Just being paranoid I guess
Just being paranoid I guess
i noticed the same thing for some time now. but i dont think i am balding.
Me tooo..Its not an exess amount but 2 or 3 every time u run ur hand through my hair............![]()
i asked the barber about this one time and he told me its just the hair cyceling threw and somtimes the root isnt strong ..
we learnt that only 80% of your hair can grow all at once, and 20% falls out
so hair is constantly falling out, but being replaced.
NO single strands here and there arent the problem! Its the thick patches like a glob of hair all at once!![]()
Sounds like male pattern baldness to me. You shouldnt be gettin hairs in your hand Every time you run your hand thru your hair.
i would guess so too. some hair should fall out over the course of a day, but if you pull out a few literally every time i would get on some finast. and minox. ASAP because the sooner you start the better.
if its 3 strands tom, thats normal... if you wake up and see a small mammal on your pillow, check that **** out
why dont you guys just cut your hair? you dont have to be completly bald but leave it at few mm`s so you wont be abe to pull it out that easy
Propecia, it's that simple.
normally u lose about 100 hair straws or whatever they are called every day, but some ppl might think they lose more than that, coz if they use wax or sumthing for their hair, and touch their hair u might see all the 100 hair straws at the same time and believe that ur getting bald
You all have alopecia
Stop being paranoid you'll be fine.
I tend to notice it more when I am on cycle because I look for it all the time. U naturally lose 100 hairs a day average. The only time I really freak out is on winny because that **** destroys my hair. Embrase you baldness LOL
mine comes out when i cycle probably about 7 hairs a time on average when i run my hand through but hardly any when not cycling
The life of hair has several stages, the final of which is the telogen phase. This is when the hair stops growing and the root is no longer alive, thus the hair can be removed with the most minimal of effort.
This is natual, but levels of increased test will increase the rate at which a hair shaft reaches the telogen phase.
As a 39 year old with NO receding hair line and NO hair loss on or off cycle, etc, I hate to say I never get hairs by running hand thru hair. I never get hair on the shower floor after shampooing. I do get a strand or two very rarely when brushing my hair and this is the only place I EVER notice a lost strand of hair.Originally Posted by BorderCommando
I thought you only get hair on your hand from masturbation?![]()
That would be on your palmOriginally Posted by newbrew
Same here, and I still have a little recession. I would just say play it by ear....if you notice your hair thinning or receeding, then worry about it. Other option is take something for preventative measures..Originally Posted by Ntpadude
Its called balding, juice or not it will happen if its meant to happen.
Im balding. Since taking oral roids im still balding. No worse, no better, just the same ol genetic balding.
you're going bald bro lol. just shave it and get it over with already![]()
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