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  1. #1
    OneEyedJohnny's Avatar
    OneEyedJohnny is offline Junior Member
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    cycle help ASAP... starting tomorrow!!!!

    I just finished up my LR3 IGF-1 at 60mcg PWO 4 days/week. I have lots of prop and tren , but also have 3 bottles of QV Bold 200 and 1 bottle of QV Deca 300. My pre-planned IGF/tren/prop cycle looks like this:

    weeks 1-14 prop 100mg every day
    weeks 1-12 tren acetate 75mg every day
    weeks 5-8 igf-1
    weeks 14-18 textbook Pheedno's PCT

    My question is ... for bulking would adding deca be beneficial? (had a difficult time finding deca/tren/prop cycles in the search) OR add EQ? Both? or Neither? I would really like to maximize the maturing of my newly harvested muscle cells and since I have happened upon these few extra goodies, I was wondering if I should toss them into my cycle.

    Any thoughts?
    One Eye

  2. #2
    Deez101's Avatar
    Deez101 is offline Junior Member
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    I didn't read any of your post because I couldn't take my eyes off of your avatar

    You might want to change that if you want the crew to read your posts!!


  3. #3
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    No ****. Where is she?

    Also, I hope you get your IGF-1 questions answered. I'm interested in ideas people have about HGH.

  4. #4
    Nicky B's Avatar
    Nicky B is offline Senior Member
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    your fridge
    You should run igf-1 in your PCT to help keep more of your gains made.

  5. #5
    OneEyedJohnny's Avatar
    OneEyedJohnny is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    You should run igf-1 in your PCT to help keep more of your gains made.
    I forgot to add the IGF in conjunction with the PCT because I don't have it yet ... sorry. What about the deca and EQ, toss one/both or neither into my cycle and lengthen the prop/tren portion of the cycle? Maybe to look something like this:

    Deca cycle
    weeks 1-4 LR3 IGF-1 60mcg PWO only(4 days/week) (finished yesterday)
    weeks 4-12 tren 75mg/prop 100mg EOD
    weeks 8-12 LR3 IGF-1 60mcg PWO only
    weeks 4-14 deca 300mg weekly (150mg twice/week)
    weeks 12-16 tren 75mg ED
    weeks 12-18 prop 100mg ED
    weeks 18-22 textbook Pheedno's PCT with LR3 IGF-1 20mcg QAM (every morning)

    EQ cycle
    weeks 1-4 LR3 IGF-1 60mcg PWO only(4 days/week) (finished yesterday)
    weeks 4-12 tren 75mg/prop 100mg EOD
    weeks 8-12 LR3 IGF-1 60mcg PWO only
    weeks 4-16 EQ 500mg weekly (250mg twice/week)
    weeks 16-20 tren 75mg ED
    weeks 16-22 prop 100mg ED
    weeks 22-26 textbook Pheedno's PCT with LR3 IGF-1 20mcg QAM (every morning)

    I plan to save one of the compounds (either the deca or EQ) that I don't use for this current cycle after an appropriate length of recovery phase after the PCT. Knowing that, which would be best to use in this current cycle? I would like to do the remaining cycle I don't use for this current cycle for the next cycle. I also plan on getting some liquid dostinex (bromo) just in case I get some progesterone related nipple sensitivity, I am confident that the prop/tren won't induce estrogen related sides since I have used it in the past. Sorry for posting this but I could not find any similiar tren/prop/deca cycles and don't know if any of those compounds would not be good to use in conjunction with each other, specifically the deca with the tren/prop ... people seem to get good results with EQ/tren/prop but I would like some more feedback on a deca-based cycle like this. I figured that if the deca/tren/prop/igf (listed above) is ok to use together, I could do more of a bulking cycle with that first, then use the EQ/tren/prop/igf cycle (listed above) to do more of a cutting cycle since the tren/EQ would cut and add vascularity. Any thoughts?

    EDIT: I am increasing the tren/prop to ED after the second 4 week IGF cycle to maximize gains, plus I don't want to be limping around work for the whole 14 (deca cycle) or 18 (EQ cycle) weeks of ED injections (91 and 126 total injections respectively if done ED). I am a registered nurse and the aggressive attitude and quick "growth spurt" will be enough to attract attention to myself at work ... limping around all day long I think would bring too much attention to myself. Plus I would like to minimize scar tissue formation at my primary injection sites (I prefer delt and outer thigh shots). Just wanted to clear the air about why I wasn't doing ED injections all the way through the cycle, plus I am more worried about stable serum steroid levels after the second run of IGF for cell maturing/hypertrophy purposes.

    One Eye
    Last edited by OneEyedJohnny; 03-30-2005 at 12:00 PM.

  6. #6
    Josey Wales's Avatar
    Josey Wales is offline Associate Member
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    I don't think it's recommended to do Tren and Deca together. If you do a search, I think you'll find that some believe it increases the risk of progesterone gyno. They are both Nandrolone derivatives.

    Also, I'm not certain, but I imagine the combo would make recovering the wood post-cycle even more difficult.

  7. #7
    OneEyedJohnny's Avatar
    OneEyedJohnny is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josey Wales
    I don't think it's recommended to do Tren and Deca together. If you do a search, I think you'll find that some believe it increases the risk of progesterone gyno. They are both Nandrolone derivatives.

    Also, I'm not certain, but I imagine the combo would make recovering the wood post-cycle even more difficult.
    Not really worried about "the wood", the wife isn't a sexual person anymore, **** I have to argue with her half the time to give it up 2 or 3 times/week ... if she had it her way it would be like every 2 weeks, everything changed when she got that piece of paper in her hand and that ring on her finger a year ago. I have come really close to divorcing her a few times in the past year, but she has learned that I become a real b*tch after 2 or 3 days of not getting any. I totally understand why guys cheat on their wives, a lot of my friends warned me about how marriage changes a relationship because the same thing happened to them. It's like women are encouraged to get married by their parents their whole lives, then once they get married they "think" they have you hooked and they don't have to do anything to keep you ... Ha! I never got fina-dick in the month of fina use before I added in the prop during my last cycle, and even then I misused the 2 together, I used tren 150mg EOD for a month then added in a low dose prop (100mg EOD) ... I know now that the prop dosage should have been higher (mg per mg) than the tren.

    I am more worried about the progesterone related gyno, I guess I will save the deca for an IGF/prop/deca cycle.

    Thanx Josey

    One Eye

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