My son, at 17 years old, has always been into weightlifting, specifically strength training. He is very muscular for his age, at least 175lbs right now, at 5'8, and very, very lean. Recently my five year old daughter spilt some yogurt in his bag (he is on spring break) and neglected to tell me, and as you can imagine it started to smell pretty bad after a couple days. When I figured out where the smell was coming from I opened his bag and dumped in on the garage floor to see what was in it. I had no intention of looking through his things but when I saw a bottle of mysterious pills I decided to take a closer look.
I have always been concerned about what my son is taking, I was a football coach for many years and I have always promoted the use of creatine, whey protein, and a multivitamin but in the last two months or so my son had become much more lean and hard than he was before. I talked to him about what I found in his bag, Anavar, and he told me in detail about what he was doing.
He said he started taking it about 6 weeks ago, at 30mg/day, to become more lean and capable in sports, and that he understood he was young but he was getting upset at not being able to keep up with other kids on his school rugby team because they were all taking steroids. This was all very emotional. My son is a very bright boy and very involved in several sports. He also told me that he researched and decided that Anavar was the safest steroid to take. I'm sorry, but safe steroid for a 17 year old? Yeah right!
What I really want to know is what has my son done to his body? He swears that Anavar is all he has taken, and that he only took it for 6 weeks and was planning on stopping soon anyways. I did some very simple research and decided that soon I will take him for blood tests, to check his cholesterol and liver values, but aside from this what is important? How much has he damaged himself in the long run? Has he stunted his growth?
One last thing, he also is telling me that he wants to take another substance called Clommid or something like that because he says he needs to after he goes off Anavar? I am inclined to believe what he says because he is my son, but is he talking out of his ass here? What in God's name is Clommid? Is he just yanking my chain so he can get away with using more steroids?
Please help me with any of these questions or with any suggestions, I think my son has a very bright future both athletically and academically and I don't want this to ruin it!