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Thread: making a point

  1. #1

    making a point

    i have noticed that every time someone ask a question that might sound stupid there are azzholes out there that have to ridicule the person answer this question is this not a learning board is this not where if a person has a question no matter what they can get it answered isn't there supposed to be some kinship did you butt heads know everything off the bat some of you may know the workings of roids but do you know who invented roids do you know the people they tested roids on to see how they work do you know how many test subjects died before the right mgs were figured out know you don't my point is if you know it all shut the fuc up and let someone learn

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by metabolicamateur
    i have noticed that every time someone ask a question that might sound stupid there are azzholes out there that have to ridicule the person answer this question is this not a learning board is this not where if a person has a question no matter what they can get it answered isn't there supposed to be some kinship did you butt heads know everything off the bat some of you may know the workings of roids but do you know who invented roids do you know the people they tested roids on to see how they work do you know how many test subjects died before the right mgs were figured out know you don't my point is if you know it all shut the fuc up and let someone learn
    wow someone needs a hug

  3. #3
    Word. They should sticky this thread.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    We just get tired of hearing the SAME questions over and over again!! See the search botton on the screen?? Lots of people are lazy and do not want to do the required research that they should. And before you ask.... Yes, you can drink winny!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    awww he musta been flammed as a newbie member.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    asking questions is good but they have the Educational thread for a reason

  7. #7
    i feel you and its attitude like the responses that i am getting right now that make **** like atlanta and indian reservations happen trust people don't like to be riddiculed and i am pretty sure that some of you have pissed someone off to the point they wished they could get to you it is easy to hide behind your computer

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by metabolicamateur
    i feel you and its attitude like the responses that i am getting right now that make **** like atlanta and indian reservations happen trust people don't like to be riddiculed and i am pretty sure that some of you have pissed someone off to the point they wished they could get to you it is easy to hide behind your computer
    yeah i have pissed off alotta people... but believe me you.. it was for the greater good

  9. #9
    what do you mean for the greater good

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    bro, first thing is that if u can't handle some criticism for asking an idiotic ? and would blow up if u got flammed from some guys u'll never meet on an internet board then ur definatly too immature to be using steroids. The flamming on this site isn't that bad and yes I agree that there shouldn't b alot of the time but thats the way things are and if u can't take it then don't ask....when we see the same newbie idiotic ? that r answered in the Educational thread then there is alittle room for some constructive critism. Y would u take it personal if it was ur stuiped ?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    geez someone is raging.... although you have ap oint some people do get flamed excessively.. many of the question which are asked and get flamed is due to the fact that someone was too lazy to type it into the search and didn;t feel like taking the time to do the research on their own... o instead they post a question in hopes that everyone will cater to their needs and do all the work for them... it's a fact members who have been on the board awhile do get tired of seeing the same thread over and over and over again.... when we know we have answered them at least 10 times prior.
    As far as the reservation and Atlanta thing im a little confused where you were headed with that one
    best of luck with the board in the future.. it's a lot easier to make friends then complain to everyone, in the future questions might not even get a response if you make too many "enemies"

  12. #12
    go break a needle off in your neck... back yet? Good now you have something to cry about...

    its called the search button, unless you have a pretty unique question or a new Idea you should use it...

    dont come over here rubbing off all your lovey dovey help a newbie hippie crap on me... cant you see i am trying to be swole?

    I have to hate everybody for a few weeks, it makes the juice work better...


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hey Metabolicamateur can you drink winny?

  14. #14
    wow tough words from someone hiding behind a computer with the climate in the real world i am willing to bet you ain't got the balls you get from sitting behind your computer to say that shiiit in someone's face besides you sound like you can't handle being on this board your the only one on this board letting the test get to his head do mi detect a little roid rage from the little man

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by magicstick2003
    geez someone is raging.... although you have ap oint some people do get flamed excessively.. many of the question which are asked and get flamed is due to the fact that someone was too lazy to type it into the search and didn;t feel like taking the time to do the research on their own... o instead they post a question in hopes that everyone will cater to their needs and do all the work for them... it's a fact members who have been on the board awhile do get tired of seeing the same thread over and over and over again.... when we know we have answered them at least 10 times prior.
    As far as the reservation and Atlanta thing im a little confused where you were headed with that one
    best of luck with the board in the future.. it's a lot easier to make friends then complain to everyone, in the future questions might not even get a response if you make too many "enemies"
    woz gonna comment,uv said it completely so cant b bothered!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
    bro, first thing is that if u can't handle some criticism for asking an idiotic ? and would blow up if u got flammed from some guys u'll never meet on an internet board then ur definatly too immature to be using steroids.


    There are basic rules in place.

    Read the educational threads

    DOn't ask for sources.

    I mean...geez...guys take their time to write educational threads...and you noobs come..never read 'em and ask some dumb stuff...and get pissed because no one wants to cuddle with 'em after they get bruised.

    Man up... read... learn... ask educated questions (refer to the thread "how to ask questions that get answered")


  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by metabolicamateur
    wow tough words from someone hiding behind a computer with the climate in the real world i am willing to bet you ain't got the balls you get from sitting behind your computer to say that shiiit in someone's face besides you sound like you can't handle being on this board your the only one on this board letting the test get to his head do mi detect a little roid rage from the little man

    Um... good luck getting questions answered with an attitude like that.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    spend a little time goin through prev questions,u wil find that most r asked time n time again,thats why people get slated!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by metabolicamateur
    wow tough words from someone hiding behind a computer with the climate in the real world i am willing to bet you ain't got the balls you get from sitting behind your computer to say that shiiit in someone's face besides you sound like you can't handle being on this board your the only one on this board letting the test get to his head do mi detect a little roid rage from the little man
    Relaxe we get the point that people are here to learn but you do get the people who do no research and ask the same questions over and over again. When I was looking at the board before joining I noticed people getting flamed for dumb questions. I never wanted that to happen to me so I always do research before I ask a question. As far as calling me out to fight bro you should cut down the test .

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I'm with Narkissos. And y would u talk sh!t or get an attitude with someone u'll never meet, cause just know that you've got no idea who neone on this board is so don't act like u do so if u don't like the way this board functions then leave.....

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    this thread is pretty pointless if i had the power to lock it i would because this is going nowhere.. it's just going to turn into an interent pissing match.. it's a good way to get the post count up though lol...
    newbs r always gonna complain they get flamed... us older members are always gonna complain they don;t research, it's never going to change (although for the majority most newbs at least have some basic knowledge before spoouting off questions)

  22. #22
    if you are not up on current events then you won't know what my point is all i am sayin is if this was in an area where we all could see each other it wouldn't matter if someone asked a stupid question or not if you talked to them the way you talk to people on this computer you would need an escort to your car that night some ain't takin that **** but like i said it's easy to hide behind your computer i am out peace

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    If you were in person you wouldnt ask stupid questions

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    I agree with what this guy is saying to a point. When somebody comes to this board for the first time they have no clue how it works. They are eager and want to get a question answered as soon as possible. Hell my first question was posted into one of the Educational Stickies. I didnt know sh!t about how this placed worked. So just remember when you see a dumb question that its probably not dumb to the person asking it. Its dumb to you because you have had the luxury of seeing it asked and aswered a few times before. One of the reasons I like this board is because it has a strict no flaming policy. My view is, when I see a dumb question is to put myself in that guys place. I answer the question and then point out how the board works. Its not a hard thing to do and if you dont want to answer the question then dont, but flaming doesnt help anybody.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS
    hello my name is bleh and my mommy told me that you ppl aren't nice and i should not play with rude strangers
    sometimes i wet my bed and make in my pants
    wich is fun to play with and throw at rude ppl
    ok i need a nap

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxer600
    We just get tired of hearing the SAME questions over and over again!! See the search botton on the screen?? Lots of people are lazy and do not want to do the required research that they should. And before you ask.... Yes, you can drink winny!!
    What a ****ing retard....

    Then why the **** are you here? To make stupid comments ???

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    It's easy. Just steer people in the right direction if they are new. Start answering their questions with "here is a link to another thread I found by using the search button" and post the link. They will get the message.

  28. #28
    now see you would be MY BITCH in jail

  29. #29
    i don take test

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS
    Quote Originally Posted by metabolicamateur
    now see you would be MY BITCH in jail
    hmmm do i sense a little hostillity???

  31. #31
    do you neven know how to spell

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Can you guys take this to PM's, this is getting a bit moronic. If you dont have anything inteligent to add to this thread then shut it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. #33
    thank you man i applaud you answer you don't have to be an azz all the time thank you for not being one

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS
    Quote Originally Posted by metabolicamateur
    do you neven know how to spell

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    I have 8 cc's of Deca
    40 Naps
    and Clen for PCT.

    How do you make a cycle from this?

  36. #36
    how about this unique question how many times do you have hug my balls before i shoot a hot one in your face

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    na na na bro u got it all wrong add halo/cheque drops to the deca

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Quote Originally Posted by metabolicamateur
    how about this unique question how many times do you have hug my balls before i shoot a hot one in your face
    I am enjoying this thread. You are in need of a cycleon custom title and avatar.

    By the way I am glad you joined up this month to come tell us all how we are a bunch of idiots.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2004



  40. #40
    my point if you were in person you would not be gettin smart

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