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Thread: need help with new cycle

  1. #1

    need help with new cycle

    okay currently on a cycle of test and deca 200mg of each twice a wk now for about 7 wks have seen some good results no weight gain, on a great diet leaned up a lot wewnt from 145% body fat and 165 pounds to 7% and 160 feel great look a lot bigger and n o side effects just got a cycle of 10 250mg sus and still have a whole bottle of test cyo. left looking to see what would be the best way to take this i want to stay as lean as possible and would like the cycle to last as long as possible summer is just around the corner and going somewhere in july and need to look best also got 50 pills of clomid for after if any one has any advice please help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I don't have any direct advice yet just some questions-but, the cycle you are doing is what i think i might do. what kind of test did you run? and was the deca oral? and no weight gain? let me know. also i've been a member for a bit and have heard alot of mixed reviews about sus, and is that test CYP?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shaunton
    okay currently on a cycle of test and deca 200mg of each twice a wk now for about 7 wks have seen some good results no weight gain, on a great diet leaned up a lot wewnt from 145% body fat and 165 pounds to 7% and 160 feel great look a lot bigger and n o side effects just got a cycle of 10 250mg sus and still have a whole bottle of test cyo. left looking to see what would be the best way to take this i want to stay as lean as possible and would like the cycle to last as long as possible summer is just around the corner and going somewhere in july and need to look best also got 50 pills of clomid for after if any one has any advice please help
    Thats not bad man...145% bodyfat to 7%? J/K I know its a type o.

  4. #4
    test is cyp i dont know why i got no weight gains my body fat has dropped alomst 7% so i guess i did gain weight in muscle just lost a lot of fat im only 5 7 and 160 pound so im lean very hard to gain and keep weight on but i look a lot bigger and cut than ever heard sus is great stuff just dont know if i should mix with test or something else trying to on cycle as long as possible for summer

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by sknnyprycn
    I don't have any direct advice yet just some questions-but, the cycle you are doing is what i think i might do. what kind of test did you run? and was the deca oral? and no weight gain? let me know. also i've been a member for a bit and have heard alot of mixed reviews about sus, and is that test CYP?
    Deca ain't oral bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Colorado & California
    Hmm, personally im a bigger fan of the single ester testosterones, predictability is something im a big supporter of and Sust isnt my style, but it may be for you. Test Cyp, EQ, Tren (optional), and clenbuterol, utilize the cutting diet in the Diet forum, do 40-60 minutes of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, lift in the afternoon, you should get the results you want. Also you're not seeing very much mass gain on your cycle due to the fact that your dosages are relatively low. Next cycle up them a bit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shaunton
    okay currently on a cycle of test and deca 200mg of each twice a wk now for about 7 wks have seen some good results no weight gain, on a great diet leaned up a lot wewnt from 145% body fat and 165 pounds to 7% and 160 feel great look a lot bigger and n o side effects just got a cycle of 10 250mg sus and still have a whole bottle of test cyo. left looking to see what would be the best way to take this i want to stay as lean as possible and would like the cycle to last as long as possible summer is just around the corner and going somewhere in july and need to look best also got 50 pills of clomid for after if any one has any advice please help
    Whats the test dosage?

  8. #8
    i look and feel great diet is going awesome but i want to get more size in chest and arms etc if i stay oon diet how should i take sus

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Juddman
    Whats the test dosage?
    Nevermind...sust at 250mgs.

  10. #10
    no deca is not oral and how should i cycle up i dont want to get to big and people to notice im juicing i work at a gym and people see me everyday i want steady gains not craxy gains but i also dont want to waist time and money should i take sus now and stretch it out more i can get more

  11. #11
    juddman what do you mean type o

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hold on bro..I'm having a hard time reading your posts here...its all scrambled and there is no punctuation. One sec...

  13. #13
    sus at 250 how often weekly or more or less heard its pretty harsh

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shaunton
    juddman what do you mean type o
    You wrote you were 145% bodyfat, it was obviously an error in typing. I hope at probably meant 145lbs?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Colorado & California
    he meant 14.5% i think

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    So lets slow down a second're 7 weeks into a deca 200mgs/week and test cyp 250mgs/week cycle, shooting both twice a week? Am I right?

  17. #17
    no it was 14.5% and 165 pounds my bad

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shaunton
    no it was 14.5% and 165 pounds my bad
    No problem, I'm just trying to sort this out.

  19. #19
    yeah mon and thur but no weight gain dont really want to come yet and lose more size than started because i lost so much body fat want to go up more than lean out but dont want to much size about 10-15 pounds in certain areas

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shaunton
    yeah mon and thur but no weight gain dont really want to come yet and lose more size than started because i lost so much body fat want to go up more than lean out but dont want to much size about 10-15 pounds in certain areas
    Are you related to a guy named saluu by any chance?
    Are you sure your gear is real bro? Even though those doses are low, you should have seen some decent gains by now.
    If youre asking how to run to sust, I would hold off for now. You mentioned you have a bottle of cyp left right? I would recommend finishing off that bottle of cyp and finish off this cycle. If it takes you to 10 or 12 weeks that perfect. Then do a full pct, wait until youre back to normal. Then run the sust in another cycle.

  21. #21
    i agree but if the other was fake wich could be possible ( got from a reliable source) would i have been able to drop body fat and stay at same weight for so long also how bad would it be if just keep going like i said before i have had no side effects my strength has doubled but i dont want to give up yet i have done a couple of cycles in past and it took to the end and a lot of **** to get results, could it be a possibilty that the dosages were not enough do to the fact i took the same cycles in the past

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    It could definitely be the dosages were too low to get results. Especially if you have cycled before. But, if you've already been on for 7 weeks, I wouldnt recommend you up now and keep it going for another few months or anything. Like I said, I would finish this cycle, do your pct...then do it right next time with higher doses. Talk to the bros here, they are here to help.
    If your strength has gone up but your weight hasn't, I would predict your diet needs some major work. Up the calories.

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