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Thread: me 1st cycle, plz help out, all the PROS^.^

  1. #1

    Exclamation me 1st cycle, plz help out, all the PROS^.^

    halo, me first cycle very good
    plase coment

    week 1-12 SUSTANON 500MG/week
    week 1-12 DECA DUraburin 400MG/week
    week 1-5 ANABOL(THAI) 30MG/ED
    week 10-14 WINSTROL TABS 50MG/ED
    WEEK 1-19 NOLVADEX 10mg/ed
    WEEK 1-14 PROVIRONUM 25mg/ed

    PCT - CLOMID week 16-19 just like (very good)
    PCT - CLENBUTERoL 16-19 >_< 2weeks on 2weeks off

    VERY GOOOD? is it too much for 1st cycle im a novice boy
    STATS - 167LBS 5, 11''FT

    WORKOUT ^^ 6 days on 1 day off

    Last edited by russia dog; 03-30-2005 at 04:42 PM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    way to much gear for a first cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    dog look at your natural stats, bro thats a big ****ing cycle for a first timer, not to mention one for a guy who hasnt toped 180 at 5'11 yet, i dunno bro, looks like ya did your home work on effective gear and PCT atleast, gl man

  5. #5
    so what are you suggesting for my first cycle,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento Area
    Looks like you need some more food before you need gear. What is your diet looking like?

  7. #7
    around 3500 CAL
    200-250 PROTEIN
    350-400 CARB
    around 100 FAT
    i have diet plans setted out already just need info on my gear , 1st cycle

  8. #8
    comment plzz bumping

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    read Hookers POST on Clen bout how to use it.. 2wk on 2 off is not as benificial as using it straight through and using Benydrill to phosphilate your beta2receptors.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    o hey i just got back, personally, i would wait a good 2 months, throw down, and train your ass off, and get about 8-9 hours sleep anight, loadup on carbs and your protien and grab some cheap creatine and get about 15 grams aday, 5 with breakfats, 5 befor workout and 5 berfor bed, do this and put as much natty weight on as possible. do you already have your gear?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    but in all honesty i would try to get a little bigger before starting that cycle
    say maybe try to put on another 15lbs of quality mass
    and goto the Diet Forum and read the sticky's there

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    and if i were you get some baby asperin fin your self some effedrine HCL and som caffine pills and do an ECA inplace of the clen, form the studies ive read on clen i dont like it at all

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i have used clen did a 9 week cycle w/ an Every 3rd week Benydrill Phosphilation.. kept my taurine/potassium up w/ ample Vit B complexes and it workd great for me.. i have been an ECA user for life but clen seemed to work a lil more efficiently for me... but i sweated alot more which go old.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    true ive just never really used it and it seems like it takes many people many different dosing patterens to work best

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by GridIronDevil
    true ive just never really used it and it seems like it takes many people many different dosing patterens to work best
    bah as long as you have ur sidearms intact ... ample water, Taurine, Potassium, tylenol at the redy, monitor your blood pressure, and use benedryll ... IMO Clen>ECA

  16. #16
    Most people ready to use gear are mind set to do so. Most people won't listen when you tell them to wait and gain naturally before starting, so...

    To answer your question, run a test e only cycle for 10 or 12 weeks. Kickstart with dbol if you want first 5 weeks, 30 mg day. Go 500mg , split 250 monday, 250 thursday. Your diet is key.

  17. #17
    should i run winny as well?

    clen question, what is benedryll, where do i find it, how much is the dosage

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    san antonio/houston
    hey how old r ya anyway and how long u been training

  20. #20
    hmmm no one answer me about me cycle >_< plz help modify cycle, me first cycle

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Just run a straight test cycle for 12weeks with PCT at the end. Ample for a first cycle, and you have to find out how your body reacts to the compounds.

  22. #22
    no deca? no winny?

  23. #23
    Don't run proviron through pct, it is a dht derivitive with a slight anabolic/androgenic effect and will inhibit your recovery. You'd be better off with a-dex.

  24. #24
    oh, my bad, im not running proviron PCT, just nolva/clen/and clomid

    i need insight on my stacks... ANY PROS OUT THERE COMMENT PLZ, my first cycle
    winny/deca/sus/anabol, like mentioned above

  25. #25
    im akeady planning on using AAS rite now, so.. plz dun t preeach me to not use it, these gear are irresistable

    wad i need is, an insight on the cycle..

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A happy place!
    dump the winny on this cycle......your pretty light to start with.
    keep the ana, sust and deca.

    really, you could do really good on your first cycle just running the sust @ 500mg a wk
    but if you feel the need to use more I would use the deca. and wait for the next cycle
    to add the other stuff.

  27. #27
    so, no dbol and no winny?

    i thought they are very mild, but work differently
    i need to know the negative side of adding dbol and winnny..on first cycle

    as far as the side effect ex: GYNO, water retention, not of my concern,

    i want to put as much mass as possible

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Stick with just the Sustanon and deca as you have planned out for 12 weeks.If you eat enough and train right, thats plenty of gear for a first timer to get some amazing results.

  29. #29
    hmmmm so, dbol and winny shiouldn't aid my gain?
    will it do any harm at all?
    i mean, i ahve them ready here. i want to maximize the gains

  30. #30
    wad im asking is,
    can i add dbol, winny, if not WHY, wad r the pro's and con's

    and how can "too much gear" harm me?
    i want to put on some crazy mass, lean, hardness
    thank you so much

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    For one, you've never cycled before, so you dont know how the body is going to react to the compounds. Second, why would you want to shortchange yourself? Steroids are not a quick fix, more is not always better. The more you do this cycle, the more it will take the next. You could easily throw on a good 20 lbs with just the Sustanon and deca bro, save the Winstrol and Dbol for the next cycle. Do how you wish, but a 12 week cycle with the sustanon and deca is plenty for a first timer. With your stats, even if you ran all the stuff you've listed, you will not morph into some ripped massive beast within 12 weeks. This takes years. So if your in it for the longhaul be smart and do your first cycle moderately.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by russia dog
    wad im asking is,
    can i add dbol, winny, if not WHY, wad r the pro's and con's

    and how can "too much gear" harm me?
    i want to put on some crazy mass, lean, hardness
    thank you so much
    personally i would run an TestE/EQ cycle. its clean and simple.

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