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Thread: stack to keep the most gains!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    stack to keep the most gains!

    Equipoise:300mg a week for 10 weeks
    Test prop:100mg eod for 10 weeks
    Winny:50mg ed for 8 weeks
    Trembolone:76 mg eod for the first 4 weeks

    how does this look for a first stack? I will also have clomid for post cycle therapy and nolvadex just case of gyno. I will have milk thistle for the liver and will be on creatine starting in week 4. Give me some opinions please!!!

  2. #2
    For a first cycle that's pretty strong bro!! I like the EQ and the test, but for a first cycle I don't know if I'd throw in the tren just yet. Great stuff, but I would find out how I reacted to EQ & test first. Looks like you've done your research though! If your set on that cycle I would do the EQ for 10 weeks, the test for 10 weeks tren for 1st 5 and winny for last 5 weeks. Just watch that diet!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    to keep gains when comming off ur cycle eat, eat eat, eat, as much as u can and sleep

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: stack to keep the most gains!

    Originally posted by Batman
    Equipoise:300mg a week for 10 weeks
    Test prop:100mg eod for 10 weeks
    Winny:50mg ed for 8 weeks
    Trembolone:76 mg eod for the first 4 weeks

    how does this look for a first stack? I will also have clomid for post cycle therapy and nolvadex just case of gyno. I will have milk thistle for the liver and will be on creatine starting in week 4. Give me some opinions please!!!
    I would at least bump EQ to 400 mg a week, in fact on my cycle I will be doing 600 mg a week for 10 weeks with t200 also 600 mg week and wk 7-12 winny 50 mg ed, this will be my 2nd cycle but actually Ill count it as my first cycle since my first cycle was only d bol for 6 weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    from what i've read water retaining sauces are the worst for keeping gains, however they are also the most significant when GETTING gains, so its up to you, what do YOU think about your cycle?

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