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Thread: ? on injecting

  1. #1

    ? on injecting

    i recently injected some eq 200 in my left shoulder. when i pulled out blood squirted. it quiit right away. i am not a rookie at this but i just wanted to know if anyone actually knows what causes it and if there is any long term damage. it has happend before and nothing has become of it. thanks.

  2. #2
    did you asperate before shooting?

    you prolly went through a vein or something, I do it all the time... sometimes I hit a quad vein on purpose and then get my face in the way of the blood spray... you know to help keep the demons at bay....

    wait... did I just say that out loud?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    From my experience it happend to me 2 or 3 times before when they have injected me ...To wat they have told me its cause u hit a vein ..It wil just get a bit bruised and a little bit of pain for a few days ...Then again I always get injected in the glutes!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    over the hills & far away
    long as you aspirated, you have nothing to worry about. probably nicked or went through a vein. Some are bloody and some ya can't even see the poke mark. delts seem to do it more than any other place to me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    This might sound stupid , but wats the whole issue with aspirating?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k
    sometimes I hit a quad vein on purpose and then get my face in the way of the blood spray... you know to help keep the demons at bay....

    wait... did I just say that out loud?

    It works best if you smear it around on your face while screaming in Latin. Or so I heard...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by firstinmia
    This might sound stupid , but wats the whole issue with aspirating?
    Pull back on the pluger and if blood goes into the syringe that means you are in a vein

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