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  1. #1
    RiptUp is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Clomid or Arimidex?

    If you had to choose which would work best as an anti-e? Clomid or Arimidex ?

    Can you take the arimidex after a cycle as you would with the clomid?

  2. #2
    BE_STRONG is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    arimidex is what you need ! clomid is for post cycle test recovery and is a mild anti-e! you can get away with murder with arimidex!!

  3. #3
    NightOp is offline Member
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    Jan 2002
    arimidex is a better anti-e because it prevents the test from aromatizing into estrogen... clomid has some anti estrogenic qualities, however it blocks the estrogen from binding at the site (it does not prevent aromatization like arimidex does). Clomid is traditionally used post cycle and yes i've heard many many many times that it is a good idea to continue the arimidex through post cycle, it will keep your test to estrogen ratio very high (good) and will aid in recovery. Just don't overdo the doseage, arimidex is very very potent and 1mg ED can be too much for some people (depends on bodyweight, AAS doses, and other factors).. too little estrogen can adversly affect bone density and cholesterol if suppressed too much for long periods.
    Last edited by NightOp; 04-05-2002 at 04:59 PM.

  4. #4
    RiptUp is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Bump for more comments

  5. #5
    SUPERSPRING is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Iam geting some arimidex tomorrow. I am reading the board to get imfo. You say 1mg ED is too much for some. What are some signs of side effects to look for if your dose is too high. What can a 195p guy holding water from test and dbol expect with the stuff. I have my clomid for post I also have an opp to get some novadex. Good stack. fill me in.

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