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Thread: ? about ** Prop+Susp Combo

  1. #1

    ? about ** Prop+Susp Combo

    Has anyone used this product yet and what where the results? It is 200mg/ml (100mg Prop + 100mg Susp). I am thinking about doing a cycle of 12-15wks 200mg/d. Just 1ml every day for the whole cycle along with probably EQ at 100mg/d.

    Also, looks like he can actually send this himself, so you don't have to go through a remailer? Anyone got any info on this?

    It's a toss up between this or Indian Testopin for my next cycle. I want to run everyday test + eq shots for at least 12 weeks. Bruce Lee's combo looks pretty good...

  2. #2
    Something else I was thinking of..... If I did decide to go with the ** combo, would injecting 1-3 hours before a workout be the best time? The reasoning for this is because it contains test suspension. The prop would be active all day, but I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) suspension is only good for several hours.

    Any opinions on this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I am currently on ** prop/susp.
    I am 3 weeks in. I started off shooting 100mg ed. That only lasted about 8 days. The pain from the prop. is so bad that i could not even make it to the gym.

    So far i have not noticed any strength increase at all. Last nights back wk/out, i did get more of a pump. I think it was the eq kicking in. This is my cycle.
    wk 1-10 prop-susp 100 mg eod
    wk 1-10 100 mg eq eod
    wk 1-6 100mg winny ed
    wk 6-10 75mg tren ed
    armidex .25 ed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Too much alcohol you are going to have to cut it with some sterile oil and inject more volume if you are planning on running it for a while.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Bro, just an opinion only here, obviously.

    Good insight and first hand experience from bigTraps.

    I would advise a scheme like this:

    Virormone, Ferring GB "painless" propionate 100mg EOD at 2ml
    Suspension, 100mg/ EOD....Anabolic TS is sound and is micronized

    alternate days....

    That way, you know for sure the mgs. you are getting. No "stab" at the I-P formula, but let's face it, controversy on inconsistent mgs and lot numbers will always be a factor.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I used his test prop for spot shooting (.5cc=75mg ED) and it was WICKED NASTYas far as pain is concerned (my boy eye_candy has had some bad experices as well). I didn't know this before hand, but the man himself does not recommend site injects because of the high BA content. My bis and tris were swollen and red for a week and later on while aspirating, I pulled out about1cc of brownish red puss...not pretty. So stay with glutes and quads. His stuff works, but there is definately pain involved.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Do you have stock in anabolic ts bro? two posts in 10minutes pimping the stuff.

    For some price is an issue and he apparently already has the chinese product so why go out and buy more of something he doesn't need?

    Originally posted by planetx
    Bro, just an opinion only here, obviously.

    Good insight and first hand experience from bigTraps.

    I would advise a scheme like this:

    Virormone, Ferring GB "painless" propionate 100mg EOD at 2ml
    Suspension, 100mg/ EOD....Anabolic TS is sound and is micronized

    alternate days....

    That way, you know for sure the mgs. you are getting. No "stab" at the I-P formula, but let's face it, controversy on inconsistent mgs and lot numbers will always be a factor.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Yeah I've heard similar stories Pete on the propio nightmare. The only experience I have is with Virormone, as you may know the "vehicle" of the active ester is not oil but ethyl oleate. REALLY SMOOTH. I am doing EOD injects in the bi's, tri's, and calves with 25g.....smooth as silk, no problems into week 3, literally no pain I am actually shocked.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Currently, own stock in NO pharmaceuticals companies or conglomerates. I apologize for recommending a product when an "underground" product is already in his arsenal already. I do not want to stimulate his "right to choose" from the I-P disciples. Truly, sorry. My personal statement, intent to the boards can be provided on request. I think its at another site!? Not a source, my friend. Too many good bro's to choose from.

    I actually do not push "VET grade" gear at all. If you read through my past posts, or "know" me, this is clearly evident. Suspension is limited....only providing personal experience to resolve indeciveness and/or stimulate creative thinking.

    If I do ever choose to source again, many of you may already be able to speculate that I would only carry Human grade MEDS from abroad with proven , reputable track records, years of R and D in medicine (outside of AS). Schering, zambon, Ferring, Squibb, Organon Greece, Genepharm, Leo, Upjohn, bro's get the idea!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I understand completely where you are coming from on recommending ppl use vet gear over gear that is made in unknown conditions. That I agree with to a certain degree. There are many factors though that many ppl don't take into consideration in terms of options but it is too much to discuss at this time and not relevant to the topic at hand. BTW I was wrong, I re-read the post and apparently the gear is not already purchased so your post makes perfect sense. My bad.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    No bad.....respect only.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    If it is the high BA level, can it be baked? Wouldn't baking it lessen the pain a little?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The boiling point of BA is 400 degrees baking it at that temp would denature the drug and ruin your gear. Just deal with painless more volumous injects and enjoy not building up so much scar tissue. Scar tissue cannot grow so the more you build up the more you are limiting your growth

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Not to mention the more volume you put in results in more stretching of the muscle fascia so you are getting more out of site injections this way as well. sounds like a win win to me.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Where is my 12-14lb????????
    Is this ** bunk? I don't have any strength increase, let alone any body weight increase. No water retention is good, but this cycle is deffinetily not worth the painfull injections if there is no strength increase.

    My goals for this cycle, is to add 5-10 lb of lean mass and drop my bf to around 5%.. I am currently at 10-12 %

    Diet is allways clean clean clean.

  16. #16
    Wow, I stop browsing the board for one day and my post blows up with good info! LOL

    I do not currently have any test prop or suspension in my possession, hence the reason I am asking for opinions. I think I am leaning more towards getting some good 100mg/ml Prop (I personally like BM Pharmacueticals, and at least their gear is made for humans). I think I may leave the suspension out this cycle and just run prop/eq at 100mg each every day. I personally like every day injects vs eod injects. I feel like I get much more out of it.

    As far as pain, I would think 1-2ccs (depending on if I get 50mg/ml or 100mg/ml) of EQ would be enough to cut the 1ml of test with, wouldn't it? 3ccs of total oil is fine for my bis, tris, delts, etc... I have done that volume before on spot injections with no problems.

    So it looks like my final cycle will look like this:

    wks 1-12: Test Prop 100mg/d
    wks 1-12: EQ 100mg/d
    wks 1-5: Dbol 50mg/d
    wks 7-12: Winny 50mg/d
    Start clomid in week 13 IF I can get no-ester EQ, otherwise I will be cutting off the EQ in week 10 and starting clomid on week 14.

    Any suggestions?? Also, what is a good brand of EQ for this purpose? I have always used Ttokkyo before, but that was when I wanted high concentrations in fewer shots (like twice a week). I have seen 50cc or even 100cc jugs of 50mg/ml and 100mg/ml EQ that would work great for this cycle, what do you guys think of these? Who makes a no-ester EQ? I have heard of it, but never seen it.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    no ester eq comes from the same company that makes the susp/prop combo and it probably hurts just as bad. I know the eq (no ester) does, not sure about the combo but I have not heard one person not complain about it.

    As for the cycle, stop the eq at week 10. TT or any of the reputable brands of the 50mg/ml variety will do. Just depends on how much you want to shoot bro.

  18. #18
    Looks like my final cycle is:

    wks 1-10: 0.5cc TT EQ (100mg) Every day
    wks 1-13: 1 amp Testopin (100mg/ml Prop) Every day
    wks 1-6: 50mg Pink Thais Every day
    wks 8-13: 50mg ** Winny Every day

    I think it looks good. Now I just got to wait till after my trip to the endocronologist (sp?) to start the cycle. I am wrapping up clomid as we speak, and I will probably start the cycle in a month or so......

    Thanks everyone for the info/help!


  19. #19
    I used this stuff for a week, and stopped. every where i injected i got a huge knot and it hurt like hell. It was not worth it for me... im gonna try kizers suggestion and cut it down, and see what happens.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    My only thought on this bro is that the pain is severely slowing your training. Like I said I have never used this combo and hope you are not referring to the 12-14lbs from this stuff. I gain that kinda weight on prop and tren not prop and susp, infact I have never run prop and susp together before.

    I would say to kill the pain go to animal's site and buy up some sterile oil and cut it to 100mg/ml total solution and up the dosing to ed. 100mg/eod means you are shooting 50mg of susp eod which is not useless but far from being the most effective way to dose it. You are already running the arimidex so the increased test shouldn't cause much more noticeable water retention. It also sounds like the eq is just a little low bro.

    Shoot me a pm if you wish to discuss the cycle further will be happy to help you get to where you want to be by the end of the cycle.

    Originally posted by bigtraps

    Where is my 12-14lb????????
    Is this ** bunk? I don't have any strength increase, let alone any body weight increase. No water retention is good, but this cycle is deffinetily not worth the painfull injections if there is no strength increase.

    My goals for this cycle, is to add 5-10 lb of lean mass and drop my bf to around 5%.. I am currently at 10-12 %

    Diet is allways clean clean clean.

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