Im 19 and ive been liftin religiously for 5 years now. lifting is my life and i focus everything i do around lifting. I do everything i can to gain mass and im at the point now where my body refuses to get any bigger. Its very frustrating to me cause i bust my ass in the gym and dont get the results i feel i should. Ive seriously plateud and it pisses me off. Im ready to force my body into getting biggr by juicing. I kno that im not getting any bigger unless i take this route, but i am slightly concerned with the fact that im still a teenager and i read that its bad for teens cause their still developing. but im 19 and will only be a teenager for a few more months but is it really necesary that i wait till im 20 just so im not taking it while im a "teen"? i dont think im gonna get any taller cause i havnt grown in a few years but im concerned that my internal organs may still be developing or something. is this the case, and should i in fact hold off for a while longer, although i really dont want to and unless there is serious reprocussions of taking this stuff at 19 as opposed to 21 than im going to start casue lifting is my life and im tired of busting my ass just to maintain the size ive had for years. any advice guys, i wanted to ask the people that have been there before thats why im posting it here. thanks