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Thread: ncaa question

  1. #1

    ncaa question

    does anyone know how long it takes the ncaa to test a sample? A friend of mine was tested the end of January and was wondering if he could breath easy yet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    From my experience, he should be fine. But it depends on the school and the sport. But for the most part, I would think he has nothing to worry about if he didn't hear anything from his school yet.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the response. It is a d2 school and it was for football

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    If test was collected in January, he is fine. NCAA does not test every sample, the idea that they are collecting samples is the #1 deterent. If the test is before a National event, then all will be tested. D2 sampling used to be a joke;Some student from the host school would follow you in rest room, you go in stall, give him sample when done. He did not care, it was just an easy part time job to him. But as I said, a National event is different.


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