should d bol be taken on an empty or with food also when i took my first dose 10mg i first got a flushing feeling then a feeling of DAYMM THIS FEELS GOOD i know the good feeling is to be expected but what about the flush feeling
should d bol be taken on an empty or with food also when i took my first dose 10mg i first got a flushing feeling then a feeling of DAYMM THIS FEELS GOOD i know the good feeling is to be expected but what about the flush feeling
Don't know about the flush feeling, but some people get a sore stomach if they don't take it with food. I would take it with food.
answers my question
yeah when i took my first pill all of sudden i got a flushed feeling in my face just as fast as it came it left them i got that good feeling
I don't think you would feel the effects of dbol within the minute after you pop the pill..prob a mental rush.
i took it at 830 am it was about 9 maybe 930 i felt that flush
flush, WTF?
never felt that....takin 50mg/ed 3wks into it
What kind of dbol is it? I think Loeffler used to put b12 and nicotine in their dbol.
why would they do that?.... well the nicotine part
with food
I take it with food, or milk to protect my tummy.
I suspect the flushing is placebo.
describe what loeffler d-bol looks like
what do you mean placebo
Like its all in your think you should be feeling it so you feel it, but its nothing really to do with the dbol.
i love you mannnn i was worried for a minute i thought i was going to have to become mortal again
Its like your expecting it, so you experience it!.Originally Posted by metabolicamateur
Like some people take their first shot in their first cycle and go and beat their best lift an hour later!. Its all in your head.
so what do i do to prevent this from happing oh i was in the gnc store and saw something called T BOMBS PLEASE enlighten me if you can
Don't really need to prevent it bro. It's not going to harm you, you're prob just excited. Never heard of t bombs, but the only thing I buy at GNC is protein and vitamins. The rest tends to be un-needed garbage.
you know what else i also took 1800mg calcium 900mg of magnesium,400mgs milk thistle,and 1200 mgs n- acetyl cysteine and the D bol all at once
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