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Thread: nephew age 19 and gearing..Help!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    nephew age 19 and gearing..Help!!

    My cousin ross is a freshman in college and currently came to gear becasue he assumed i knew b/c i have been lifting for while and only one in family that really lifts. I told him they can be both very harmfull and beneficial depending on cylce,diet,etc.etc....Then out of nowhere he said he was on a winny/masteron/clen cycle because he wanted to have lean muscle mass and look hard.....hes about midway thru it an said he looks different already...I Started when i was 18 an am fine but i know 19 is really young....but will this weaker cycle bother him greatly in futture you guys think b/c he already midway thru it?????????WHAT DO YALL THINK????

  2. #2
    He should be fine.

  3. #3
    19 is young but if he knows what hes doing its not so bad. Judging by his cycle however he does NOT.

  4. #4
    Well, that cycle blows but that may actually work to his advantage. Since neither of his compounds aromatize he won't have to worry about his growth plates closing early. If he was using test or dbol then he may have limited his potential maximum height.

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