I think that I heard someone here once state that clen can become catabolic at a high dosage. Does anyone know at what dosage clen becomes catabolic?
I think that I heard someone here once state that clen can become catabolic at a high dosage. Does anyone know at what dosage clen becomes catabolic?
not sure the answer to this but id like to hear if anyone does know the answer
As for clen becoming catabolic at high dosages(assuming you're shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds at that point)....I personally feel the catabolism would be attributed to the diet, or lack thereof due to not eating....I find it hard to eat on high dosages of clen and generally stick to DNP for fat loss....But again....That is me...
clen should not become catabolic. your diet and cardio will. take in as much protien as possible when on clen. especially when taking up to 7 tabs/day!!
cool thx guys
Exactly, if anything it should be somewhat anti-catabolicOriginally posted by BE_STRONG
clen should not become catabolic. your diet and cardio will. take in as much protien as possible when on clen. especially when taking up to 7 tabs/day!!
there is a lot of scientific evidence stating that clen can become very catabolic at high doses. the studies all mentioned blood concentration of clen, so i don't know how to convert that into how much was given orally.
the mechanism this happens through is calcium ion channel permeability. clen causes these ion channels within the muscles to become very permeable to calcium. when this happens, it also causes a lot of leakage of enzymes called proteases and calpains. these enzymes eat away at protein rapidly. this is the reason why clen isn't more anabolic and why at high doses clen can be catabolic. you can take calcium ion channel blockers like dantrolene to suppress the effect and in effect make clen a very anabolic agent, but the problem with all calcium ion channel blockers is that they make you very sleepy and you need to take them at the precise moment that the clen would make the ion channels very permeable, which is right after a workout. this means you would need to take these blockers about an hour before the workout and risk getting extremely tired at the end of your workout when these suckers kick in. it would be effective in principle, but i am skeptical about its effectiveness in practice.
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