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Thread: T3 Pre Comp.. 4 Weeks Out..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    T3 Pre Comp.. 4 Weeks Out..

    hey whats up fellas... i got a question.. i'm 4 weeks out from 1 of my shows and 6 weeks out from another one.. these are npc national qualifiers...i'm currently 5% bodyfat 198lbs.. lean mass is about 187lbs...

    If i start t3 at 25mcgs ed.. do you think i'll lose muscle???

    my stack right now is
    100mg prop ed
    50mg tren ed 1/2 cc am 1/2cc pm
    50mg winni ed
    30mg anavar ed 15mg am 15mg pm
    50mg masteron eod
    50mg proviron ed
    .5mg arimidex eod
    GH 2iu 2x ed
    160mcg clen ed

    any info will help.... thanks guys.... peace

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Colorado & California
    No you wont lose mass, theres a great ramping technique in the educational forum on T3, but thats beside the point. Mixed with clen and high protein you wont see any muscle loss. T3 actually boosts anabolism, so you should be looking great.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i'm doin dave palumbo's style diet, ketogenic diet.. my protien is about 250g my carbs are under 20g and my fats are 145g... the diet working really well. but i'm doing 2hrs cardio 7days a week... i getting ripped but i want my glutes stiated and everything else...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Colorado & California
    You may have to employ a diuretic like Lasix to get the striated glutes, but be careful with that stuff. Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i got dyazide.. . do you think i should start the t3.. i really don't want to lose any muscle.. but being on all this stuff is it possible to lose muscle....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    bump want to start it tommorow.. let me know fellas what u think..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    With gear and proper diet you won't slip into catabolism bro.....

    Also, t3 can cause your muscles to look flat and soft.... because of the glycogen depletion, keep that in mind...

    If it were me, I would drop it a week pre-contest...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i'm on a ketogenic diet.. so my glycogen is always depleted.. the fats are supposed to keep you full... i feel like i'm gonna pop my muscles are so full right since this diet has now glycogen present in the body, instead i have ketones which my body uses for energy.. do thinks the t3 will still make me flat???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by rockie
    i'm on a ketogenic diet.. so my glycogen is always depleted.. the fats are supposed to keep you full... i feel like i'm gonna pop my muscles are so full right since this diet has now glycogen present in the body, instead i have ketones which my body uses for energy.. do thinks the t3 will still make me flat???

    post some current pics..

    plus, as another bro mentioned, w/ the gear your running now, following a ramping dosing schedule w/ T#, catabolism should not be a problem..

    diuretics should be used 1 week out before show.. and don't worry about going flat. do you have a 1 week out diet sched?? sodium depletion/carb loading, etc.????

    Aldactone is very mild and works very well. do you have A-dex?
    1/2 tab of A-dex works like a charm administered @ 11pm nite before the show. JMHO..

    but seriously, post some pics up, and have some other bros on this board shed some opinions..

    Good Luck bro.


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