Originally Posted by
geez someone is raging.... although you have ap oint some people do get flamed excessively.. many of the question which are asked and get flamed is due to the fact that someone was too lazy to type it into the search and didn;t feel like taking the time to do the research on their own... o instead they post a question in hopes that everyone will cater to their needs and do all the work for them... it's a fact members who have been on the board awhile do get tired of seeing the same thread over and over and over again.... when we know we have answered them at least 10 times prior.
As far as the reservation and Atlanta thing im a little confused where you were headed with that one
best of luck with the board in the future.. it's a lot easier to make friends then complain to everyone, in the future questions might not even get a response if you make too many "enemies"