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Thread: A Blood Vessel?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    A Blood Vessel?!

    I m starting a cycle and I have heard all this talk about hitting blood vessels while injecting. If i did hit one...what would happen? I know to retract the plunger but what happens if you inject into a vessel. Thanks for any info.
    Last edited by CatGrabber; 04-05-2002 at 04:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you can die,but definately need medical attention,remeber back when pro body builder milos sarcev injected synthol accidently hit into a vein if his wife didnt call the paradecs he would of died,he came close.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Just always retract the plunger, it only takes two sec. and doesn't hurt anything. I cant figure why some guys don't do it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Is it possible to aspirate AND STILL hit a blood vessel? I mean, if you aspirate, but then your hand moves the needle a little bit and the needle goes into to a blood vessel?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Thanks....but given all that...what are the odds of hitting one? Have any of you hit one? And lastly...wont there be blood in the plunger regardless? Thanks again

  6. #6
    I've went through before, pretty common.

    Push the needle in and aspirate, it's not going to go in any further when you push the juice. Injecting is very low risk, just take the precaution and aspirate.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Last cycle, 40+ injects, never hit a vein.

    If you are not in a vein, when you pull back (gently) on the plunger you will usually see a few small bubbles appear in the syringe; that is water vaporising in the vacuum and it disappears as soon as you release the pressure.

    Occasionally, I have pulled a bit too hard and a tiny bit of tissue will get sucked into the syringe, but that's very different form seeing a 'wash' of red come in.

    Don't worry too much; millions of intramuscualr injects are done successfully every day. (Thousands alone by fellow AR members!) Just remember to aspirate and you will be fine.

    One thing that I did when I first started was to keep silently chanting 'aspirate, aspirate' when I was holding the needle and getting ready to inject. The first few times I injected I was so freaked out about the whole injection thing that I forgot to asipirate, so I started to use 'aspirate aspirate' as my injection mantra to keep focussed on the important step...

    (Even though I didn't aspirate I was OK, but I prefer to rely on empirical evidence that I am safe rather than luck...)

    Remember: bubbles--good; red-bad.

    Terinox--I have wondered the same thing myself. I try to put the needle in and then hold it in place with one hand while I press the plunger with the other.
    Last edited by Ajax; 04-06-2002 at 12:39 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I've found blood a few times. It does happen once in awhile. But even that is no big deal. Just pull the syringe out, point the tip down, ( the blood will fall in the syringe) push out the blood, and restick. Then check to see if you did better the second time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I hit a vessel on my last cycle twice on the same injections, but forgot to change the syringe when I tried to re-inject the first time.

    DO NOT make the same mistake i did!

    I gave my self an infection that hurt so much i could barely walk and woz on antibiotics for 2 weeks.

    It fucked my cycle compleatly

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Well I like Tennis God will have to agree, it won't kill you, but it is not a good idea. I have been injecting for several years off and on, and "knock on wood", never hit a blood vessel. However, I did, get some blood sucked into my needle, some kind of way, after I pushed to get the last little gear out of the needle. I think what happened was some of the blood from the initial stick, either fell back into the hole or I sucked some in as I was pulling out or something like that. Didn't really bother me, cause it was after I had pushed my gear thru, and I didn't feel anything pain or light headedness. I did asperate, so I know I was safe. However, Like Terinox said, sometimes, the pin can slip into the muscle further when injecting, and that is my biggest fear. I try my damndest to hold the syringe still, while I push.. Or just push the pin in all the way, and do it like that. All in all, asperate is the keyword here.. It isnt' hard, takes on a sec.

  11. #11
    i think you would know RIGHt when you start to inject into a vein.
    Think of it this way, if you get a cut, and you put Alcohol on it to clean it out, it burts like a Muther f*cker right?
    Well it would be the same way, with the BA content of the gear, you would know wne you start to inject onto your blood stream, it would sting really bad.
    ive gone through veins and it stung, so i pull out and restick.
    all in all, aspirate, and hold someone said, docs do it EVERYday, and to tell the you the truth i dont remember seeing a doc aspirate one time....

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