have any of u guys used products by petspharma in mexico? im about to get some test e an Bold and just curious about the company?
have any of u guys used products by petspharma in mexico? im about to get some test e an Bold and just curious about the company?
never heard of it. although i'm very unfamiliar with mexican gear
These are mexican labs
Fort Dodge
Syd group
Not familliar with pet pharma... not saying it aint legit, just saying as a mexico expert I wouldnt use it unless I had bro's that were already growing off of it...
not tryin to hijack this bro's thread. but what do you think of syd? some ppl swear by it but i thought it was trash. it was **** near the worst mexican gear i've ever used. but like i said some bro's love it. just wanted your .02Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k
ok I like anything from QV expecially thier 50ml bottles of test E and decca and Denkall for great orals ( top of the line in my book ) I like supertest 250 from tornel just because its like getting sust for 3.50 a ML....
Syd group... hmmmn... no man I am gonna have to pass on them, I know they are legit, but I cant in good concience vouch for a company if I havent used them alot.
that dont mean they arent any good...
ok well i was just getting your opinion. seems like you know your mexican gear so i'd figure i would just askOriginally Posted by Danbrooks2k
i ran Pet's Pharma last year.
their EQ is good to go, i'm on their enan350 and their deca300, and their D-Bol. 5th day in on the D-Bol, and i already can't finish my sets.
we'll see how the rest i'm running turns out.
well cool now we all know they are good... thanks Bro...
thanks guys
are you aloud to post lab names? haha
Pet Pharma, along with Animal Poer are 2 new MX dist. that just hit the scene recently. Anabolics 2005 has most of their gear in the color pics to verify authenticity. AP is said to have better security measures but neither company has as of yet had any problems with counterfeits since their so new. As far as lab testing, there hasn't yet been any so you'll just have to go by word of mouth. Personally I'm gonna try gear from both companies, but yeah 2k's got it right about QV and Denkall(although I think Denkall is a bit pricey) being MX's best bets, just watch out for QV counterfeits.
Could you comment more about the QV counterfeits, Crispy? I'm
curious since there are alot of people here who uses that stuff! Thanx!
do you guys have gear shipped from mexico to the US? or do u go down to mexico and bring it back? which is safer?
start your new thread w/ that question... do not hi-jack this one...Originally Posted by Reptile
plus, i think that should be asked via PM bro... (safety for all of us here on this board)
who knows what feds are looking at this board and members who disclose methods of transporting.. use your head... do not jeapordize AR members w/ questions like that.
bump .... what about apex?
Yeah bro I am on a cycle of Pets pharma now of supertest 250 and have gained about 10 pounds in 5 week. It seems to be pretty good ****!
hell yea im gonna take their test 350 with some Eq. looking forward to it
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