Hey. I need to know if Letro is affective to clear up a slight 'gyno' problem I have developed. First off all, I'll explain the problem: after doing a 12wk cycle of deca, with some Sust added near the end for extra bulk, I have slight 'bloating' around the nipples. It's not there constantly, just some of the time, but it is noticeable to me and pressumably any other 'trained eye'.
I was only taking 2ml Deca per wk, upped it to 2.5/2.8ml, for the last 3/4 wks. I took 20mg Nolva throughout the cycle from the very start, and I upped it to 30mg ed when I upped the Deca. I never had any soreness/lumps/swelling during the cycle, just this problem afterwards, but there are no lumps present, and no soreness.
So, is this gyno, water-retention or some kind of estrogen related problem. I am currently taking 40mg Nolva ed and 1.25mg Letro ed to try and sort it out, but I've heard that Letro isn't effective for Deca-induced gyno........so, I realy need to know what to do?? Is it gyno or not, and if it is what can I take to reduce this 'swelling'???? Has anyone else experienced similiar problems and got it resolved?? Please help guys, my head is wrecked over this.......all advice appreciated, thanks in advance!