at 400mg week
1-12 test cyp or enanthate 500mg week
I know you like winny deca would help with joints so...
10-14 winny 100mg ed
start pct after last winny shot or drink. Also look into AI and SERM... letro .5 per day or arimidex .5 eod along with nolva 10mg per day. Clomid for pct. Keep reading >>>
Please stop taking steroids until you train longer and get your diet and training down. 10 weeks of lifting is not enough. Wait 3 months of solid training, you will see gains as you polish your diet, take a 2 weeks off and start the program again this time with roids. Both of the cycles I layed out should be optimal for you and you will have time to get all your gear together before jumping in blindly. Do not PM me and if you do not like this advice STFU and we will continue to tolerate eachother.
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