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  1. #1
    jammergsxr's Avatar
    jammergsxr is offline Member
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    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.

    Just blowing off!!!!!!

    Why is it every asshole with a fat ass looks at me like I'm so wrong?Yes I drink water and only water,I count fat grams and carbs.I work out 5 days a week and do my best to eat clean.Just because I work in a factory doesn't meen I have to eat pure shit from vending machines and put on a gut so I'll never have to see my dick again!I am the only one in my work place that actually takes a little pride in my appearance,I'm not cocky,I'm not vain,and I could give a rats ass what they shovel in thier fat faces,I dont make comments about shit to them.But everyday I get shit about my lifestyle and how I must think i'm better.Is this bullshit or what?............You dont hafta post,just needed to vent(fuc*ing fina)!

  2. #2
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    i worked in chemical plants for years bro(scaffoldbuilder) and i watched the same pathetic people act the same pathetic way. i would get pissed for a long time, and then one day i thought, hell, if i was that nasty looking and i had to look at someone like me everytime i sat down to eat a little debby cake and drink my coke, i would be pissed to. f*ck em' brother.

  3. #3
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    Jammer, hope you got it out bro......and you have every right to let it off.

    What pisses me off even more is that people in my own family don't co-operate and give me shit for trying to live the bodybuilding lifstyle.

    Bro, hope ya feel better

  4. #4
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    be proud their jealous of your dedication.

  5. #5
    jammergsxr's Avatar
    jammergsxr is offline Member
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    Thats it man,thats it.I guess I should thank them,looking at em keeps me motivated!

  6. #6
    bigkev's Avatar
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  7. #7
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
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    Re: Just blowing off!!!!!!

    Originally posted by jammergsxr
    Why is it every asshole with a fat ass looks at me like I'm so wrong?Yes I drink water and only water,I count fat grams and carbs.I work out 5 days a week and do my best to eat clean.Just because I work in a factory doesn't meen I have to eat pure shit from vending machines and put on a gut so I'll never have to see my dick again!I am the only one in my work place that actually takes a little pride in my appearance,I'm not cocky,I'm not vain,and I could give a rats ass what they shovel in thier fat faces,I dont make comments about shit to them.But everyday I get shit about my lifestyle and how I must think i'm better.Is this bullshit or what?............You dont hafta post,just needed to vent(fuc*ing fina)!
    No shame in taking pride in the way you look! If by taking pride in the way you look means you eat healthy, and take care of your body then to hell what others think! It’s all about being positive and quality of life!


  8. #8
    lil jay is offline Junior Member
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    like big kev i also have worked in plants since i was 18.(about 5 years now)as an electrician and been in the same situation as you bro.dont worry about them bro they probally hate their jobs,and their life and take no pride in either.i have noticed this alot in the places i have worked.

  9. #9
    ECKO 747's Avatar
    ECKO 747 is offline Associate Member
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    Bros its just an example of pure envy that drives these sorry ass pieces of lard, to look at us that way...
    They're just HATERS... Nothing But HATERS...
    I get to hear a lot of bullshit about the bodybuilding lifesyle from a lot of people I know.. and deep down inside I know they could only dream to be at my level... Only problem is they only know how to hate and not appreciate..... JUST KEEP YA HEAD BRO

  10. #10
    Methuselah's Avatar
    Methuselah is offline Member
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    There just jealeous. Don't worry about it.

    "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."

    --Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens) (1835-1910) Writer, journalist, and lecturer

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    jammer i know what you mean i work in a machine shop and see the same thing. But just a sugestion it helps me anyway. I just take out the gixxer and go banging threw some gears and corners and that always helps me vent and work off some stress.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    androplex is offline Donating Member
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    You stay strong.

    Always keep striving to obtain your goals.

    My Dad thinks its stupid that I work out so much. He gives me no support. It sucks. We dont even speak hardly any more because of it.

    My mother died of pancreatic cancer three years ago she was my biggest support in my family.

    Others just dont understand that we need to work out and want to improve our bodies and our minds in doing so.

    They just dont understand bro.

    Dont let this turn against you in a bad way.

    You vent anytime you need to.

    We are here for you bro.

  13. #13
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by androplex

    Others just dont understand that we need to work out and want to improve our bodies and our minds in doing so.

    They just dont understand bro.

    I think you bring up a great point Andro, they don't understand it's not just our bodies we are improving, but our minds as weel, because we are constantly learning and growing mentally as well as physically. They sit in front of TV's munching chips and drinking cokes, getting fatter and fatter.

    They are jealous.

  14. #14
    NightOp is offline Member
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    yep, i've done two summers worth of work in a small plant's shipping/recieving dept (sucks btw), most of the people there are the typical couch potatoe with a steady diet of pizza, burgers, and beer. Most of em were all nice guys but I don't think they could understand the idea of a healthy lifestyle/muscularity.

    Even my close friends have no clue as to what's involved in trying to really be healthy and strong (and big). I tell them stuff all the time but they just don't have the love for it... granted not everyone can or needs to eat/train the way we do, but you are right bro, they shouldn't give you crap over it. Just don't worry about it, many things in life aren't worth arguing over or getting too upset about...

  15. #15
    jammergsxr's Avatar
    jammergsxr is offline Member
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    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.
    Thanks for the support guys,it really does help.Thats what makes this board so great,your never alone!

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