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Thread: Found out my son was taking steroids, what can I do? Please!

  1. #1

    Found out my son was taking steroids, what can I do? Please!

    My son, at 17 years old, has always been into weightlifting, specifically strength training. He is very muscular for his age, at least 175lbs right now, at 5'8, and very, very lean. Recently my five year old daughter spilt some yogurt in his bag (he is on spring break) and neglected to tell me, and as you can imagine it started to smell pretty bad after a couple days. When I figured out where the smell was coming from I opened his bag and dumped in on the garage floor to see what was in it. I had no intention of looking through his things but when I saw a bottle of mysterious pills I decided to take a closer look.

    I have always been concerned about what my son is taking, I was a football coach for many years and I have always promoted the use of creatine, whey protein, and a multivitamin but in the last two months or so my son had become much more lean and hard than he was before. I talked to him about what I found in his bag, Anavar, and he told me in detail about what he was doing.

    He said he started taking it about 6 weeks ago, at 30mg/day, to become more lean and capable in sports, and that he understood he was young but he was getting upset at not being able to keep up with other kids on his school rugby team because they were all taking steroids. This was all very emotional. My son is a very bright boy and very involved in several sports. He also told me that he researched and decided that Anavar was the safest steroid to take. I'm sorry, but safe steroid for a 17 year old? Yeah right!

    What I really want to know is what has my son done to his body? He swears that Anavar is all he has taken, and that he only took it for 6 weeks and was planning on stopping soon anyways. I did some very simple research and decided that soon I will take him for blood tests, to check his cholesterol and liver values, but aside from this what is important? How much has he damaged himself in the long run? Has he stunted his growth?

    One last thing, he also is telling me that he wants to take another substance called Clommid or something like that because he says he needs to after he goes off Anavar? I am inclined to believe what he says because he is my son, but is he talking out of his ass here? What in God's name is Clommid? Is he just yanking my chain so he can get away with using more steroids?

    Please help me with any of these questions or with any suggestions, I think my son has a very bright future both athletically and academically and I don't want this to ruin it!



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    U.K wales
    do a search on it and you'll find that it just increases your natural test levels, at 17 your son could be a bit young to be taking steroids, but if you do lots of research yourself you will be better informed, and you can become involved in what he is doing because he wont just stop taking them because you say he should he'll just find other places to take the drugs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    At 17? that's just TOO young man and ur son definately didn't do enough research on Anavar bcs there is no "safe steroid".
    Clomid is used for PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) to restore his natural test production to normal and also in minimizing loss of gains, so i recommend u allow him to take the clomid.

  4. #4
    There deffinitely is no safe steroid at that age but anavar is actually probably the most mild for him. Talk to him about it and tell him how you feel. You're the boss

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    First off we already know he is too young. I understand that there is no "safe" steroid but out of all the steroids he could have picked from I believe anavar to be the safest. I am going to post a link at the bottom for the profile of anavar so you both can research and understand more. Good luck and I hope this helps.
    Last edited by bigcut77; 03-31-2005 at 05:59 AM. Reason: clomid not the best option for youths

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    Anavar does NOT increase natural testosterone levels. I suggest you take your own advice and do some research, sbeast.

    Anavar will not cause liver damage, especially not in those doses, and especially not in someone without massive liver damage already present. It's primarily metabolized in the kidneys.

    Take your son to get his lipids, testosterone, liver and kidney values checked, just to be safe. It is likely that his testosterone levels will be low.

    Clomid is a drug that encourages LH and FSH production. These two hormones are responsible for testicular activity. Because steroids shut down this axis, (called the HPTA) clomid is taken to start it back up. Don't let him take it. It's a synthetic estrogen, and could close his growth plates, preventing vertical growth. It's not androgens that close the growth plates, it's estrogens.

    I recommed that he takes tribulus at 4 grams per day in order to get up and working again without the pharmeceuticals.

    He'll be fine.

    Your son will be fine. That drug is typically prescribed to cancer patients, aids patients, burn victims, and children. It shouldn't even be in the same category as other steroids.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    agreed var isnt safe for a 17 yr old, but it is one of the weakest and what many consider a 'girly' drug, things should be fine


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Scratch my comment on the thread for pct. Dude -man hit the nail on the head. I forgot about clomid in youths. The tribulis should do just fine and you can get that at any supplement store for weight lifting.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i think its all good bro...let him take his clomid so he wont loose what he gained or belive me, he'll move on to bigger things, you may be his father but kids have a strong will and they will find a way to do it look at it this way at least he was honest with you and did do some research because anavar is a very mild steroid and like a few here said its many times perscribed to children.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    yeah as amatte rof fact stick with the trib hell get too emotional on clomid

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GridIronDevil
    yeah as amatte rof fact stick with the trib hell get too emotional on clomid
    It has little to do with the emotional aspects and more to do with growth plates. If you make a wrong statement at least go back and edit or delete your comments to keep from steering people in the wrong direction. I just had to do this myself because I forgot about the age factor. This is not specificaly directed at you gridiron but to anyone who may make a mistake in their advice. This includes myself. Thats why we have the edit/delete options.
    Last edited by bigcut77; 03-31-2005 at 06:12 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    i appreciate that big cut.

  13. #13
    chinups Guest
    NO CLOMID!!!That would be a horrible idea. I bet his levels won't be that low even after a couple weeks of being off, I am taking anavar and have plans for PCT except for over the counter supps. If I used test or some other heavier steroids I would use clomid but IMO anavar doesn't affect HPTA much

    If his test levels are low which I doubt they are from what he took and the dosage they will bounce back real quick!!! Do the test and you will see. Creatine/Protein/Vitamins should be the only thing someone takes until they have researched and reached there mid twenties if they take anything at all.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    well it seems to me that with clomid many grown men get emotional as hell while on PCT with clomid...muchless a teen with fluctuating emotions already...but whatever i stand corrected.

  15. #15
    I think you need to put your foot in his A$$...

    you run the show dad.... where is he getting the money for anavar in the first place.... I suggest taking away that allowance, and you and him training together naturally...

    bring him down a notch, then help him back up the right way...

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    NO CLOMID!!!That would be a horrible idea. I bet his levels won't be that low even after a couple weeks of being off, I am taking anavar and have plans for PCT except for over the counter supps. If I used test or some other heavier steroids I would use clomid but IMO anavar doesn't affect HPTA much

    If his test levels are low which I doubt they are from what he took and the dosage they will bounce back real quick!!! Do the test and you will see. Creatine/Protein/Vitamins should be the only thing someone takes until they have researched and reached there mid twenties if they take anything at all.
    Bro you should rewrite this its very confusing to someone who doesnt know whats going on. I think you are saying that Clomid is a bad idea for this kid ? Which it is IMO.

    I think its great that father and son can talk about this and that you as a father are smart enough to try and find out the facts on steroids. My son is 18 and I would definitly discuss this rather than try and impose an uneducated view on him, if you stick around here long enough you may end up getting on steroids yourself, I am 50 and its the best thing I ever did. Personally I would just get him on Tribulus as already advised and also some stuff called Tongkat-Ali which you can also get in a health food store. Both these products will help kick up the test levels if in fact they are depleted. Dont worry about him, he will be fine. Six weeks on Anavar wont do a lot of harm thats for sure.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2004
    Josue, I highly suggest you take Dude-Man's advice. He is a senior member of this forum and knows what he's talking about. As you can see in this thread, there are many people here who like to give advice even when they don't know 100% of what they are talking about. I don't think you will be able to tell the difference, seeing you don't have much of a background in these types of things. But we will help you out. Your son will be ok.

  18. #18
    chinups Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    Bro you should rewrite this its very confusing to someone who doesnt know whats going on. I think you are saying that Clomid is a bad idea for this kid ? Which it is IMO.

    I think its great that father and son can talk about this and that you as a father are smart enough to try and find out the facts on steroids. My son is 18 and I would definitly discuss this rather than try and impose an uneducated view on him, if you stick around here long enough you may end up getting on steroids yourself, I am 50 and its the best thing I ever did. Personally I would just get him on Tribulus as already advised and also some stuff called Tongkat-Ali which you can also get in a health food store. Both these products will help kick up the test levels if in fact they are depleted. Dont worry about him, he will be fine. Six weeks on Anavar wont do a lot of harm thats for sure.
    I was responding to the father in this, no sure if I care if someone else doesn't know what is going on. Anything for someone under 21 is bad clomid steroids or over the counter adro. THATS A GIVEN

    I think advice was solid.

    1-Get him off the juice
    2-Get blood test
    3-Don't take anything to counter the anavar, if necessary doctor will give something

    Last edited by chinups; 03-31-2005 at 06:41 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    planet earth
    first of all I would comend yor son for admitting to you "in detail" what he is doing and plan on doing afterwards.

    You must face the truth, your son has already got his feet wet with gear, and it sounds like he has made some gains. Also it sounds like he did a little research. I hate to tell you but it will be very hard for him to stop. His self confidence and well being will go through the roof. I bet no one on this site can say they only did one cycle. You know teens will find a way to do anything.

    I agree with "chinup " for pct

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    ACLU headquarters
    Dude-man.........that is excellent advice, there couldn't be a more informative response to this thread.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    I don't support the use of AAS in kids that don't have a medical need for it. But here's a quote from the article linked above.

    "Oxandrolone is one of the few steroids, which does not cause an early stunting of growth in children since it does not prematurely close the epiphysial growth plates. For this reason Oxandrolone is mostly used in children to stimulate growth and in women to prevent osteoporosis"

  22. #22
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    I don't support the use of AAS in kids that don't have a medical need for it. But here's a quote from the article linked above.

    "Oxandrolone is one of the few steroids, which does not cause an early stunting of growth in children since it does not prematurely close the epiphysial growth plates. For this reason Oxandrolone is mostly used in children to stimulate growth and in women to prevent osteoporosis"

    I believe that is because it does not aromatize...or so the profile says. As Dude-Man stated it is estrogen that cause the problems in growth plates not androgens.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Exactly what Dude-Man said, and definately no clomid, i cant believe that was even suggested.

    Your son will want to take teh clomid to kind of 'proove' to you that he knows what he was doing somewhat, and he knew about PCT (post cycle therapy), but explain to him the negative effects of clomid at this point in his life, why he doesnt need it, and hey, bring him to the site here and let him read this thread.

    This is THE premier site on the internet to get educated about this kind of stuff. Your son did this once and didnt have enough information about it. If he happens to do it again in a few years, at least he knows of this site and he can be reading up on it until then.

    A lot of the guys on here researched for a year at least before starting their first cycle.

    Good luck, both as a father to your son and a friend to him.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    Be advised that when you go get bloodwork done you may freak out because of low test levels and possibly elevated lipids. If you wish to be thorough then go back for more bloodwork say 6 weeks after he's been off, then maybe 6 weeks after that. You'll see that he will recover just fine.

    You son -although too young- picked probably the safest steroid there is, but still it's not completely safe. Be thankful he wasn't supplementing testosterone. I suggest you bring your son to this site, and have him learn as much as he can. Hopefully then he'll realize that high school isn't really that important and that he doesn't need to juice to be a good rugby player. It's tough for teens because image is very important to them, bring him here so maybe he can learn and grow up a bit.

    Also, I think you should read the forums as well. The educational threads, the profiles on the mainpage. It will greatly increase your knowledge and as they say, "knowledge is power"

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Anavar is Prob the most Expensive Oral there is, or one of them. @ that dosage, even if the dealer he buys from is cutting him a deal he's prob spending @ leat $5.00 just on that, and easily up to $10-15$ a day.

    Stick your foot in his ass. WAY WAY too young to be using ANY AS

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    I'm not sure I understand why you guys are telling him to get bloodwork done. To what end? To simply draw professional attention to the fact that his son took an illegal substance? Give him some trib and some tongkat and let it be.

    You can get bloodwork done, then you and the doc can see that his test levels are low (if they indeed are), then you can go home and do the same PCT you would have done anyways. Your son is a perfectly healthy young man. Any doctor worth his weight will know what's up almost immediately. Probably before he even does the actual test.

    Had he of just done 8-10 weeks of tren, then yeah, make that extra effort.
    Last edited by co2boi; 03-31-2005 at 08:25 AM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Dude-Man
    Anavar does NOT increase natural testosterone levels. I suggest you take your own advice and do some research, sbeast.

    Anavar will not cause liver damage, especially not in those doses, and especially not in someone without massive liver damage already present. It's primarily metabolized in the kidneys.

    Take your son to get his lipids, testosterone, liver and kidney values checked, just to be safe. It is likely that his testosterone levels will be low.

    Clomid is a drug that encourages LH and FSH production. These two hormones are responsible for testicular activity. Because steroids shut down this axis, (called the HPTA) clomid is taken to start it back up. Don't let him take it. It's a synthetic estrogen, and could close his growth plates, preventing vertical growth. It's not androgens that close the growth plates, it's estrogens.

    I recommed that he takes tribulus at 4 grams per day in order to get up and working again without the pharmeceuticals.

    He'll be fine.

    Your son will be fine. That drug is typically prescribed to cancer patients, aids patients, burn victims, and children. It shouldn't even be in the same category as other steroids.
    Fantastic post!!!! I also think you should make sure that he is only TAKING Anavar and not some injectable steroid to go along with it. Ask him to be completely honest with you. If he looks A lot bigger the last several weeks, then he is taking something other than the VAR.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    A lot of us would caution you about telling your Dr he is using steroids. That goes into your medical records, which are freely available to just about everyone these days.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    land of the cottonheads(F
    Your 38yo and you were a football coach for many years and you know nothing about steroids! Hmmm....

  30. #30
    chinups Guest
    LOL-A yeah some ppl didn't need steroids.......Why is that a surprise?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    Your 38yo and you were a football coach for many years and you know nothing about steroids! Hmmm....
    LOL back in my day my coach was literally handing out gear to some of his key players ><
    mostly TestE and Dbols.
    welcome to the land of rednecks =/

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    4g of trib or tonkat alit with may be some ZMA and he will be fine

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GridIronDevil
    i think its all good bro...let him take his clomid so he wont loose what he gained or belive me, he'll move on to bigger things, you may be his father but kids have a strong will and they will find a way to do it look at it this way at least he was honest with you and did do some research because anavar is a very mild steroid and like a few here said its many times perscribed to children.
    Bro, don't give advice when you have no clue what your talking about.

    Dude-man knows his stuff. So let people with a little knowledge answer
    these kinds of questions. No flame intended just stating the facts here.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I concure with Dude-Man 100%. No need to take clomid for keeping his gains?? Not much in that department for 6 weeks at 30mg a day. Your son is pretty smart because although he is way to young he did use a wise substance, mild. He had a laspe in judgement. You will both grow from this and be much closer too. Do not worry he is fine.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Noo Yawk
    I don't believe clomid is bad for him...I was prescribed it when I was 17 years old after taking numerous things and it saved me from never recovering my test levels...

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Jugo Buen0
    I don't believe clomid is bad for him...I was prescribed it when I was 17 years old after taking numerous things and it saved me from never recovering my test levels...
    No one's debating if it is or isn't bad for him

    we're weighing the positive effects against the negative for his age range.

    At 17, tribulus/tongkat would be a better suggestion.

    Stop confusing the issue...the guy's dad doesn't need conflicting information

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Mental Institution
    Quote Originally Posted by Dude-Man
    Anavar does NOT increase natural testosterone levels. I suggest you take your own advice and do some research, sbeast.

    Anavar will not cause liver damage, especially not in those doses, and especially not in someone without massive liver damage already present. It's primarily metabolized in the kidneys.

    Take your son to get his lipids, testosterone, liver and kidney values checked, just to be safe. It is likely that his testosterone levels will be low.

    Clomid is a drug that encourages LH and FSH production. These two hormones are responsible for testicular activity. Because steroids shut down this axis, (called the HPTA) clomid is taken to start it back up. Don't let him take it. It's a synthetic estrogen, and could close his growth plates, preventing vertical growth. It's not androgens that close the growth plates, it's estrogens.

    I recommed that he takes tribulus at 4 grams per day in order to get up and working again without the pharmeceuticals.

    He'll be fine.

    Your son will be fine. That drug is typically prescribed to cancer patients, aids patients, burn victims, and children. It shouldn't even be in the same category as other steroids.
    Couldn't have said it better myself.....

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Noo Yawk
    all I'm telling you from is my actual experience as a kid his age who made very similar mistakes, and I'm telling you what my urologist prescribed and what worked for me. how can you discredit an actual experience?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by El Jugo Buen0
    all I'm telling you from is my actual experience as a kid his age who made very similar mistakes, and I'm telling you what my urologist prescribed and what worked for me. how can you discredit an actual experience?
    By alluding to the fact that you're one person... not the general consensus.

    While not discrediting your experience persay... neither would it be fitting to advise that the guy allow his son to use clomid.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    right behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    By alluding to the fact that you're one person... not the general consensus.

    While not discrediting your experience persay... neither would it be fitting to advise that the guy allow his son to use clomid.
    agreed, trib is the best bet for this kid. if you can say how it's not the best FOR HIM then you might have some ground to stand on. i just don't see any advantages of takin clomid over trib but i do see the the advantages vice versa.

    it would be great if we could get a little interaction from josue. good luck man.

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