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Thread: Sus/Deca/dbol 1st Cycle change

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Question Sus/Deca/dbol 1st Cycle change

    Hey guy's I posted on of these before and re-thought about the last cycle I posted and decided to change it up to the Sus/Deca/dbol cycle I heard that is great for Mass building(which is what I'd like to do). This is what I have currently and I'm going to hold off on the cycle until I get some advice on what to change in the cycle; if it needs it that is.

    week 1-12 Sustanon 500mg/week
    week 1-12 Deca 300 mg/week
    Week 1-8 Dbol 30mg/ed

    I'd figured that i wouldn't need that much dbol with the Deca and Sust. I'm also going to inject 5000IU's of HCG at week 6 and at the end of the cycle(week 12). Also have clomid for PCT that I'll do 3 weeks after week 12 at 50mg a day ( was thinking about 75mg/ed but do suggest something if you think so). Tell me what you think about it. If it's good I'll keep a journal online to show how I'm doing......w/pic's.

    Stat's: 5'9" 195lbs and work out 6 day's a week w/day breaks for each muscle group I work-out. and I'm watching my diet like a hawk.

    Also I have 900mg of Prop to play with so you can throw that in there if you'd like

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    the d-bol should not be run longer then 5 weeks. also you should run the test 13 weeks and stop the deca at 12 so pic will line up. you also might wont to get some b-6 200mg tabs for the deca gyno. if you would like to use the prop do 75mg 1-4 eod the help the d-bol jump start. rember thet sust will need to be shoot eod also

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    so for test I inject ed for a total of 500mgs for 13 weeks? also for the dbol am I at a good dosage for those 5 weeks? Thanks for the advice....oh and for the PCT I was thinking about running 500mg of Tribulus ed you think I'll need it?
    Last edited by RedBaron38; 03-19-2005 at 11:38 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron38
    so for test I inject ed for a total of 500mgs for 13 weeks? also for the dbol am I at a good dosage for those 5 weeks? Thanks for the advice....oh and for the PCT I was thinking about running 500mg of Tribulus ed you think I'll need it?
    You'll know if you need tribulus. It's how you feel. It might not be a bad idea if you've got the money for it.

    I think you should use Prop in the beginning of your cycle. You're going to be injecting EOD anyway. So instead of Dbol, use the prop for the first 3 weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    yeah I think I'll get some tribulus...better safe than sorry. I already have the prop, so I'd might as well as use it, and with it's half-life being so short I could see it helping out the dbol. Plus I think I might take 50mg/eod instead of 75mg if I decide to go with the dbol/prop combo...but again I'd like a little more advice before I start the cycle....thanks for the advice though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    3 4 g or trib for 3 weeks after pct will work nice also

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    sweet, so here's the cycle:

    Week1-4 Prob 50mg/eod
    Week1-5 Dbol 30mg/ed
    Week1-12 Deca 300mg/week(w/B-6 200mg/ed(I might run the b-6 until PCT if need be)
    Week1-13 Sus. 500mg/eod

    Week 7 and week 14 5000IU of HCG

    PCT 3 weeks after the last shot with clomid 50mg/day and 500mg/day of Trib and I'll tapper it down to 300mg to week 6 if need be.

    Does this sound good to you guy's? If so I'll start the cycle in about a week since my dbol hasn't come in yet ('cause the last cycle didn't have it in there) and I'll post the link for my online-journal w/pics (it'll be a week by week entry) for ya' all to see. Thanks for all the help you guy's.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron38
    sweet, so here's the cycle:

    Week1-4 Prob 50mg/eod
    Week1-5 Dbol 30mg/ed
    Week1-12 Deca 300mg/week(w/B-6 200mg/ed(I might run the b-6 until PCT if need be)
    Week1-13 Sus. 500mg/eod

    Week 7 and week 14 5000IU of HCG

    PCT 3 weeks after the last shot with clomid 50mg/day and 500mg/day of Trib and I'll tapper it down to 300mg to week 6 if need be.

    Does this sound good to you guy's? If so I'll start the cycle in about a week since my dbol hasn't come in yet ('cause the last cycle didn't have it in there) and I'll post the link for my online-journal w/pics (it'll be a week by week entry) for ya' all to see. Thanks for all the help you guy's.
    No 75mg ew of Prop. I would also drop the dbol. You don't need both, plus I'm not a fan of Dbol at all.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Can I ask why you are so against Dbol, if you don't mind me askin'?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    hcg should be week 6 and 12

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I thought HCG was for the middle and the end of the cycle....since my last shot is HCG at the end of week 13(of the begin of week 14) that would put my mid-cycle at week 7 instead of week 6. Did I goof up somewhere or will it not really matter if I inject the HCG even though I still have a week left on the cycle?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hey guy's here's the URL for my journal on here, again that's for the help.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    if you do eod on week 12 you will be fine pct will not start to week 14

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ok thanks...yeah I read up a little more on HCG and anti-e's cause I was still a little unclear on them, but I think I figured it all out. I have the finalized cycle on that link if you want to look. But thanks for the help, also I upped the Dbol to 35mg's 'cause I apparently ordered TOO much and I don't want it all to go to waste but I am still keeping it at 5weeks for Dbol and 4 weeks for Prop.

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