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Thread: Is this a good idea? need help??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    check your closet

    Is this a good idea? need help??

    Ok here it is.. im just starting my 2nd week of clomid. my last cycle was sus 500mg eq 600mgs for 14 weeeks with winny the last 5 weeks eod... i have one week left of clomid , but im going away in 3 weeks , could i do some winny 50mg ed for 3 weeks and get some results out of it , or would it be a waste, im lean as hell now , 5'10" 205lbs 7% bf but i know ill get some size perhaps out of winny , even if its only a few pounds... any other sugestions ???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    14 weeks on....14 weeks off.
    And w/ the problems you've had w/ blood in your urine I'd stay off longer then that if I were you....
    If you were gonna do anything you should have just bridged w/ Anavar not winny and skiped the clomid....


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by MBaraso
    14 weeks on....14 weeks off.
    And w/ the problems you've had w/ blood in your urine I'd stay off longer then that if I were you....
    If you were gonna do anything you should have just bridged w/ Anavar not winny and skiped the clomid....

    Bump to that! Thats good advice. I'd probably stay about 20 wks bro. You've got a good build going. Why risk your charbroiling your internal organs for a few more pounds?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fucking up your liver for a Winny only cycle just isn't worth it. NOTHING is for that matter.


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