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Thread: Is 19 too young to start.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Is 19 too young to start.

    Im 19 and ive been liftin religiously for 5 years now. lifting is my life and i focus everything i do around lifting. I do everything i can to gain mass and im at the point now where my body refuses to get any bigger. Its very frustrating to me cause i bust my ass in the gym and dont get the results i feel i should. Ive seriously plateud and it pisses me off. Im ready to force my body into getting biggr by juicing. I kno that im not getting any bigger unless i take this route, but i am slightly concerned with the fact that im still a teenager and i read that its bad for teens cause their still developing. but im 19 and will only be a teenager for a few more months but is it really necesary that i wait till im 20 just so im not taking it while im a "teen"? i dont think im gonna get any taller cause i havnt grown in a few years but im concerned that my internal organs may still be developing or something. is this the case, and should i in fact hold off for a while longer, although i really dont want to and unless there is serious reprocussions of taking this stuff at 19 as opposed to 21 than im going to start casue lifting is my life and im tired of busting my ass just to maintain the size ive had for years. any advice guys, i wanted to ask the people that have been there before thats why im posting it here. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    im 19 like u and actually sold my **** b4 i started cause im goin to wait to atleast 21. ive been told by plenty of people that it isnt a wise idea to start already cause ur body produces plenty of test on its own. u should check ur diet, and workout routines. make sure u check ur diet many will tell u that 75%of gaining muscle lies in how ur diet is. i've been training for 3 years and hit plateus but it all passes in time. but if u do decide to juice make sure u are very well educated on all aspects on it.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2004
    its not totally recomended but i did it at 19 im fine... i know i totally finished growing at around 19 cause my bro was 26 at the time and im his height so i know i wasnt gunna grow much taller if i did... just make sure you do it properly and do lots of research you should be fine... lots of people started in teenage years , do u think arnold waited till he was 21 to start?? lol he won his first mr.universe at 21 i think lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    well first off , i start gear when iwas young , and i am still young and i regret it , i wish i knew more about it b 4 i started cuase i coulda grown allot more without using aas, if u get ur diet in check , eat lots of cals and protein and train hard, switchin ur routines up exc , try using creatine , glutamine , protein and lots of carbs and u should grow. but yeah i wouldnt recommend the juice just yet , post the ave food u eat , from morning to night , and wat time u work out at. u doin heavy squats , heavy deadlifts ,power/hang cleans exc /??

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The DOJO
    Not worth it buddy.

    Probably not what you want to hear, but its the truth.

    Speaking from someone who knows, your health is the most important thing you can ever posess.

    EVERYONE takes their health for granted untill they loose it.
    Try to break that steriotype buddy. Take the good advice!

    You still have a lot of growing to do.
    You should stay away completely from the stuff, but ...

    I say, stay on the board, learn as much as you can, train hard and eat good, and when you are about 23-24
    then you can make the decision if you want to juice or not.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    yes, 19 is too young, bottom line.

    the best thing i think you can do now is try to take a completely different approach to lifting.

    if you train like a bodybuilder, try training like a powerlifter for a while. vice versa if you're a powerlifter. try negatives, a bulking cycle where you eat a ton and even gain fat (and then cut down later of course).

    there are tons of different techniques u can use that don't involve AAS. if i were you i'd make up a comprehensive list of your diet, training and stats, and then make a post about your goals and see what everyone here can come up with.

    mad props on your training though bro', and keep up the good work.

  7. #7
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    Do Not Listen To This Guy

    Quote Originally Posted by bigguy20
    its not totally recomended but i did it at 19 im fine... i know i totally finished growing at around 19 cause my bro was 26 at the time and im his height so i know i wasnt gunna grow much taller if i did... just make sure you do it properly and do lots of research you should be fine... lots of people started in teenage years , do u think arnold waited till he was 21 to start?? lol he won his first mr.universe at 21 i think lol.

    Arnold also had 2 liver transplants, from what I have read.
    Arnold doesnt look so good now either.
    Lets see how you are doing when you are 40.

    How old are you man?
    Sorry but I am gonna flame you here cuz you are giving BAD ADVICE.

    You obviously do not know anything about this subject,
    "i tottaly finished growing at around 19" that is the stupidest thing I have read this week.

    Not tottaly recomended... NO
    Not recomended at all....YES
    Last edited by phwSSJ; 04-01-2005 at 12:32 AM.

  8. #8
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
    Join Date
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    so i guess 18 is too young too then? haha

    i gained 30 solid lbs last yr just by increasing my food intake and squating and squating and squating and deadlifting.
    but try not to eat low quality food. get your carbs from oatmeal and **** liek that. and lift heavy. it also helps to train with some1. dont give your body any choice but to grow.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Darmstadt, Germany
    too young. period.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    United States
    i started at 18 and i dont regret it. as for arnold not looking good, hes 54 years old. he looks better then my father who is around the same age. also i never heard a thing about 2 liver transplants and if it were true it would of been all over the news like when he had his heart surgery. i of course wouldnt recomend anyone use roids before the age of 21 but i can say i started at 18 or 19(i really dont remember for sure, i just know it was my freshmen year of college) and dont have any problems.

  11. #11
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    i started at 18 and i dont regret it. as for arnold not looking good, hes 54 years old. he looks better then my father who is around the same age. also i never heard a thing about 2 liver transplants and if it were true it would of been all over the news like when he had his heart surgery. i of course wouldnt recomend anyone use roids before the age of 21 but i can say i started at 18 or 19(i really dont remember for sure, i just know it was my freshmen year of college) and dont have any problems.

    And you are how old now ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Jessica Albas' ASS
    bro your body has too much internal potential and natural testosterone to shut it down with aas
    i would wait till youre at least 21-23
    i know it seems like a long time but i waited till i was 31
    right now i'm not even in the 5th week of my first cycle test e
    and i built up to my size naturally untill then.
    the test is just now starting to kick in
    so stay natural for a while, eat right and push the hell out of some weights
    if you can lift it 6-8 times the weight is too light go heavyer and you will grow
    keep pumpin bro keep pumpin

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by Reptile
    Im 19 and ive been liftin religiously for 5 years now. lifting is my life and i focus everything i do around lifting. I do everything i can to gain mass and im at the point now where my body refuses to get any bigger. Its very frustrating to me cause i bust my ass in the gym and dont get the results i feel i should. Ive seriously plateud and it pisses me off. Im ready to force my body into getting biggr by juicing. I kno that im not getting any bigger unless i take this route, but i am slightly concerned with the fact that im still a teenager and i read that its bad for teens cause their still developing. but im 19 and will only be a teenager for a few more months but is it really necesary that i wait till im 20 just so im not taking it while im a "teen"? i dont think im gonna get any taller cause i havnt grown in a few years but im concerned that my internal organs may still be developing or something. is this the case, and should i in fact hold off for a while longer, although i really dont want to and unless there is serious reprocussions of taking this stuff at 19 as opposed to 21 than im going to start casue lifting is my life and im tired of busting my ass just to maintain the size ive had for years. any advice guys, i wanted to ask the people that have been there before thats why im posting it here. thanks

    Bro you should not do this at 19 end of story. Post your diet on the Diet Forum and talk to a guy named Swolecat, the guy is huge and completely natural and he knows sh!tloads about dieting and getting bigger. You dont need gear, you need to educate yourself about what other things you can do, and there are many.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i'm 18 and on my 2nd, i don't regret it (yet) lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by phwSSJ

    Arnold also had 2 liver transplants, from what I have read.
    I've never heard of this before..can anyone else confirm? Just curious...
    I think 19 is usually too young, yes.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
    i'm 18 and on my 2nd, i don't regret it (yet) lol
    well u will, later on...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    to young plain and simple

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    IF you do decide to do it make sure you research....then research some more. Make sure you do PCT. Maybe even get your growth plates checked out and some blood work.

    I just dont understand some people on here though, They think just because we are young we have tons of test surging through us naturally. Well I know i do not have normal test ranges for my age, (20) they are lower. I have a very very hard time putting on muscle. My diet is pretty **** good, I eat to bulk. I dont care much about putting on some fat but I still cant put on muscle. My workout routines are in check. I dont think I overtrain..... Soooo I think it all depends on the individual...hell im sure there are some people in their mid 30s with high normal test ranges! Everyone is different

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    The DOJO
    Quote Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
    i'm 18 and on my 2nd, i don't regret it (yet) lol

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The DOJO

    Dont Listen To This Guy Either

    Quote Originally Posted by Explosive215
    IF you do decide to do it make sure you research....then research some more. Make sure you do PCT. Maybe even get your growth plates checked out and some blood work.

    I just dont understand some people on here though, They think just because we are young we have tons of test surging through us naturally. Well I know i do not have normal test ranges for my age, (20) they are lower. I have a very very hard time putting on muscle. My diet is pretty **** good, I eat to bulk. I dont care much about putting on some fat but I still cant put on muscle. My workout routines are in check. I dont think I overtrain..... Soooo I think it all depends on the individual...hell im sure there are some people in their mid 30s with high normal test ranges! Everyone is different

    Not only do you not understand some people on this board, you also do not understand steroids.

    I dont care when people say stupid stuff, everyone does once in a while,

    what pisses me off is when people give HARMFUL advice to impressionable young people.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Ok hold on there everyone. Exact age is not what should tell everyone if they should use. Is it a good rule of thumb? Yes. But there are 19 year olds whos bodies are more developed than some 22 year olds, plain and simple. Now to the thread starter, well odds are you are not in that group.

    Please post some stats, and be honest. It is very very unlikely you are ready for AAS. And you are not doing everything correct if you say your "platueing" at 19. Give us some more info and we can give you better feedback than "you will die when your 40".

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i was juicing when i was 18 and im now 36 6ft3 245lbs. dam i would not have juiced i would be 7ft tall lol

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Reptile, what are your stats? Height, weight, bodyfat %, max lifts...

    Also how does your diet look? Do you know how many calories you eat per day?

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Gettin lean wit it...
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Reptile, what are your stats? Height, weight, bodyfat %, max lifts...

    Also how does your diet look? Do you know how many calories you eat per day?
    Seriously you aren't telling us much. We gotta know this stuff.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    im also 18 and ran one cycle...not just for looks or comps or anything like that but to move up the ranks in the hockey world.

  26. #26
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Reptile, what are your stats? Height, weight, bodyfat %, max lifts...

    Also how does your diet look? Do you know how many calories you eat per day?

    thanks for the responses guys although i must say its not was i was hoping to hear. Im 6 ft even, 210 lbs, and my body fat is probably around 25%, last i checked it was in that range anyhow. i have very poor fat distrabution in my body, it all goes straight to my stomach, no fat goes to my arms or legs at all, so its hard for me to do all the bulk eating cause it makes my stomach fatter. Im not sure how many calories i eat per day, but honestly my diet isnt that great. I eat lots of protein, and i drink a lot of water, but i eat cheesesteaks and roastbeef sandwiches and pizza and stuff like that a lot. im not really trying to lose my gut right now tho cause everytime i try to lose fat i end up losing quality muscle and strenth and it depresses me. I can bench 280 for like 3 reps, thats as high as i can go, and i squat only 225 but i like to rep out with it. i dont like to leave the gym until the body parts i trained are almost numb. I take creatine but i highly doubt it does anything. By the way, ive taken a bunch of prohormones before, the otc stuff like andro, as early as like 16 i was experimenting with that stuff. It didnt help me gain any but could it have had steroid like side effects on me? and if it did should i start juicen now because ive already exposed my body to steroid like compound and it wouldnt matter now?? thanks for your help guys i appreciate it.

  27. #27
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    Jul 2003
    Alot of people say you should wait, and theyre probably right. But I went ahead and started at 19. I mean im already 5'11 so i wasnt worried about stunted growth, and I had my diet and training in check. I had been training for a number of years, so i did my first cycle. I made impressive gains, my avatar is from the summer when i was totally jacked on test and tren, 225lbs.

  28. #28
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by phwSSJ

    Arnold also had 2 liver transplants, from what I have read.
    Arnold doesnt look so good now either.
    Lets see how you are doing when you are 40.

    How old are you man?
    Sorry but I am gonna flame you here cuz you are giving BAD ADVICE.

    You obviously do not know anything about this subject,
    "i tottaly finished growing at around 19" that is the stupidest thing I have read this week.

    Not tottaly recomended... NO
    Not recomended at all....YES
    buddy i dont think your one that can say i dont know anything about this subject and i said my bro is same height as me and almost 30 he didnt use juice and i did were the same height right now so im pretty sure i did most or my growing,if anything i lost an inch at most i really dont give a F*** cause im not a midget im 5'10 which is an average height for a guy anyway. everyone here is different and i was saying that yes i did start at 19 and no i dont plan on doing juice for my whole life i have more important things going on than being a juicebag till im 50 and dying young like some bb'rs do. so im taking all my precautions and i did tons of research on it and i always make sure im in good health before i start a cycle. im always under my docs supervision also.
    and no arnold did not have 2 liver transplants and hes 60 and looks better than my dad which is 50 so i think you need to get some facts straight.

  29. #29
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Reptile
    thanks for the responses guys although i must say its not was i was hoping to hear. Im 6 ft even, 210 lbs, and my body fat is probably around 25%, last i checked it was in that range anyhow. i have very poor fat distrabution in my body, it all goes straight to my stomach, no fat goes to my arms or legs at all, so its hard for me to do all the bulk eating cause it makes my stomach fatter. Im not sure how many calories i eat per day, but honestly my diet isnt that great. I eat lots of protein, and i drink a lot of water, but i eat cheesesteaks and roastbeef sandwiches and pizza and stuff like that a lot. im not really trying to lose my gut right now tho cause everytime i try to lose fat i end up losing quality muscle and strenth and it depresses me. I can bench 280 for like 3 reps, thats as high as i can go, and i squat only 225 but i like to rep out with it. i dont like to leave the gym until the body parts i trained are almost numb. I take creatine but i highly doubt it does anything. By the way, ive taken a bunch of prohormones before, the otc stuff like andro, as early as like 16 i was experimenting with that stuff. It didnt help me gain any but could it have had steroid like side effects on me? and if it did should i start juicen now because ive already exposed my body to steroid like compound and it wouldnt matter now?? thanks for your help guys i appreciate it.
    EEEEK, where to start.

    You said you have been lifting around 5 years, right? If this is true, something is very wrong bro, you are only at about 157.5lbs of LBM. and 280lbs bench at that weight? Either you are leaner than 25 percent, you weigh A LOT more than 210, or you bench a lot less than 280lbs, or you are a total freak of nature and should be competing. Somthign isnt adding up.

    Sounds like your diet sucks. Diet is the single most important part of this hobbie, weather you are trying to lean up, put on mass, or both. To me it sounds like you are very sensitive to your diet. Get your diet in check, lift a few more years, then think about gearing up

    Dont even know what to say about the ph thing. You say you took a bunch? What about PCT? And you say you didnt gain much? Hmmmmm.

    You should have still gain SOME assuming you were lifting on the PHs, especially a "bunch" of them.

    Im not sure where I am going with this post....

    Eat a lot, eat clean, lift big, get plenty of rest, you have plenty of natural growth left in you.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    In my opinion its not so much your cronological age but more if your done with puberty. I could grow a full beard in the 7th grade so i decided to start a bit early, but it all depends on when you are done maturing

  31. #31
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hawkeye1877
    In my opinion its not so much your cronological age but more if your done with puberty. I could grow a full beard in the 7th grade so i decided to start a bit early, but it all depends on when you are done maturing
    **** right on the Money. Thats what it is all about. Your hormones have to set. If they have do

    Test Prop 75mg ED wk 1-10
    Var 30mg ED wk 1-6
    Nolva 10mg ED

    Bro PM me if you have any questions. Good luck

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Diet is your problem.

    Fix it, do cardio, magic will happen.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I think that you shouldn't give up when you stop growing cause I think the body just work that way. It won't grow all the time, just continue what you're doing and before you know it you start growing again. Results comes in "cycles".. Sometimes you need to do changes like on the diet etc.. Your so young, there's no way you have reached the platoe yet.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Quote Originally Posted by Stumbo
    EEEEK, where to start.

    You said you have been lifting around 5 years, right? If this is true, something is very wrong bro, you are only at about 157.5lbs of LBM. and 280lbs bench at that weight? Either you are leaner than 25 percent, you weigh A LOT more than 210, or you bench a lot less than 280lbs, or you are a total freak of nature and should be competing. Somthign isnt adding up.

    Sounds like your diet sucks. Diet is the single most important part of this hobbie, weather you are trying to lean up, put on mass, or both. To me it sounds like you are very sensitive to your diet. Get your diet in check, lift a few more years, then think about gearing up

    Dont even know what to say about the ph thing. You say you took a bunch? What about PCT? And you say you didnt gain much? Hmmmmm.

    You should have still gain SOME assuming you were lifting on the PHs, especially a "bunch" of them.

    Im not sure where I am going with this post....

    Eat a lot, eat clean, lift big, get plenty of rest, you have plenty of natural growth left in you.
    Dude you thinking too hard about the LBM and bench thing. It is easily possible. There are a million ways it could work out. He could have chicken legs. Just because your not huge doesn't mean your not strong. Come on you should know that.

    As for the thread starter. You are not in good shape, 25% is way too much. Lose some fat. And there is no way you are platued at 158lbs of LBM. You need to be doing heavy squats, deadlifts, and other lifts. No roids.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    your post def didnt sound very realistic, i saw u said u have used andro n saw no results, i mean i could see creatine but with andro u should def see some type of gains. I would say revamp ur workout compeletly, change it around, reps, weight, exercises EVERYTHING, im sure u will see some gains. And with ur diet ur not going anywhere, people put diet no. 1 on their list,MOST IMPORTANT. if ur not eating right now then what makes u thnk ur gona be able to hold up a diet u would need for a cycle, i would say def dont d o it yet, wait untill ur atleast 21, but what do i know

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    dude if you really wanna know if 19 is too young for you, no one here can tell you that. you would need to see a doctor and he is the only one who can tell if your growth plates are closed and all that stuff. your stat's aren't gonna help anyone make a better decision.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Land of milk and honey.
    I woudl say too young just based on when I stopped growing. I am no body builder but I am 6'4" tall and love all my height, wish I was a couple inches taller. If I was say 5'11" at 19 I would be praying for a couple more inches by 21. Just me though. Anyway, once you stick yourself with a needle or pop that first pill, don't fool yourself it becomes easier and easier after that to fire up cycle after cycle. You got a lot of years ahead of you. I did my first cycle at 32. Don't expect people to wait that long but I would wait 2-3 more years minimum if I were you. I am 34 now. If you do 1 cycle per year you will have done 15 cycles by the time your my age. If you think you won't get hooked then oh well. There are health consequenses to what we all do, moderation is the key.

  38. #38
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    ya everything i said is as accurate as i could have put it. Im right at 210, maybe even a little less now as a matter of fact, and i bench 280 for 3 reps. Its usually my third set on flat bench every week. I dont think theres anything uncommon about that cause my friend weighs like 15 lbs less than me and he can put up 315 like 3-4 times, i work out with him all the time. And what i said about andro is 100 % true, ive taking probably a total of 10 bottles combined of the andro-poppers, 1-ad, androstendione and the andro3diol17 crap and ect. and i never felt like i gained any size from those. I took them when i was between 16-18, and the first week of taking them i would notice an increase in strenth, maybe a little additional pump but that was it, and once i was like two weeks into it i wouldnt feel anything anymore. I know plenty of kids who took those same supplements too that didnt get any results either. Anyways i appreciate all of your advise but i already bought 90 10mg winny tabs and i paid for'em so now i gotta take them. Its only 90 tabs so at 10 mgs ill take 2 a day?? and that will last 60 days. or should i take more or less a day? what should i expect from winny as far as size gains, ive read up on it and i understand that its primarily used by bb's during cutting cycles and it doesnt retain as much water as other AS, but what have those of you that have taken winny tabs (only nothing else) experienced, Again im only taking the winny tabs im not stackin anything else with it so what can you guys tell me from a first hand perspective? thanks again

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    lol bro..i juiced at 17 ..deca ...depo cypo...enant..what i found out that **** all adds up with ma own natural test and made me explode...i have a very fast metabolism..when i stacked the test i got 46 lbs gain..i would say at least 34 lb solid alota ppl well ge da result but i guese cus of a age i did .

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by coke
    lol bro..i juiced at 17 ..deca ...depo cypo...enant..what i found out that **** all adds up with ma own natural test and made me explode...i have a very fast metabolism..when i stacked the test i got 46 lbs gain..i would say at least 34 lb solid alota ppl well ge da result but i guese cus of a age i did .
    Your level of natural test makes no difference since its completely shut down as soon as the synthetic hormone begins to release in your body. Your natty test is zero when you're on, no matter where it was originaly...

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