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Thread: Not gaining weight on cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym

    Not gaining weight on cycle

    Here is some stats. I've been weight training for about 3 years.

    I weigh about 223lbs. I would guess that my body fat is about 25 from what my scale tells me. I know that's not acurate, but that's a ballpark. I hold just about all of my fat in my stomach. The rest of my body is lean. I am 6' 1" tall and just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I eat good food, no junk food at all. I drink a good 1.5 to 2 gallons of water a day.

    An idea of my daily food intake would be 353 grams of protein, 179 gram of carbs, 125 gram of fat at a total of 3500 calories.

    The cycle that I am running and I am in week 5, is 250/deca/250test E every 3 days. This is my 4th cycle. For right now, the only physical work that I do is weight lifting 5/6 times a week for about an hour each workout. The rest of the time I am sitting. I have a desk job and when I go home, I don't do alot. I will be more active once the weather breaks. I don't do any cardio, but may start running a few days a week.

    I was at 221lbs when I started the cycle. I don't seem to be gaining any weight. My source is reliable. I know that the test is good and I am almost positive that the deca is good. (Same source) The reason why I say that is that my sex drive is through the roof. I have used this test before and my sex drive would go through the roof. I think that the deca intensified it though cause it is really intense this cycle. The test is ICN and the Deca is British Dragon.

    Am I expecting too much too at week 5? I know that my last cycle was test e only and it did take some time for people to notice a size difference if me, but I didn't really gain much weight then. My upper body got fuller but the scale did not show much weight gain. Or maybe I am not taking in enough calories?? I don't want to over do it with the calories and gain too much fat plus I am pretty much full all of the time.

    Any comments on this? THX!

    Sorry for the long post but I wanted to get all the info needed.
    Last edited by lzicc; 03-30-2005 at 01:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Keep adjusting your diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I would say eat more, but at 25% BF I wouldnt reccomend it.

    Maybe you are losing fat and gaining muscle, thus the scale not moving up more. Is your strength up?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    That's what I am thinking, but may pants fit tight around the waste. If I would see that my pants would be a little lose, then I would think that. I hold all of my fat in my waste, so I will start to lose it there. I just know that my last test e only cycle, after about 10 weeks, peolple, alot of people said that I looked like I was getting huge or asked me if I worked out. And not fat huge, muscle huge. Even my wife noticed a big change and she see's me everyday. I don't see much of a difference, but I always see myself.

    The 25% bodyfat, I don't know how accurate that is. It was read from a Tanita weight scale. I mainly look pretty good except that I have a bit of a gut sticking out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    I would say eat more, but at 25% BF I wouldnt reccomend it.

    Maybe you are losing fat and gaining muscle, thus the scale not moving up more. Is your strength up?
    Last edited by lzicc; 03-30-2005 at 12:29 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    I may add another can of tuna in there. Clean calories. I don't know what else to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    Keep adjusting your diet.

  6. #6
    I wouldnt pay any attention to those body fat scales, if you where really 25% BF you would be fat.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    Have you thought of raising your test dose alittle bit.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    I hate to go too high dose allthough I would like too, but I want to be somewhat safe on my dosage. I was averaging about 500mg a week on my last cycle and this cycle is the same except I added deca at 500 a week, so that is like doubling my dosage from last time. Plus at my age, my natural test I'm sure is on the low side, so this is like a thrill ride for my body having this much test in it I would think.

    And JM, I tend to agree with you on the scale not being very acurate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    Have you thought of raising your test dose alittle bit.
    Last edited by lzicc; 03-30-2005 at 12:45 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Well, its 5th week so its just starting to kick in now. You are prolly gaining muscle and water weight while burning fat. Also, i dont know how you can be 25% bf, but have it mainly at the stomach, and be 'lean' everywhere else. If its mainly stomach fat, take a measurment around the belly button. Then you will know if you are indeed losing fat and gaining muscle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    Yeah i don't think that is an accurate body fat number, but that is all I have. I don't think I need to measure my stomach, my pants are fitting a little tighter around the waste from all the cals that I've been eating.

    I could up my protein intake, but I don't want to over do it with protein either. I think that can be unhealthy for your kidneys.

    Maybe I am expecting too much to soon. I thought I would have at least gained 10lbs by now. I would be happy with that.

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