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Thread: Newbie question: Difference between cycle of Fina and Winny and that of Sust

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Exclamation Newbie question: Difference between cycle of Fina and Winny and that of Sust

    Hello guys

    I have been reading up a bit on the various popular steriods used here or in bodybuilding...

    However, something ponders me:-

    Cycle A

    A combination of Fina and Winny and Eq...

    Cycle B

    A plain cycle of sustanol(maybe addition of Deca)..

    What's the difference? Why would you choose A or B?

    Both are known for muscle and mass building and strength increment....

    I have read the Educational thread and I have taken two cycles of stenol and Stenol with Drive not think I belong to newbie right?

    Hmm... puzzled ...before I could make a choice
    Last edited by freakout; 04-03-2002 at 07:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Cycle A

    A combination of Fina and Winny and Eq...

    Cycle B

    A plain cycle of sustanol(maybe addition of Deca)..

    What's the difference? Why would you choose A or B?

    Cycle A is aimed towards cutting and will achieve a smaller amount of gains for this reason.

    Cycle B sust/deca - used to bulk up, and often has dbol in it.

    BOTH A and B will give you strength increases though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Cycle A=Strength, little water, while adding a strict diet shall yield a more lean looking apperance

    Cycle B= Size, strength, water retention(unless you add armidex or femara).....

    Both are good cycles, it depends on what your goals are as to which one you choose


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