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Thread: Letro for Deca-'Gyno'??? ADVICE NEEDED!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Letro for Deca-'Gyno'??? ADVICE NEEDED!!!

    Hey. I need to know if Letro is affective to clear up a slight 'gyno' problem I have developed. First off all, I'll explain the problem: after doing a 12wk cycle of deca, with some Sust added near the end for extra bulk, I have slight 'bloating' around the nipples. It's not there constantly, just some of the time, but it is noticeable to me and pressumably any other 'trained eye'.

    I was only taking 2ml Deca per wk, upped it to 2.5/2.8ml, for the last 3/4 wks. I took 20mg Nolva throughout the cycle from the very start, and I upped it to 30mg ed when I upped the Deca. I never had any soreness/lumps/swelling during the cycle, just this problem afterwards, but there are no lumps present, and no soreness.

    So, is this gyno, water-retention or some kind of estrogen related problem. I am currently taking 40mg Nolva ed and 1.25mg Letro ed to try and sort it out, but I've heard that Letro isn't effective for Deca-induced, I realy need to know what to do?? Is it gyno or not, and if it is what can I take to reduce this 'swelling'???? Has anyone else experienced similiar problems and got it resolved?? Please help guys, my head is wrecked over this.......all advice appreciated, thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    If you squeeze your nipple, does a white fluid come out? If so, it is most likely deca gyno which is caused by progesterone NOT estrogen and you will need bromocriptine, cabergoline, or dostinex to get rid of it. Deca gyno is a b*tch.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Nope, I haven't noticed any kind of discharge - just squeezed my nipples now and nothin, not even a micro-drop! So, do you think it must be estrogen-related instead?? Any more ideas?? Thanks, by the way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Well if you are not secreting then it is might be just a build up of estrogen. Up your dose to 80mg ED of nolva and see what happens. Once it goes down you can drop it back down to 20mg ED for two more weeks after that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Cool, thanks for that. You believe it's definitely not gyno so, ya??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Quote Originally Posted by Scra
    Cool, thanks for that. You believe it's definitely not gyno so, ya??
    It may very well be. When you say "to the trained eye" I assume that it is very mild however.

    Gyno is gyno and is caused by estrogen. AAS that act as progestins tend to raise the binding affinity of the estrogens, effectively making them more likely to produce sides without increasing volume. That's why deca, and to a much lesser extent tren, need to be approached differently as compounds such as testosterone that simply aromatize into estrogen.

    GetPumped dosage recommendation for the nolva is perfect, and I would suggest continuing the letro at 1.25ed for a week or so.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    for what length of time do you use 80mg nolva b4 seeing any results. i am on my 5th day and it doesnt seem to have too much yet. it might not work for me at all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Mike
    for what length of time do you use 80mg nolva b4 seeing any results. i am on my 5th day and it doesnt seem to have too much yet. it might not work for me at all.

    Are you on cycle, off, or in PCT?

    *I* would take the nolva up to 100mg ed, letro to 2.5mg ed for as long as it takes to get rid of the gyno. I've never kept puffiness after I finshed PCT, but if I did, I wouldn't give up fighting it for months. That's me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife
    Are you on cycle, off, or in PCT?

    *I* would take the nolva up to 100mg ed, letro to 2.5mg ed for as long as it takes to get rid of the gyno. I've never kept puffiness after I finshed PCT, but if I did, I wouldn't give up fighting it for months. That's me.
    I'm off cycle but I didnt get on this stuff until 3 weeks after. So i am not sure what will work. I am awaiting the letro to come in. I'll start it some time next week.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Mike
    I'm off cycle but I didnt get on this stuff until 3 weeks after. So i am not sure what will work. I am awaiting the letro to come in. I'll start it some time next week.

    If "by three weeks", you are stating "three weeks following PCT," get some clomid NOW. You have not mentioned it yet, so I am assuming that you have not considered it. It is a base PCT compound. It has worked for many, and it will work for you. Assuming the word 'working' conveys normal hormone levels will resume.

    Search for threads concerning gyno post PCT, and add a few mgs. Nolva and letro won't kill you.
    Last edited by inheritmylife; 03-25-2005 at 12:47 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife
    If "by three weeks", you are stating "three weeks following PCT," get some clomid NOW. You have not mentioned it yet, so I am assuming that you have not considered it. It is a base PCT compound. It has worked for many, and it will work for you. Assuming the word 'working' conveys normal hormone levels will resume.

    Search for threads concerning gyno post PCT, and add a few mgs. Nolva and letro won't kill you.
    I am taking 100mg clomid right now too actually. And come to find out probably like 150mg nolvadex cause i am using the squirter instead of oral syringe which i was supposed to use. I didnt start the clomid and nolva until 3 weeks after my last shot. I also did a winny only cycle before this w/o any pct several months ago. I learned the hard way even though i knew what do and researched i just said the hell with it cause the clomid made me weepy like a bitch b4.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Mike
    I am taking 100mg clomid right now too actually. And come to find out probably like 150mg nolvadex cause i am using the squirter instead of oral syringe which i was supposed to use. I didnt start the clomid and nolva until 3 weeks after my last shot. I also did a winny only cycle before this w/o any pct several months ago. I learned the hard way even though i knew what do and researched i just said the hell with it cause the clomid made me weepy like a bitch b4.

    100mgs of clomid is fine. Use it for 1 1/2 months after the effective life of the AAS you were using. 80 mgs nolva is plenty. Check back in after 3 days.

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