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Thread: For those experienced and familiar with tren acetate??????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    For those experienced and familiar with tren acetate??????

    Before i say this i will let u know that i used the search function and although i learned much more about tren and its different esters I still could not find a real answer to my question. Anyways here goes....

    For my summer cutter i plan on running testE@600mg(wks 1-10) and throwing some tren acetate in their. My question is would it be ok to run the tren @50mg ED for six weeks. Yea i know lots of people say 75 to 100mg ED for 8 weeks, but keep in mind i have never used tren before and i have no idea what the sides will be like.Ive also learned how kidney toxic it is. I feel like my reasoning is legitimate but im not sure if 50mg ED for six weeks will be to low and yield results.Has anyone ever ran tren at this dose and if they have were the results well worth it?

    By the way this will be my 3rd cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    East Coast
    I ran it at less then your thinking bout running it. Ran it at 50mg/eod with win for 3 months before taking my pics..

    Anyways if u wanna see my results check the pics forum section it chould still be on the first page there........

    Hope this helped.........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by got fina?
    I ran it at less then your thinking bout running it. Ran it at 50mg/eod with win for 3 months before taking my pics..

    Anyways if u wanna see my results check the pics forum section it chould still be on the first page there........

    Hope this helped.........

    Woa!!! ok now i see why diet is key. So many people run such high amounts of gear when it isnt even necessary. After seeing those pics i am convinced that 50mgED should be more than enough if used with a good diet. Did u notice any of the bad sides while running this low amount?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Tren is extremely potent. You'll be fine at that dose.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    East Coast
    Nope didnt get any sides but then again everybody is different.
    Yes absolutely, diet is key and is the most overlooked thing by prib 90% of everybody i see at the gym.
    At my gym i see everybody working there asses off, running on those thread mills sweating briks to loose some fat. Well guess what budy if u aint dieting u could live on those machines and not loose an ounce.

    The thing that cracks me up is that these noobs are busting there asses at the gym and have looked the same (juice or no juice) for the last 3 years ive known them.
    Why the hell come to the gym to look the same??? lmao?

    I on the other hand never jumped on one cardio machine there, Kept a diet strict to the balls, and ended up abusing everybody at my gym in 3 months.

    I had huge dudes coming up to me at my gym that i used to wish to myslef i could look like one day and telling me to let me see my abs again.

    Theyre like where the hell did u get those? I said at the kitchen my friend, not at the gym......

    Good luck.........

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by got fina?
    Nope didnt get any sides but then again everybody is different.
    Yes absolutely, diet is key and is the most overlooked thing by prib 90% of everybody i see at the gym.
    At my gym i see everybody working there asses off, running on those thread mills sweating briks to loose some fat. Well guess what budy if u aint dieting u could live on those machines and not loose an ounce.

    The thing that cracks me up is that these noobs are busting there asses at the gym and have looked the same (juice or no juice) for the last 3 years ive known them.
    Why the hell come to the gym to look the same??? lmao?

    I on the other hand never jumped on one cardio machine there, Kept a diet strict to the balls, and ended up abusing everybody at my gym in 3 months.

    I had huge dudes coming up to me at my gym that i used to wish to myslef i could look like one day and telling me to let me see my abs again.

    Theyre like where the hell did u get those? I said at the kitchen my friend, not at the gym......

    Good luck.........
    As far as youre diet went, i see you chose a carb up day right? So this pretty much is eating everything possible all day? the reason for doing this is to mainly not lose muscle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i'm runnin tren right now and loving the stuff. i would stronglt recomend running test with it... gotfina was one of the lucky ones who didnt exp bad sides running it alone. also u could run it at 50mg/ed but i would go for the 8 weeks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I took 75mg every second day for 8 weeks with deca, I got huge strenght increase with no side effects

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    It's funny, everybody says ed injections on the tren, but my best changes/gains came from eod shots. I've made more progress on 75 mg eod than 100 ed. Next cycle with it I'll hit 150 eod and see how that kicks. However, 3rd time running tren in the past year, may have to chill with it for a year or so.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Tren A should be ran ED to keep the sides down, in fact i read on this very board that you should also try to shoot the same time everyday. Its very potent and the sides can be a real bitch. I got back acne so bad i quit it after 21 days.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    If ran in conjunction with test you can go as low as 50mg EOD and achieve very good results.

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