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Thread: Site Rotation with 125 mg (.5cc) Sust injections EOD

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Ontario, Canada

    Site Rotation with 125 mg (.5cc) Sust injections EOD

    I've heard sust hurts like a bitch. Here's what I plan on doing to lower the pain and alter the injection sites:
    [1]left ventrogluteal (top of the glute), [2]right ventrogluteal,
    [3]left vastus lateralis (outside of quad), [4]right vastsus lateralis,
    [5]left delt, [6]right delt, and then start from the beginning.

    I'm avoiding using the dorsalgluteal (butt) site since there's a chance of hitting the sciatic nerve.

    Do you think this type of site rotation will be good (i.e. prevent pain, scar tissue, still allow good drug absorption, etc)?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbagz
    I've heard sust hurts like a bitch. Here's what I plan on doing to lower the pain and alter the injection sites:
    [1]left ventrogluteal (top of the glute), [2]right ventrogluteal,
    [3]left vastus lateralis (outside of quad), [4]right vastsus lateralis,
    [5]left delt, [6]right delt, and then start from the beginning.

    I'm avoiding using the dorsalgluteal (butt) site since there's a chance of hitting the sciatic nerve.

    Do you think this type of site rotation will be good (i.e. prevent pain, scar tissue, still allow good drug absorption, etc)?

    try the basics bro, shoulders, pecs, tris, ass-- look at the and thighs.. if you do the way you are saying you wont be able to walk period..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Ontario, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by hung-solo
    try the basics bro, shoulders, pecs, tris, ass-- look at the and thighs.. if you do the way you are saying you wont be able to walk period..
    is it ..............because it's not a site yet?

  4. #4
    I'm doing biceps .5cc each on monday, .5cc each triceps wed and .5cc ech shouler on friday! Very great result and no pain at all! hope that will help you.

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