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Thread: can you get gyno with no symptoms?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    can you get gyno with no symptoms?

    What I meant by my question is can you get gyno without the pain or soreness in nipples?Is there other symptoms ?I ask this because over a year ago i did a stupid cycle when i didnt know anything I did thais alone for 6 weeks without nolvedex and never experienced soreness or pain in nipples but i think i have mild case of gyno now.

  2. #2
    only thing that happenes to me that someone might think is gyno is my nipples really get pointy when i'm on test...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    ranger... it is most likely in your head, real gyno will be sore and you will know it when you have it. Some men have more estrogenic fat storages on their chest which commonly called "pectoral feminization"... don't worry about it bro, all it is is that you (like many many others) store fat on your chest before other places... this is my best guess.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    ok my nipples hurt like FUCK for 3 or 4 months after taking AST's 19-nor..i ended up with lumps although the lumps are pretty much gone now..but around my nipple is not stays a lil puffy...anyway when i did d-bol i got no soreness, lumps or anything..kinda crazy andro did it to a certain point but actual juice didnt

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by NightOp
    ranger... it is most likely in your head, real gyno will be sore and you will know it when you have it. Some men have more estrogenic fat storages on their chest which commonly called "pectoral feminization"... don't worry about it bro, all it is is that you (like many many others) store fat on your chest before other places... this is my best guess.
    Thanks bro.I will be starting a kickass cycle very soon and want to make sure that if I experience any type of sensation in my nipples I will know to start popping nolvedexs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i am experiences that same thing right now ranger. i am on a cycle right now and in the past have always gotten gyno on everycylce. every time i had sore nipps. the cycle im on right now is pretty harsh and no soreness in my nipps its to good to be true that im not getting gyno considering that i have always gotten it. i now quit sure what to tell you except i have heard that when you take in anti's for a long period of time your body sometimes addapts to the fact that it has to battle estrogen and then in some cases it does it on its own without anti's.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Canada, Montreal eh!
    Originally posted by D3m3nt3d
    ok my nipples hurt like FUCK for 3 or 4 months after taking AST's 19-nor..i ended up with lumps although the lumps are pretty much gone now..but around my nipple is not stays a lil puffy...anyway when i did d-bol i got no soreness, lumps or anything..kinda crazy andro did it to a certain point but actual juice didnt
    Same shit happened to me!
    I'm never buying prohormones again, it gave me all the side effects of real gear and the gains were minimal to say the least.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    rangerdude - It is possible to develop gyno with no pain or soreness. It happens. I'm living proof. My nipples never once got sore or itched or showed any signs of anything.

    If you're really worried about it i'd back off the gear or at least see a doctor. No flame bro but hey - this message board cannot examine your chest.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Just sort of an offtopic question I'm sorry, but when you mentioned that gyno would be a bit painful or at least make your pecs more sensative is this always true with gyno. I did some PH's a couple times about a year ago and have had some fat around my pecs that I noticed recently and was unsure if its always been there. They don't hurt or nothing but my nips are a bit puffy. I've been taking ALA and I've noticed some loss in the fat around my pecs, and my abs too, so I figure it is probably not gyno but any idea why my nips could be puffy? I've never had puffy nips before I don't think.

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