I think I may have changed this cycle more than any other ever done, lol, but I have finalized it and will start it on Sunday April 7th.
I got the final go ahead tweak from the man who wrote my first cycle for me and is one of the smartest bros anywhere. This person is Mike our GOD at AR, and he only made small adjustments. BG21, Fatarms, Kizer, Shot, Superfrk, geardup, and many other vets have given me input on this cycle. If I missed someone please feel free to take the credit that you deserve.
Thank you to all the bros who helped, and thanks for taking the time to answer all my questions. I have learned more than I ever thought I would, and I did it with your help.
I have put almost a year of research, while at the same time busting my ass in the gym, and spent a lot of $$ into this cycle, so here it is.
Week 1-21 GH 18 IU/w, 5 on 2 off...still need 2 kits, arrrggh!
Week 1-21 Arimidex varied at .5 to 1mg/d. 1mg/d while front loading test.
Week 1-12 EQ 600mg/w
Week 1-6 Dbol(thai pinks) 50mg/d
Week 1-2 Enanthate 1360mg/w
Week 3-4 Enanthate 1040mg/w
Week 3-10 Tren 80mg/d
Week 5-18 Propionate 100mg/d
Week 19-21 Clomid, the usuall way, 300, 100, 50
I will be taking 2 daily injects for the whole 10 weeks I am on tren. I will be injecting 17cc's a week during that 10 week tren period.
Wish me luck and give me any input or ask any questions you wish. I have an answer for why and when I am doing EVERYTHING in this cycle.