i have humilin r and need to know what dosages to take with my GH
this is my first gh / insulin cycle but i have done many as cycles
please advise
i have humilin r and need to know what dosages to take with my GH
this is my first gh / insulin cycle but i have done many as cycles
please advise
Humulin-R is a good choice. Start at 4iu, and work up 1iu every few days to no more than 10iu per injection. You will know if you are using too much if you get hypoglycemic........you'll feel shakey, dizzy. No big deal, drink some OJ, take a few glucose tabs, and it will go right away. But be prepared...have what you need on hand before you start.
Inject at the same time as the hGH. I prefer late afternoon after lifting, so I can eat dinner on schedule.
15 minutes after the stick, take in 10gm complex and simple carbs per iu of insulin, creatine, and straight protein in drink form. I like Endurox mixed in OJ with Isopure.
45 min. to an hour later, go ahead and eat a no-fat, high protein/carb meal. Another drink an hour or so later is good too.
Humulin-R has a half-life of 2 hours, so get in all the nutrients you can during the active period and you will be happy with the results.
Many use Humalog with GH cause it's faster, but it is not available OTC.......and really, the longer the insulin is active, the more anabolic it is. Sometimes I think slow is better, and I always use a longer acting insulin when I use insulin alone for mass.
I do 2 injects a day of GH and insulin, AM and PM, but for starters, just keep it simple till you see how you like it.
I'll say this, I gained 8 additional pounds of good weight the first time I incorporated insulin in a cycle, which is a lot for someone who has trained as long as I have.
Now....all this said, insulin use is for the hardcore nuts like me....I am not saying that everyone should run out and get some. There are risks. But you are experienced, not a kid, and are smart enough to do your homework in advance. As I have said before, I recently was PM'ed by a kid who was about to try his first insulin injection and had a question. Turned out he did not understand the difference in iu's/mgs. He was about to inject 1cc of insulin........100iu's........coma time for sure!
thank you ironmaster will keep you posted
many thanks
dear lord!! that kid would have killed himself Ironmaster
is insulin use in the educational forums somewhere?
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