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Thread: best lean mass cycle

  1. #1

    Talking best lean mass cycle

    Looking to do a cycle want to gain mass and strenth I was thinking deca and sustanon. Would like sugestions and how you would do it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by two twenty
    Looking to do a cycle want to gain mass and strenth I was thinking deca and sustanon. Would like sugestions and how you would do it?

    the best lean mass cycle would be to LEAN on the left mouse button and put some MASS on it while having arrow on the search button.

    Cmon, bro you have made 3 threads all the same generic questions. when you post these needless posts, it knocks down posts that are legit.

    here i'll help you...

    with this many Threads: 140,849, Posts: 1,526,083, Members: 34,757 it may have benn talked about already. just maybe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by two twenty
    Looking to do a cycle want to gain mass and strenth I was thinking deca and sustanon. Would like sugestions and how you would do it?
    If this is your first cycle then sustanon is not a good choice since it has to be injected at least EOD to be fully effective. That requires a lot of injections for a person who hasn't done a cycle yet. if I were you, your best bet would be to get some test enanathate or test cypionate and run it by itself for 10 weeks at 400-500mg/wk to see how your body reacts to test alone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Wait....I didn't read that he said lean mass in the title. It didn't say that in his post. If you want lean mass the sustanon and deca is NOT a good idea bro. Not to sound rude, but you will look like a blowfish once you are done. Try some test enan or cypionate with EQ and be sure to take some letro or arimidex to stop any bloat you might get from the test enan.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GetPumped
    Wait....I didn't read that he said lean mass in the title. It didn't say that in his post. If you want lean mass the sustanon and deca is NOT a good idea bro. Not to sound rude, but you will look like a blowfish once you are done. Try some test enan or cypionate with EQ and be sure to take some letro or arimidex to stop any bloat you might get from the test enan.
    You may want to add som tren if you have ran gear before. Just my.02

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