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Thread: Anyone heard of Super Anabolon (Polish ster)?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Anyone heard of Super Anabolon (Polish ster)?

    I was offered a steroid called Super Anabolon (made in Poland?)
    I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about it?
    I'm being told that its very similar to deca?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    it is nandrolone phenylpropionate. or fast acting deca for short. never had any personal experience with it myself but would jump all over the chance to try some. it is 25mg per ml. so two ml a day would probably be a good dosage. here is a little pic
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	super anabolan.jpg 
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ID:	3591  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Thank you!

    Wow! My first post and what a fast response!
    Thank you Dizzy!

    Fast acting Deca. Sounds good!
    Anyone knows any other differences between the two?
    I.e. results? Keeping gains? Side effects?

    Thank you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    Originally posted by Dizzy
    it is nandrolone phenylpropionate. or fast acting deca for short. never had any personal experience with it myself but would jump all over the chance to try some. it is 25mg per ml. so two ml a day would probably be a good dosage. here is a little pic
    hmmm... I can get it for $10Cnd/ml. At that doesage I'm doing 350mg/week which is costing $140 per week... which is not that cheap... hmm... I have a few further questions if you don't mind:

    1) Would I have to take it everyday? I heard that Deca is OK taken once a week.

    2) Could I stick with 200mg/week dosages? That would be cheaper and it's the second time I would be on steroids, so maybe the 200mg doosage would still do it?

    Also, if it's fast acting... does it mena that I can go on a shorter than 8 weeks cycle? How fast is fast acting?

    Thank you!

  5. #5
    i think you should study up some more bro. don't go spending money and and injecting shit into your body that you know nothing about. you may end up regreting it. but i will help any way i can. use that search function. everything i put in quotes do a search on ok. read, read, and then read some more. ten bucks a pop would be too much money by the way.

    1. i said it was "nandrolone phenylpropionate" phenylpropionate has a little longer "half life" than "propionate". which is about 2-3 days. in short you should inject phenylprop at least every three days. "nandrolone decanoate" is the deca that should be injected once a week. it has a half life of around 10 days.

    2. the "dosages" you mentioned are too low. even for a first timer. most recomend about 400mg every week.

    3. since it is "fast acting" you could run it a little shorter. but eight weeks is short even for regular deca. so eight weeks would probably be ideal for the phenylprop.

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