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  1. #1
    DrWoody's Avatar
    DrWoody is offline Junior Member
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    Montreal Canada

    Intro and please help with cycle

    First of all I just want to introduce myself to the board.I've been surfing around here for the past few months and I have gain alot of valuable information,thank you all.

    Here are my stats:

    37 years old
    Live in Montreal
    205 lbs
    BF.....not sure but I would guess around 12%

    Training experience.

    From 1995 to 2000 I trained religously with a very very clean diet and achieved fantastic results.In 2000 I did a cycle of 400mg of Primo/week 200mg of Deca /week for 8 weeks and 50mg of Winny every other day for the last 6 weeks.Results were exactly what I was looking for,about 12lbs of lean muscle and the Winny really ripped me up.Due to a sickness I was unable to train from 2001 until the beginning of this year,but now I'm back.I cannot even begin to tell you guys how good it feels to be training and dieting hard again.Obviously I lost pretty much all of my gains from not training for 4 years,but it has been 3 months now that I have been back in the gym and I have surprisingly been satisfied with the results.

    Now I do want to do another cycle,pretty much the same one as I did before.
    400mg Primo/week for 8 weeks 200mg Deca for 8 weeks and 50mg of Winny every 2 days for the last 6 weeks.I have forgotten if I tapered off the Primo and Deca and how much and when I took Nolvadex and Clomid

    So here are my questions:

    Should I do this cycle for 8 or 10 weeks?
    Should I taper off the Primo and Deca,if yes at which week?
    Should I take Nolvadex or Clomid or both?
    When and how much Nolvadex and Clomid should I take?
    What size pins should I use?
    Do you think this a good cycle?

    Thank you in advance to anyone who replies to this post,it is really very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2004
    you need nolva for pct

    pins, all depends on where u chose to shoot, check

    good cycle? personally id run the primo longer than the deca

    winny 50mg ed (min)


  3. #3
    Hed is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2004
    What are your goals for the cycle?

    And, most importantly:

    Do you think its a good idea to run another cycle after being 'sick' for 4 years? Just a thought.....

  4. #4
    DrWoody's Avatar
    DrWoody is offline Junior Member
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    My goals for this cycle are to put on about 10lbs of muscle and get cut up for the summer.

    As far as doing another cycle,ya I'm sure I want to do another one,but thanks for looking out for me bro.

  5. #5
    DrWoody's Avatar
    DrWoody is offline Junior Member
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  6. #6
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2004
    id do test /deca

    followed by tren / winny

    or you could just do test/deca and use clen /t3 to cut


  7. #7
    DrWoody's Avatar
    DrWoody is offline Junior Member
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  8. #8
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by DrWoody
    First of all I just want to introduce myself to the board.I've been surfing around here for the past few months and I have gain alot of valuable information,thank you all.

    Here are my stats:

    37 years old
    Live in Montreal
    205 lbs
    BF.....not sure but I would guess around 12%

    Training experience.

    From 1995 to 2000 I trained religously with a very very clean diet and achieved fantastic results.In 2000 I did a cycle of 400mg of Primo/week 200mg of Deca /week for 8 weeks and 50mg of Winny every other day for the last 6 weeks.Results were exactly what I was looking for,about 12lbs of lean muscle and the Winny really ripped me up.Due to a sickness I was unable to train from 2001 until the beginning of this year,but now I'm back.I cannot even begin to tell you guys how good it feels to be training and dieting hard again.Obviously I lost pretty much all of my gains from not training for 4 years,but it has been 3 months now that I have been back in the gym and I have surprisingly been satisfied with the results.

    Now I do want to do another cycle,pretty much the same one as I did before.
    400mg Primo/week for 8 weeks 200mg Deca for 8 weeks and 50mg of Winny every 2 days for the last 6 weeks.I have forgotten if I tapered off the Primo and Deca and how much and when I took Nolvadex and Clomid

    So here are my questions:

    Should I do this cycle for 8 or 10 weeks?
    Should I taper off the Primo and Deca,if yes at which week?
    Should I take Nolvadex or Clomid or both?
    When and how much Nolvadex and Clomid should I take?
    What size pins should I use?
    Do you think this a good cycle?

    Thank you in advance to anyone who replies to this post,it is really very much appreciated.
    Hey bro, welcome to AR! personally I'm not much for that cycle or Primo at all for that matter; it's a very weak compound in comparison to other AAS that requires much higher doses than what you're proposing to get good results. A gym buddy of mine did a Primo cycle last year topping out at 1200mg of Primo /week for 12 weeks (I think it was 12) and gained about 15lbs and kept it all - which isn't bad until you factor in how much it would have cost him.

    I'd do what I did for a first cycle which I gained about 30lbs from which was 500mg Test Enanthate /week for 12 weeks with 30mg Dbol /day for 4 weeks. PCT with Clomid and Nolva is a must, no exception! Check out the PCT forum for detailed info about how to do proper PCT.

    For pins I've used 21g, 22g, 23g and 25g and by far prefer the 23g 1" for all shots, not too thin that you risk snapping it and not too thick that it hurts to any noticable degree.

    Good luck bro, feel free to PM me again with anything else

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