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Thread: finished pct yesterday start another tomorrow

  1. #1

    finished pct yesterday start another tomorrow


    I have just finished pct on friday and i did an 8 week test only cycle, gained 25Ibs kept 17Ibs. Im going to start another cycle tomorrow, i know its too soon to start another cycle but a lot of people do this right?? It won't harm me, will it???

  2. #2
    I'd get some bloodwork done, but thats me...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Xplosive

    I have just finished pct on friday and i did an 8 week test only cycle, gained 25Ibs kept 17Ibs. Im going to start another cycle tomorrow, i know its too soon to start another cycle but a lot of people do this right?? It won't harm me, will it???
    i havent met alot of ppl who do it. why would you do such a thing? you in some kind of a hurry? ull just mess yourself up so bad...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Xplosive

    I have just finished pct on friday and i did an 8 week test only cycle, gained 25Ibs kept 17Ibs. Im going to start another cycle tomorrow, i know its too soon to start another cycle but a lot of people do this right?? It won't harm me, will it???
    Time on = time off at least IMO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    take some time off if you have to do something you can do IGF 1 But def lay off the juice for a while.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by creepS
    i havent met alot of ppl who do it. why would you do such a thing? you in some kind of a hurry? ull just mess yourself up so bad...
    In what way is this going to mess him up really bad??

  7. #7
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    Jessica Albas' ASS

  8. #8
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    In what way is this going to mess him up really bad??
    I would think this one time would be fine but you definetly wouldnt want to make it a habbit. That'd be a lot of abuse on your natty production if you are not taking a good amount of time off. But is it really even worth doing this one time I know I wouldnt It least come off pct for a few weeks b4 starting.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    bro go to the doc get some blood work done. if ever thing is ok at that point then start the next cycle. but i will bet you will need to take a few more weeks at the min.

  10. #10
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    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    In what way is this going to mess him up really bad??
    its not good on his body, ya he finished pct but without going to the doc to and having blood work done all of his levels could still be well below normal. its not a good idea imo. if you were planning on getting right back on after an 8 week cycle, then why even come off and pct you should have ran just 1 long cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by creepS
    i havent met alot of ppl who do it. why would you do such a thing? you in some kind of a hurry? ull just mess yourself up so bad...
    This is an ignorant comment and is untrue. Please explaine what will mess him up so bad? It is all dependent on your blood work and cycle experience. There are many people that run compounds year round who are very experienced with minimal sides. Not saying that it is the best thing or the smartest but it is all dependent on how a individual reacts to the substances he takes. Please do not make generalized coments like this with out knowing what you are speaking about

    Back to the subject. Go get your bloodwork done. Test level, lipid panel, liver, the whole nine yards. If everything is in check then do what you think is right....but get the bloodwork done. I usually have to wait longer than that for my body to normalize but this is me. My good friend recovers very quickly to normal ranges and is able to run more cycles at longer durations than I. Just have to learn to know your body through testing.

  12. #12
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    The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
    its not good on his body, ya he finished pct but without going to the doc to and having blood work done all of his levels could still be well below normal. its not a good idea imo. if you were planning on getting right back on after an 8 week cycle, then why even come off and pct you should have ran just 1 long cycle.
    I have been on for 35 weeks now and every 10-12 I lower the levels of compounds that I am using to around 300-400mgs per week and go into a pct like phase. The question I am wondering nobody has answered everyone regurgitates the "you need to have bloodwork done" or time on= time off $hit but people don't have the understanding of why. I'm not saying that I don't know why, because I do I am just hoping that the people giving advice actually understand what they are saying and are not just saying it simply bercause it is what they have read.

  13. #13
    I havn't started it today but i plan on starting this week or definitely on monday. Wouldn't it be a bit dodgy going to the doc and asking for bloodwork?? I don't really want her to know about my steroid usage.

  14. #14
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    North Pole
    Quote Originally Posted by creepS
    i havent met alot of ppl who do it. why would you do such a thing? you in some kind of a hurry? ull just mess yourself up so bad...
    I should be dead then...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    WOW too much testosterone in this thread......good luck!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    The question I am wondering nobody has answered everyone regurgitates the "you need to have bloodwork done" or time on= time off $hit but people don't have the understanding of why.
    I think it's pretty simple and obvious why people would be saying this. It is common knowledge that your body needs to recover after a cycle if you expect it to be able to produce testosterone on its own after a cycle. Maybe people don't write out a detailed explanation of why because it pretty obvious and can looked up easily in a search or looking in the pct forum stickies. If everyone gave a detailed explanation for every piece of advice given, every post would be about a mile long and completely unessessary.
    It's advice, take it or leave.

  17. #17
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    Jan 2005
    I'm not saying I agree a longer cycle will "mess him up bad" like was said by someone else earlier, I just don't feel I have to give a detailed explanation for such a simple concept as time on = time off.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I did 11 weeks on, test only, and i plan on taking 8 weeks off. Take your time man, the gains will stay if you keep training hard, and you will gain some more. THEN, cycle when you have waited. Aint worth cycling again right it safe.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Xplosive
    I havn't started it today but i plan on starting this week or definitely on monday. Wouldn't it be a bit dodgy going to the doc and asking for bloodwork?? I don't really want her to know about my steroid usage.
    just tell the doc your interested in seeing what your blood work looks like. Tell them its been a while and you wanna make sure everything is ok. If you want to avoid the doc all together go to You fill out what tests you want, they send you the paperwork, you take it to a lab to get tested and within 24 hours you can log in and get your results. All without seeing a doc. I havent used them, but Ive read good things about them. I would definitely get some bloodwork done before starting again. Better safe than sorry. Im coming off test, eq and var and my cholesterol and liver values were a bit off.

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