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to gain weight/size naturally after 3 cycles in 5 years,
i have done 3 cycles consisting of
1-10 sust 250mg e/w
1-5 test undecanate 40mg e/d
no pct due 2 lack of knolegde in that department
1-10 sust 250mg e/w
1-8 horse deca ... cant remember the mg
1-4 dbol 35mg e/d
6-10 winny tabs e/d
yet again no pct
1-12 test Cyp 400 mg e/w
1-4 100mg anadrol e/d
1-12 nolva 20mg e/d
pct - nolva hcg
so would it be possible 2 put on hold my next cycle to try and regain
the gains naturally what i think i cheated myself out of starting
roids to soon whats every1 think?